Hey guys, I've effectively completed the game, finished all major quests (dark brotherhood, nightingales, stormcloaks, thieves guild, winterhold, alduin), and all that's left in my journal is to find the remaining 9 out of 24 barenziah stones to restore the crown of barenziah, find 19 more jazbay grapes, and I want to find the remaining 4 out of 8 dragon priest masks.
There's now no quest markers to help me with these, the only quest markers I have left are more radiant night mother quests and jobs for the thieves guild, but I've done enough of those and since I've completed the main quests for TG and DB, they're kind of pointless to me now. I don't need any more money, enchantments or weapon or armour upgrades as nothing is difficult to kill anymore. I have 5 perks which at the moment I can't find a real need to use as I don't need to make combat any easier. I'm on master difficulty but it feels like adept or even novice at times.
I've perused my map and can find only 7 locations I haven't been to yet, so I'm going to visit them all. But other than that, is there anything in particular I should be doing now to find these things, or just wander around skyrim in the hope of stumbling on these items or new locations not on my map, if there's any left? The only other thing that would be nice to find is the remaining handful of treasure maps.
I love that spell, it helped me out quite a lot in finding the correct walking path when my route was blocked by rocky mountains. I'll certainly try it again, but I suspect king damager is correct, it needs quests to work and I'm sure it won't even work for my jazbay grapes and stones of barenziah quests as they have to be found by searching and doing other quests.
I've about 30 jazbay grapes hoarded.. typically whenever I visited an alchemists, I bought up every ingredient under ~30 gold, every 'rare' ingredient regardless of price (daedra hearts, though I have about 30 of those too now, void salts, ectoplasm, etc.) and these count towards quests whenever I've needed them though I don't have the quest you refer to (yet). I pick up some stuff when travelling too of course, but I reckon half or more of those grapes have been shop bought.
Barenziah's I'm up to 20/24 so far, apart from a few that were in odd places the rest can usually be found it seems in palaces, (some player purchased) homes, and wizard's quarters. I still have 1/3 of the main quest line to go if not more, and haven't started dark brotherhood, but apart from that I'm about done I think now. Oh I still need another dragon mask too. I think I'm done on daedric lord quests now though aside from finding a suitable candidate still to sacrifice to boethiah. I might take one of the undeserving orc wimps over for that who got beat by a wizard in a brawl!
Somewhere I have to glean another 20 levels though before the game finale (just because I want to), so I'll probably crank out some skills for those.
Long story short though; I think maybe I've just run into more game content on my travels in order to amass the quests and quest items I have.. is it possible you've not got some markers on your map simply because you haven't been close enough to them? Any areas of the map that look sort of bald of locations? If so I'd just pick one at the end of a canyon/valley of no landmarks to fast travel to, then ride right down the middle of it looking for undiscovered locations. That's like how I played; allowing myself to be constantly sidetracked into discovering and exploring every location that popped onto the map as I headed somewhere.
Edit: Saying that, I still have 7 'shout' levels to unlock before I finish the game as well. Have more dragon souls than I'll ever need for them, but it's odd actually I still have that many walls to find (plus the learning of dragonrend) given everything else I've done - maybe that's what I'll get stuck on finding
Hold on to those jazbay grapes then, you'll need them shortly after you leave the largest location in the game. Ah, well I've got 5 houses still as miscellaneous quests to buy but haven't bothered to buy any of them, never felt the need. I've got enough money though so I might as well if there's barenziah stones in some of them. Yeah I've got about 5 spare daedra hearts which I'll probably not use now. Shame because it wasn't long ago where I was all excited when I found one, as they're so rare, but I don't need to make any more daedric gear really.
Hmm, It's hard to say if there's bald patches as such, but I'd say my map is fairly evenly and densely populated. Perhaps a little thin in the area between riften to ivarstead, but above that there's tons of places. But like you, I did a lot of side quests and general exploration before getting stuck into the main storylines. But I've still no idea if there's tons more unmapped locations or not. After playing for 3 months and having done pretty much everything major in the game, I can't imagine there'd be tons, but perhaps there's still quite a few to find.
I happily found my 5th mask tonight (good mask, lets me breathe underwater indefinitely, increases prices by 20% and increases my carry weight by 20 pts) by exploring a location on my map,
volskygge, which also has a word wall and gave me part 3 of the whirlwind shout
and not with any quest set. Then I fast travelled to dragon bridge and did the whirlwind shout and nothing happened until I went to a main town. I went to solitude and sure enough, a courier came up to me. So king damager, it worked, Hopefully this will give me my 6th mask.
