The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Sounds of skyrim will only add sound files, so you should be ok to add and remove it.

RLWC i have no idea what that is :).

There is a horrible issue with Sounds of Skyrizzle, when you uninstall it 9 times out of 10 it causes massive save game bloat, which results in a faster corruption of your save. :(
Yeah lots of people have had issues with Sounds of Skyrim. I stay clear of it tbh.

I stay clear of most mods like it, it only adds new music which is good I guess for some people, but I barely pay attention to the music anyway so why risk game instability and memory strain by putting something like that on it. Maluka main menu song though... hell yes!
Such a shame he has stopped updating it :(

Google really screwed him over again.

I think that has been resolved... the ad's are back anyway, and he has been releasing Fallout updates, so hopefully more Skyrim will follow.

Those need to be in HI-RES screenshots thread, Skyrim is probably the best looking game out there at the moment!

Ha - when I posted in there people said put them in the Skyrim thread... can't win :p


How do I set up ENB to get my game to look like that? I normally don't like people's ENB setups (very blurry, eye-meltingly colourful or badly oversaturised) but that's awesome!

@redline also would like to know to get my game like yours, It looks fabulous!

Thanks :) When I'm sure it works well in most circumstances I'll upload the finished config... and I agree a lot of configs are way over the top, but each to their own; this is the beauty of ENB.

My starting point was TV_ENB which is superb, but can be a bit too moody for some tastes... I've changed pretty much everything, but it still retains a little spirit of trillville's work.

Check it out...
hia chaps im after a skyrim.ini and skyrim prefs.ini for max details etc. if anyone has one/knows of one.

one that fixes bitty flickering shadows and removes generally all console settings from the game
started new game and gone over to climates and projectENB (after a recommendation from an above post)

Complete game changer (especially the ENB)

Now properly using the cards Ive got, pushes them very hard but its worth it. i recommend it to everyone on here.

In May, ZeniMax filed a trademark for the term "Hearthfire," which is equivalent to the month September on the Tamrielic calendar. Although the company claimed ownership over this term a couple of months ago, it is likely that the rumor mill is churning again since September is almost here.

Perhaps a new "Skyrim" DLC will be unveiled next month? ZeniMax claimed ownership over the term "Dawnguard" in April, roughly about two to three months before the DLC was released last June. The trademark for "Hearthfire" was filed in late May, and if Bethesda announces new DLC content next month, it will be a similar time frame.
Just picked this up. Started off with an imperial and went to Riverwood and killed a load of people, thinking I am not supposed to do that :P Do I need to start again? I cant talk to some guy in Riverwood it seems so I went some Imperial place went jail come out and stole a horse. Think I should calm down but I cant help but attack everything I see :D
Just picked this up. Started off with an imperial and went to Riverwood and killed a load of people, thinking I am not supposed to do that :P Do I need to start again? I cant talk to some guy in Riverwood it seems so I went some Imperial place went jail come out and stole a horse. Think I should calm down but I cant help but attack everything I see :D

Sell game
Sell PC

Join military.
I attacked a chicken in Riverwood and the whole town chased me as though I had murdered one of their kin. Lol what gives the chicken is going to be killed for food anyways.
I attacked a chicken in Riverwood and the whole town chased me as though I had murdered one of their kin. Lol what gives the chicken is going to be killed for food anyways.

It's also funny because animals act as witnesses to crimes. I killed a chicken in front of a yak (no one else even in the street) and a few seconds later gaurds were chasing me :(
It's also funny because animals act as witnesses to crimes. I killed a chicken in front of a yak (no one else even in the street) and a few seconds later gaurds were chasing me :(

That's realism, a dog was the key witness in the OJ Simpson trial, sadly though it was poisoned with chocolate and didn't make the hearing.

Just put a basket on the Yak's head next time.
Is this game riddled with bugs or am I being dense?

Ive got some Misc quests that seem to be stuck?

I've got a dragon bone and a dragon scale to give to Esbern, he took them but the quest is still there.. but completed, why is it still there?

Some of the quests I can't go to, you can normally highlight and click the quest and press M and will go there on the map, but it just makes a "Dum!* sound ?? no marker identified!
Right I am 50 or so hours in, enjoying it, one handed and descruction in the other, am I missing something or is there no easy way to tell from books and things, especially spell tomes, but can you tell which spell you already know, and which you haven't learned yet, within a shop menu?
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