The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I finally completed my shield collection! (All guards shields!) I don't get on much any more due to uni work, so traipsing all over Skyrim getting them all was a long journey :) Pictures over in High-res screenshot thread :)


WHAT ROBES ARE THESE! (Just saw them in the HRSS thread)

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OMG I am so annoyed right now! I've wasted loads of time trying to get the Jarl or her steward to offer me a house in Riften but apparently it's never going to happen because I failed one of the town missions.

A ******* dragon killed an NPC that was pivotal to the "Find the Skooma Dealers" mission. Ages ago. There's no way I can rewind to before they were killed.
OMG I am so annoyed right now! I've wasted loads of time trying to get the Jarl or her steward to offer me a house in Riften but apparently it's never going to happen because I failed one of the town missions.

A ******* dragon killed an NPC that was pivotal to the "Find the Skooma Dealers" mission. Ages ago. There's no way I can rewind to before they were killed.

You can spawn NPCs again
Really enjoying Illusion now, I think I will definitely go for most of the perks in Illusion and Conjuration, though I am not too bothered about the higher summons tbh, so might not get all of the conjuration perks, all of the illusion perks look handy though.

Gonna use a few alteration perks as well I think and I have already put a few in restoration.

Doing the thieves Guild quests now and then I will do the Mages, then the Companions, not going to bother with The DB

Illusion is all or nothing. If you don't bother getting the perks to boost its level effectiveness then they'll be completely useless against any high tier enemy.
Hey guys, I've effectively completed the game, finished all major quests (dark brotherhood, nightingales, stormcloaks, thieves guild, winterhold, alduin), and all that's left in my journal is to find the remaining 9 out of 24 barenziah stones to restore the crown of barenziah, find 19 more jazbay grapes, and I want to find the remaining 4 out of 8 dragon priest masks.

There's now no quest markers to help me with these, the only quest markers I have left are more radiant night mother quests and jobs for the thieves guild, but I've done enough of those and since I've completed the main quests for TG and DB, they're kind of pointless to me now. I don't need any more money, enchantments or weapon or armour upgrades as nothing is difficult to kill anymore. I have 5 perks which at the moment I can't find a real need to use as I don't need to make combat any easier. I'm on master difficulty but it feels like adept or even novice at times.

I've perused my map and can find only 7 locations I haven't been to yet, so I'm going to visit them all. But other than that, is there anything in particular I should be doing now to find these things, or just wander around skyrim in the hope of stumbling on these items or new locations not on my map, if there's any left? The only other thing that would be nice to find is the remaining handful of treasure maps.
haha at this mod..

Will run the animation everytime your player stands still. For fun and lots of perving - Player idle fingering animation

Merlin, I'm pretty sure dragon priests are always by dragon word walls (may be wrong).

Shout in a town.
Guy should run up to you telling you where to find more words - can do this through other ways as well
Go find more words :) and hence more masks :)

Merlin, I'm pretty sure dragon priests are always by dragon word walls (may be wrong).

Shout in a town.
Guy should run up to you telling you where to find more words - can do this through other ways as well
Go find more words :) and hence more masks :)


Cheers kd. I never thought to shout unless I'm facing enemies. What shout then? I've a few to choose from. :p Fus roh dah I guess?
I've got a bug!, haven't played for ages

But everytime I go into ANY city I get attacked by the guards, not sure if it's a mod conflicting.
Whirlwind Sprint is quite useful, as you're not particularly likely to attack anyone by doing that...

Neil, it might be that your bounty is high in all the holds...

@Merlin5 I shout in towns a lot - Whirlwind Sprint. I wouldn't recommend Unrelenting Force (Fus Ro Dah) unless you like getting into fights with guards and clocking up fast bounties.

@Neil79 Check to make sure you don't have vampirism. There are some buggy crime issues too, if you reckon you should be clean of crime then give the console commands a try to clear it ( search for 'crime': ).
Thanks topdog fixed it, it was due to me attacking someone in a bar way out of town but a guard attacked me however after that EVERY city attacked me. I reloaded an earlier save and made sure nobody was about and i'm all good now
@Merlin5 I shout in towns a lot - Whirlwind Sprint. I wouldn't recommend Unrelenting Force (Fus Ro Dah) unless you like getting into fights with guards and clocking up fast bounties.

Yeah that occurred to me, so as you suggest, whirlwind would be better. I'll give it a try. I've had plenty of couriers randomly give me letters, but this will be the first time I've tried forcing it, should be fun. :)
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