I'd already learnt it by other means by the time I got there, but if you follow the main quest line until clear skies / throat of the world, you'll get an opportunity to learn at least part of fire breath then.
Yeah, I think it might have to be in main towns to get the courier, or you may have to be in a main town. But I'm pretty sure it's a scripted response, so should work every time ( he says) Otherwise, I think the Greybeards or Blades may be able to help you out. There's always someone who can point you towards a Dragon Wall...
I do really need to get into the side quests and exploration side of it though. Also need to pick up the dragon masks. But my theory is I've 'semi-completed' the game once I've done all the Steam achievements... Still need to get married and do 10 side quests (amongst other things)....
Oh, as a bit of a spoiler/place to get daedric arrows:
I've found the 'Fletcher' store in Solitude tends to frequently have a good stash of Daedric arrows...
Also, found a Daedric Greatsword in a chest last night Was dead chuffed, although, my Daedric warhammer is preferred... Also oddly, my 2h weapons, I simply can't get up to the same damage stats as my 1h weapons... My Daedric sword is massively more powerful than my Warhammer, despite improving at exactly the same time, with the same enchantments/armour equipped... Same confusion over my Dragon Light Armour providing better defensive stats than my Daedric armour...
Weapon damage is a factor of your skill in that weapon and any worn mods, so I could equip a 2h weapon in which I have low experience/abilities and only get 40ish damage on it, whereas the same style weapon (e.g. Daedric) 1h I'll have 118 on it; because I worked up 1h to 100 skill and have some 1h damage mods worn. Perks also affect it. I had 4 spare to spend, so dropped them all into 1h to bring it to 4/5 and now my 118 dmg jumps to 213.
Just did an 'exploration run' (deliberately picking a Fast Travel spot that wasn't near my objective so I had to cross a bald patch of land to get there) and found 4 new undiscovered locations Just when you thought Skyrim was safe.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMnvHuoYOt4
The annoying part is going to be those locations I *had* to run past in my earlier days putting them as white (visited) icons on my map, such as legging it halfway across the country with the Companions, when I haven't actually been inside those areas yet. I probably have about a dozen like that on my map, so I'll have to purge/clear some if I ever run out of cross-country runs to do.
I'd already learnt it by other means by the time I got there, but if you follow the main quest line until clear skies / throat of the world, you'll get an opportunity to learn at least part of fire breath then.
Does anyone else have the bug in the Thieves Guild questline where they cannot give items like the mask/cowl and the falmer eye to the guy for money? It's apparently a glitch because I handed the items to him in the wrong order
Yeah, I think it might have to be in main towns to get the courier, or you may have to be in a main town. But I'm pretty sure it's a scripted response, so should work every time ( he says) Otherwise, I think the Greybeards or Blades may be able to help you out. There's always someone who can point you towards a Dragon Wall...
I do really need to get into the side quests and exploration side of it though. Also need to pick up the dragon masks. But my theory is I've 'semi-completed' the game once I've done all the Steam achievements... Still need to get married and do 10 side quests (amongst other things)....
Oh, as a bit of a spoiler/place to get daedric arrows:
I've found the 'Fletcher' store in Solitude tends to frequently have a good stash of Daedric arrows...
Also, found a Daedric Greatsword in a chest last night Was dead chuffed, although, my Daedric warhammer is preferred... Also oddly, my 2h weapons, I simply can't get up to the same damage stats as my 1h weapons... My Daedric sword is massively more powerful than my Warhammer, despite improving at exactly the same time, with the same enchantments/armour equipped... Same confusion over my Dragon Light Armour providing better defensive stats than my Daedric armour...
Yeah, the shout worked once but I've had no luck since. It could still be a delayed reaction though as the wiki says 'Using a dragon shout in public view can increase the probability of a contact with the Courier; after doing so, he will usually appear some time later with a letter'.
I'll go visit the greybeards again. Only 2 more dragon priest masks to find now!
Regarding weapon power, this is my take on it, and is basically echoing what topdog said.
I think a big part of it is what strength of blacksmith potions you use (if you used any) at the time when you're actually improving your armour and weapons before enchanting them. For instance, although I created my own fortify smithing potions, they only gave about 17 or 18% improvement, so I never really used them, and I always searched out blacksmiths elixir which gives the highest improvements. If you however fortify 1H gear with more potent potions (like say 50% elixir) than your 2H (like say 40% philter or 30% draught or 20% potion or perhaps none), then you can end up with more powerful 1H weapons and armour.
