The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I guess it's aimed at the console market as they don't have modding tools.

A lot of the PS3 players are a bit miffed at the moment considering the next piece of DLC has already been announced and given a release date whereas they don't even have a release date for Dawnguard yet.
Guys, im level 50 with a warrior type character, but id like to also start a mage this possible?

What I mean is, can I have two characters? or will it overwrite it?
It's easily possible to have multiple characters. The only saves that will be over written are the auto saves. You will notice when you hover over your saves in the menu it will display information of the character on that save, that information being race, level and location, which you can use to identify which save is which character.

E: Just make sure to create a new save and not over write your existing ones.
I upgraded from a 4890 to a 7850 yesterday, cranks the medium settings up to high on everything, and i must admit i am not noticing much visual improvements, i have a steam version with the upgraded texture pack. Guess i need to get modding ubless i am missing something obvious in the settings after I upgraded the video card.

It really doesn't look particuarly different at all.
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is there an equivalent of nvidia inspector you can use, because that contains a lot of further crank ups. Also, does ENB work on your cards, because of it does, try that too.
Just discovered the gem of a rainmeter skin that is the Skyrim skin! This looks amazing when you've configured it!


Just need to scale up the magicka/stamina bars/level up bars to the 1080p in game scale and i'll be sorted!

Wouldnt mind trying that out, got a link? :)

edit: Nevermind, found it!
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Hearthfire is better than anything a modder could dream to ever create, it also adds tons of new resources in the game for modders to use in new mods, as did Dawnguard, and costs £3.

Skyrim DLC's are the best value for money out there, there are now thousands of mods you can't use without Dawnguard, so you get more than just the huge new areas and quests.

Feel sorry for the PS3 users though, but it's there fault for buying a rubbish convulted console.
There are much better Nightingale cosplays out there. $4,000 is a total rip off, you can get the CoG/Master Chief Armor for a fraction of that. Hell it doesn't even look like the armor. It looks like some terrible Power Ranger outfit.

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I upgraded from a 4890 to a 7850 yesterday, cranks the medium settings up to high on everything, and i must admit i am not noticing much visual improvements, i have a steam version with the upgraded texture pack. Guess i need to get modding ubless i am missing something obvious in the settings after I upgraded the video card.

It really doesn't look particuarly different at all.

download the skyrim mods from Nexus modding...High Def everything from faces to animals to flora to dungeons :D
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