The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

How does that Orc build work vs magic?

I might have another go of Skyrim as an Alteration/Conjuration pure mage.

seems ok to me just started an orc two handed nutter.

nice change from my stealth throat slitter.

the berserker rage is epic though clearing out imperial forts with one power attack per man :D
That actually sounds appealing as I've ever only played characters who rely on just running into the middle of battle and swinging a sword.

I'd like an assassin type of character who can be lethal with a bow but also decent with swords up close.

Khajit is the best for this then?

Gimmie tips people! :P
I am sticking to my sneaky-type Bosmer atm, level 24 and have so far resisted putting many perk points in to combat trees(2 in to One-Handed, because I want the dual-wield speed bonus), but I do put a bit of training in to block. Playing as an Alchemist/Archer who dual-wields when it gets manic. Will probably level one-handed and block a bit from now on though, as my archery is already pretty powerful, but a mob can easily overrun me.

I have put all other points in to Archery, Alchemy, Light armour and Sneak. Also, I prefer the game without smithing tbh, I am only using gear I find or buy and only use smithing to improve it. I seem to be levelling speech really quickly as well...level 60 already!
So I should go like this (In no order)

Pickpocket, archery, sneak, some one handed

But where do I draw the line on these? I imagine I max sneak first?
Well 1 handed and archery would be good too :).

I would get the 1st level perk in each of them (sneak, 1 handed, archery), as it gives a 20% bonus, after that the increments are only +5% more.
Hmmmm, Thief probably. I guess you will be softening up the enemy with bow, then moving in for the kill with 1 handed weapons. Also your sneak will go up quicker with Thief.

Although I must admit I found it a bit easy sneaking + archery. Taking down even really tough enemies in a few shots. Though if you get detected and cornered you are screwed :). Might be worth training light armour so you can get few of the perks.

after that the increments are only +5% more.
And that is rubbish, dunno what I was thinking when I typed that. Only sneak is like that. Archery and 1H go up 20,40,60,80,100, but still worth getting 1st level early.
Finishing them off in close quarters doesn't tend to work in practice. One of them will always be underleveled (more than likely One Handed because long range sneak attacks are overpowered and can kill everything with ease).

Chances are you'll end up using archery most of the time and then struggle to have the damage potential to do close range combat. Unless you try to avoid that by training the other up to a higher level.
I am level 25 atm, and have almost maxed sneak and archery....a deadly combination! I am not far off alchemy as well, which I am finding to be really fun. As I am not levelling one-handed/block much, the fortify potions come in very handy(especially block, as I haven't put any perks in that). You will probably want to level light armour a bit as well, or you will get decimated if you get mobbed.

Just had an epic battle with a blood dragon...right when I didn't need it tbh, luckily a slow poison works quite well on dragons I I used Lydia as a tank whilst using unrelenting force whenever it looked like she was gonna get killed to give her a chance to heal.





Oh, and this guy has had a few too many!


Chances are you'll end up using archery most of the time and then struggle to have the damage potential to do close range combat. Unless you try to avoid that by training the other up to a higher level.

This is somewhat true of my game tbh, though I haven't trained any skills apart from a bit in block(finding my skills levelling really quickly for some reason). I do not do nearly enough damage to effectively fight dual-wielding, so will probably start putting points in to one-handed a bit now. Also I am hampered a bit by not using smithing at all, so my armour/weapons are really underpowered.
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Got this game a few weeks ago and love it! So much to do!

Having one problem though, after about 20 minutes into the game it starts to lag a lot when I'm outside, it has only started doing this recently. The only mod I have is the official Hi-Res pack.

I looked on Afterburner at my 470's VRAM and it was using the full amount, is it that during the 20 minutes its piling up data into VRAM until it can't take anymore and it starts to lag?
Hmmmm, Thief probably. I guess you will be softening up the enemy with bow, then moving in for the kill with 1 handed weapons. Also your sneak will go up quicker with Thief.

Although I must admit I found it a bit easy sneaking + archery. Taking down even really tough enemies in a few shots. Though if you get detected and cornered you are screwed :). Might be worth training light armour so you can get few of the perks.

And that is rubbish, dunno what I was thinking when I typed that. Only sneak is like that. Archery and 1H go up 20,40,60,80,100, but still worth getting 1st level early.

Cheers guys.

I am certainly finding that I use my bow a lot more than I first thought, but I can't complain as I find it really good fun.

What sort of armor should I look at using? Is it worth leveling smithing?

