Well got dawnguard for £7.35 and downloading it now!
Probably need to start a new character as my werwolf probably isnt the best for the new content...
Nice. I may download it eventually, or will wait until all DLC is out and get a bundle.
Well got dawnguard for £7.35 and downloading it now!
Probably need to start a new character as my werwolf probably isnt the best for the new content...
So do people actually play 100 hours on this, I've played 40 and finished the main quest and only really see myself playing for another 10 or so fighting the dragon priests. I have too many games to finish I suppose.
First playthrough was 170hours, then I got 60 hours into a second but got distracted by another game. The game updated, and outdated mods broke my saves, so I started again on a fresh install with new mods and now 35 hours in. I will EASILY hit 200 hours this play through. I thought I discovered everywhere last time, but I've already discovered quite a few places I hadn't before.
The good thing about this game is you can get out of it what you want. You could complete the main quest in 10 hours and be done, but you'd miss 95% of the games content.
Yeh I get that there is a lot of content but with so many games to play I coulda justify spending 100+ on it. DA origins was my most played at 60 hours. What I might do is move on after the Dragon Priests but leave it installed for the odd hour of playing here and there.
Well you can do two things;
example 1) buy 10 games, £25 each, £250. Get 20 hours out of each and never touch them again, that's 200 hours for £250.
2) buy 1 game you enjoy, that has a lot of content or great multiplayer, also for £25 and play it for 200 hours, that's 200 hours for £25.
I'd rather do 2, but sadly 1 isn't even half of the backlog I have, damn sales.
Well I usually buy games at far less than £25 but as long as I handn't spent too much, scenario 1 would be preferable because I'd have experienced more games. Now I'm not saying I'd play RPGs on the scale of Skyrim for 10-20 hours but I think 50 hours is plenty, wouldn't u say?
50 hours is alright, but with all the mods and side content, you're really doing yourself a disservice by skipping it all, and you could save a ton of money too as if you enjoy Skyrim you could probably get 10x that.
Over the last 4 months I've grabbed nearly a hundred games from sales and bundles, yet have played less than 30 of them and have only about 10 games that I actually put more than an hour or two in, so I'm definitely a 2 from now on.
Heck Black Mesa for example is free and has many, many hours worth of gameplay.
Lol that's my point tho, I've also bought some games just because they were cheap but I think a combination of only buying sale games you actually want to play then dividing 300 hours over say 8-10 games rather than just 1, means you get to play a few games maybe not in as much depth but you get decent depth.
Well luckily most games today have anywhere between 5-30 hours of content so you can do that, especially with the PC platform and all the sales, you get your monies value with them now as opposed a full price game that gives you 20 hours.
Really though it boils down to what kind of gamer you are. I personally much, much prefer spending 100+ hours in one game I really enjoy and get immersed in than spreading that 100 across many.
So how I have a hundred games backlogged though is anyone's guess, I'm an idiot really.
Yeh I get where you are coming from, yeh I hardly ever buy a game for more than £10, the exception was Mass Effect 3 which I payed full price and played for 30 but I'll give that a 2nd play through sometime. The only game I played several times was MGS1 which I played 4 times, I just think there are so many great games out there and I'd like to play a good number of them