Also, the perks come into play as well. Unlocking more of the main 1H perk (armsman) than the main 2H perk (barbarian) can make your 1H weapons more powerful than your 2H, especially if as above, you had already fortified your 1H weapons with stronger potions. For me, I've unlocked 5/5 armsman and 5/5 barbarian, plus some of the other perks in those skills.
Then I made 3 pieces of dedicated, fortified and enchanted apparel per weapon type which I permanently carry, favourited, and switch between depending on the combat situation I'm faced with. For 1H, for 2H and for Archery, they each have their own necklace, ring and pair of gauntlets. Each piece I then enchanted with damage fortification.
So for instance, for 2H weapons, I always equip:
'Merlin's 2H Necklace' enchanted with 'two handed weapons do 18% more damage'
'Merlin's 2H ring (same again)
'Merlin's 2H gauntlets' enchanted with 'two handed weapons do 27% more damage'
giving me 224 damage on the daedric warhammer when wearing all those.
For 1H, same deal (daedric sword gives 179 damage wearing all three pieces of fortified/enchanted 1H apparel), and for archery, same deal (bows do more damage) and daedric bows then do 207 damage. Although I did later on find a couple of rings already enchanted for archery and 1H with an even better 35% improvement on each (ring of extreme archery and ring of extreme wielding) than the rings I made, so of course I wear them instead.
Haha, I haven't bothered enchanting armour to increase weapon damage - don't find I really need it yet, but I might create some 2h stuff as I've dumped more perks into 1h than 2h, so it might balance it out I guess
Haha, I haven't bothered enchanting armour to increase weapon damage - don't find I really need it yet, but I might create some 2h stuff as I've dumped more perks into 1h than 2h, so it might balance it out I guess
Yeah, and I guess it also depends on what difficulty setting you're playing at as to whether you feel the need to make more powerful weapons. At the same time, you have to be careful, because combat can become too easy once weapons go over about 150 damage. I do love all my weapon fire enchantments though, it's visually satisfying to see the yellow flames landing on enemies getting scorched when being sliced, diced, pulped and arrowed.
Just did an 'exploration run' (deliberately picking a Fast Travel spot that wasn't near my objective so I had to cross a bald patch of land to get there) and found 4 new undiscovered locations Just when you thought Skyrim was safe.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMnvHuoYOt4
The annoying part is going to be those locations I *had* to run past in my earlier days putting them as white (visited) icons on my map, such as legging it halfway across the country with the Companions, when I haven't actually been inside those areas yet. I probably have about a dozen like that on my map, so I'll have to purge/clear some if I ever run out of cross-country runs to do.
Ah yeah, my map looks the same as yours, and I've done those places. I was wondering why your hands and weapons were being duplicated in red like a double image, then realised youtube had enabled 3D, so I turned if off.
Must look awesome in 3D. I've got some old cinema 3D glasses, but I don't suppose they'd work for that video.
I never came across that dragonbane weapon yet, where did you find it?
Dragonbane was laying around @ the Wall of Alduin, in a side room.
Youtube's 3D works quite well with different setups, if you have red/cyan glasses they should work with it fine, but it's a limited form of 3D. If you can muster up the eye muscles to go cross-eyed or parallel (I do the latter) you can also try the 'no-glasses' methods.. without practice on pictures first though it can be hard to remain focused on a movie whilst doing so. It will also out of necessity be very small (full screen would require you to stand ~6-8 feet away from the monitor to be able to pull your eyes that far). That method works as well as the active/passive glasses in terms of fidelity, just a pity it has to be viewed so small that way.
All these types of RPGs are fantastic (DragonAge, Witcher, and this) in 3D.. couldn't play them any other way now, flattened into 2D just looks so wrong and forced!
Damn I have a massive urge to start playing this again, like many I sunk an ungodly amount of hours into it when it came out and then got bored.
I have a sneaky archer type dude but really want to try a different class from fresh again. Thinking a heavy armour 2 hander dude? Or maybe duel wield. I havent done like any melee combat in this, is it still fun?
Damn I have a massive urge to start playing this again, like many I sunk an ungodly amount of hours into it when it came out and then got bored.
I have a sneaky archer type dude but really want to try a different class from fresh again. Thinking a heavy armour 2 hander dude? Or maybe duel wield. I havent done like any melee combat in this, is it still fun?
I can't say much about heavy armour, and I'm only just starting to try 2H. Duel wield is quite a bit of fun, but also a bit of a challenge, takes some time to get used to. You're also quite prone to getting demolished if you go into groups of people, because you have no kind of shield/restoration spell. However it is certainly good fun, and just make sure you've got plenty of healing spells on tap or some great armour
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