I am level 25 atm, and have almost maxed sneak and archery....a deadly combination! I am not far off alchemy as well, which I am finding to be really fun. As I am not levelling one-handed/block much, the fortify potions come in very handy(especially block, as I haven't put any perks in that). You will probably want to level light armour a bit as well, or you will get decimated if you get mobbed.

Just had an epic battle with a blood dragon...right when I didn't need it tbh, luckily a slow poison works quite well on dragons I I used Lydia as a tank whilst using unrelenting force whenever it looked like she was gonna get killed to give her a chance to heal.

This is somewhat true of my game tbh, though I haven't trained any skills apart from a bit in block(finding my skills levelling really quickly for some reason). I do not do nearly enough damage to effectively fight dual-wielding, so will probably start putting points in to one-handed a bit now. Also I am hampered a bit by not using smithing at all, so my armour/weapons are really underpowered.

Thats the thing, the bonus from levelling Light Armour is almost insignificant compared to the bonus from the perks and without Smithing you will NEVER achieve a value high enough to genuinely extend your life in close combat. With all relevant perks you can get a decent amount with the top tier armour (though Glass won't appear in merchants inventory till late game and Dragonscale obviously never will without smithing) but it won't be enough to give more than maybe 50% damage resistance. Course this is just a guess, can't remember the exact values now, especially without Smithing involved.

I only really used Slow on Snow Bears and I found it to be utterly useless against them. It didn't seem to make the slightest difference in there move speed; certainly not enough to actually have a chance at getting away from them or prevent them lunge-chaining you. Dragons does sound like it could be useful though, especially as it has a very long duration so you've got nothing to lose.

I suppose without abusing smithing (ie Iron Daggers) to get very strong improvements the damage on sneak attacks will be a little less overpowered and may actually benefit from (Lingering) Damage Health poisons rather than being a rather weak side effect. You can get truly broken levels of Fortify effects though, particularly with the Fortify Marksman potions being broken (least they were).
What sort of armor should I look at using? Is it worth leveling smithing?

And the award for silliest question of the thread goes to :p

Smithing is without a doubt totally broken unless you use it very sparingly (Did they fix the whole Iron Dagger thing? Sure I saw a mention that they changed how the Smithing tree levelled). Once you start getting the top tier upgrades your damage will rocket up, particularly on ranged sneak attacks.

As for armour. Light armour is more 'rogue' like but if you use the Steed Stone (100 carry capacity and makes worn armour weightless) I don't think your armour has any effect on your sneaking ability so you can use heavy armour without issue. Don't quote me on that though. I'd still say stick to light armour if you are genuinely trying to play a stealth character since its just more fitting.
If I shouldn't use smithing I'm not sure where else I can buy better light armor from. Just wearing leather/fur stuff at the moment.

EDIT: I'm confused. Are you saying I shouldn't level smithing?
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If I shouldn't use smithing I'm not sure where else I can buy better light armor from. Just wearing leather/fur stuff at the moment.

EDIT: I'm confused. Are you saying I shouldn't level smithing?

Its a catch 22.

You need to level it to avoid having to buy Elven/Glass Armour and Weapons, you also need it to produce Dragonscale Armour.
But if you do that, you end up being able to improve your weapons that much that it tends to trivialise things.
Course you can avoid that by just not improving your weapons/armour (except to sell) but the lower tier ones aren't quite so overpowering.
Its a catch 22.

You need to level it to avoid having to buy Elven/Glass Armour and Weapons, you also need it to produce Dragonscale Armour.
But if you do that, you end up being able to improve your weapons that much that it tends to trivialise things.
Course you can avoid that by just not improving your weapons/armour (except to sell) but the lower tier ones aren't quite so overpowering.

I've got a lot of iron bars/ores... Should I just level smithing as much as I can and any level points I get off it put them into smithing or is that a bad idea?

I am going the route of not smithing any armour at all, and have just put the first perk in to smithing to improve weapons and armour a bit more. So I will only use what I can find(or maybe buy). Luckily I found some Rangers Armour earlier which I am quite happy with so that will do me for a while, and Thieves/DB is not the worst either. tbh playing as a sneaky archer I don't really need the best armour, so it is a suitable technique for the playstyle really. It would be nigh on impossible to play as a full-on warrior without smithing at all.

I am planning to eventually make the Leather Dragon Armour(from Deadly dragons) which only requires the first smithing perk, and is much more powerful than anything I could otherwise smith(I have already made the bracers). This is balanced however by the components needed, which means you would need to kill around 8 dragons just for the bracers alone, so it is a bit of effort to get.
I just don't want to mess up the balance of the game or anything but I do want some decent armor. Got about 107 iron bars, I guess I could go crazy on iron daggers? :p
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