The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Anyone else still getting a low fps issue? I emerge from a dungeon (where I was getting 60FPS constant) and it drops to 6 FPS. I have to quit the game to desktop and reload to get it back to normal. Brand new OS install, latest drivers and game version.
Are you using an ENB ?

Sorry I should really have said that, yes! ENB0.119, with Seasons of Skyrim preset. I'm also running CoT and about 6GB of textures, so I shouldn't complain too much really!

Hey chaps, with my apologies in advance if this is a bit off-topic, is anyone here running Skyrim with ENB and high resolution texture mods and achieving 60fps? If so what're your specs? My poor 480 can only sustain 30fps (with infrequent but significant stuttering, presumably when it runs out of VRAM) so I'm musing an upgrade. I've taken a quick look through this thread and ToejaMz0r seems to get good performance with a 3GB 7970 but I'm open to discussion

My setup:
2500K @ 4.7GHz
8GB @ 1600MHz C8
ASUS GTX 480 1.5GB at stock clocks

No AA, FXAA enabled
All Detail options as high as they'll go
All view distance sliders maxed out
Serious HD retexture
Skyrim HD 2K
ENB with bokeh DOF, Chromatic abberation and colour correction

I'm running a very similar setup, except on a GTX670 and I get ~40FPS in most places, but it drops to 28 ish in forested areas, due to the ENB and texture mods I'm running. Need to OC to get a couple extra frames.
Sorry I should really have said that, yes! ENB0.119, with Seasons of Skyrim preset. I'm also running CoT and about 6GB of textures, so I shouldn't complain too much really!

That's asking a lot of a single 670. However, there is one thing you can try. In the enbseries.ini, go to framlimiter, change 'false' to 'true' and set fps t0 40 / 50 ish. That helps my rig go smoother.

Also, I had a problem a month or so ago where I was going into a new area and the fps went down to something chronic. A re install of the drivers solved it. Don't know why though. Not a clue.
It was modded out skyrim that gave me the, probably daft itch, to go SLI 670s. I now run skyrim maxed out with lots of hd texture packs and enb ( seasons of skyrim). It looks absolutely incredible, and I get 60fps 95% of the time. Only time it struggles a bit is in some forested areas where it can go down to about 55 and can stutter the odd bit.

My enb setting are further customised myself (gets too addictive messing with them!) but I have all the bells and whistles on except SSAO, which does hurt performance a bit for not massive gains to my eye.
+1 for Seasons of Skyrim. Also have same problem in forests, particularly that one outside of Morthal where you go to change back into a human after getting sick of being a vampire.

I've been ok for 3 weeks until I decided to join the storm cloaks. Battle for Whiterun - freezes. No installing or removing mods whatsoever.

Gives you some pause for thought when you read PC Gamers review of Dawnguard. Their closing sentence - 'one thing that Beth don't do very well is quality control'.

Sometimes, it's not something you've done (mods or alike), it's just buggy as you know what. if they could stop the ctd's and the freezes, this would be the best PC game in history.
+1 for Seasons of Skyrim. Also have same problem in forests, particularly that one outside of Morthal where you go to change back into a human after getting sick of being a vampire.

I've been ok for 3 weeks until I decided to join the storm cloaks. Battle for Whiterun - freezes. No installing or removing mods whatsoever.

Gives you some pause for thought when you read PC Gamers review of Dawnguard. Their closing sentence - 'one thing that Beth don't do very well is quality control'.

Sometimes, it's not something you've done (mods or alike), it's just buggy as you know what. if they could stop the ctd's and the freezes, this would be the best PC game in history.

Ha, funny you should mention that. That's the exact question and location I was thinking of when I quoted 28FPS (I did that quest last night - poor Hroggar! :D).

SLI 670s is tempting believe me, but I have about £40 to my name right now. Oh well, only need £300 more :D
Something I learned last night that considering how long I've been playing the game would account for the number of crashes - BOSS is not incorporated into NMM.

Only reason I found this out was the crashes I was having in Windhelm could not be explained by dirty save games. I hadn't took any mods off.

So ran BOSS, and load order completely changed. Weirdly, fps seemed to be a lot smoother too.
I've heard of this BOSS, what is it exactly?

Touch wood, 10 hours into this mage play through and not a single crash. Had a couple of weird FPS plumits but that's due to the ENB and 7GB of texture mods.
A neat little prog that arranges your mods the the load order lead likely to cause crashes. When I did some reading into the subject, those seasoned to Bethesda games (this is my first) promote load order as THE most likely cause of crashes and lock ups before borked save files. I always thought NMM took care of it, but it doesn't. A lot of my mods that were towards the top of the load order have been moved to the bottom.

You can get it on the nexus, and I highly recommend it anyone who spends a lot of time on the game to run it.

On a different note, I really hope someone converts that UNP leather clothes on the nexus to CBBE.
Hehe CBBE is great :D

So should I be safe by using BOSS 10 hours in? I have my 'unofficial skyrim patch' at the top of the list as it should, along with any other recommended ordering in readmes etc.
If it was me, I wouldn't touch anything unless you start getting problems. Theoretically, you're not taking any scripts out of the save, you're just changing the order they're loaded in, so it wouldn't cause a problem. However, if it aint broke, don't fix it.
Oooo I will count my pennies and see what I can do, spent my first play though messing about loads and only did the dark hand stuff.

Any excuse to play though it again!
Well got dawnguard for £7.35 and downloading it now!

Probably need to start a new character as my werwolf probably isnt the best for the new content...
I always end up starting a new character when dlc is released. It kind of defeats the purpose of the new content in a way, as I either do not get round to doing it, or it just gets lost in the main game and doesn't seem like much. Same with Fallout New Vegas. I started new game for each piece of dlc, but did not play any of them!
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