The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I must be doing something wrong level wise, I am only 45 and I've completed the DB, Thieves, the MQ and both DLC as well as many random quests. Only a few of my skills have reached 100.

Is it really possible to reach high levels through normal play?
I dont think it is. It takes an eternity of spamming to get up up to 100 without trainers. And then you run the risk of quest targets not working, which happens a lot when yout cheat.
I don't think so. As a Mage use the Mage Stone - 20% fast skill increases for magic. Then if you sleep, for the next few hours 10% faster increases. Then if you wanted you could use the Atherial Crown to have Mage Stone and Lovers Stone at once, so 35% faster skill increases.

You can train 5 times per level, nearly all the magic trainers are merchants also, so you can sell stuff to make your money back from the training. The Ohgma Infinium, use it when your levels are higher to get the most benefit.

As a mage you want to be using the highest skill level spells you can to increase the skills faster.

Become Ethereal is an important shout for mages, use it to not take hits while setting up your master spells. But be careful, some spells fail when Become Ethereal is active. eg Firestorm works fine, but Guardian Circle fails.

I've not needed to use trainers or spam or console to get my levels up as a mage.
Noooooooo! I lost my companion to a draugr deathlord! I've tried replaying over and over it but either me or he dies, I can't save both of us. Sorry buddy. :(

I've still got the save, maybe I should make him wait somewhere and sacrifice Lydia instead, she's always lounging around my house chomping my food whenever I return there and I'm not sure I can tolerate her sarcastic carrying comments. :rolleyes:
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nvm, I did it in the end, spammed him wth a mixture of fire and frost spells and finished him off with the Gaulder Blackblade, my new favourite weapon. :o Mikhrul Gaulderson was another tough sonofabitch but I love his sword.

^ I have a few of those unfinished quests already, Malkoran in particular is one ******* I simply cannot get past, his frost spikes and other magic finish me off in seconds, which is one reason why I'm doing the Mage college quests at present because as a melee type character I have a weakness to magic in general, figured I'd better get clued up.
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I'm running with AFT and a host of additional companions, but some of them disappear from my group of 5 followers when we go questing. Anybody else get this problem?
I installed ENB Realvision and tbh it has kinda ruined the graphics in some ways. The depth of field was intolerable so I have disabled that and the nights are far too dark. Have tried fiddling with ambient light settings but its not the result I want. Any tips for making it lighter at night?
I installed ENB Realvision and tbh it has kinda ruined the graphics in some ways. The depth of field was intolerable so I have disabled that and the nights are far too dark. Have tried fiddling with ambient light settings but its not the result I want. Any tips for making it lighter at night?

I found exactly the same problem with the ENB mods, it completely mucks up the lighting for me, dark areas are too dark and light areas are too bright, etc. I uninstalled it in the end, I'm using an HDTV to play the game, maybe it works better with PC monitors.

Completely unrelated topic but does anyone find basic combat i.e. melee combat tedious? I started out a basic one handed shield/sword warrior but switched to sneak/archery as I found it much more rewarding as it actually involves some strategy i.e. pick the best vantage spot to pick off the bandits on the ramparts, behind some trees or some rocks, far enough away for them to too not just run out and butcher me like a stuck pig.

Eventually though I'll run into a small room with me and an NPC or three and then its a case of getting the sword(s) out and hacking and slashing until one of us is dead, often me, its simply a lot of button/key mashing, definately a case of No Brain Required.

Its not like they do anything other than rush at you with their weapon raised, you'd think they'd take cover or use a bit of strategy, but nope, always the same. (Was playing Half Life again a while ago, damn those marines were devious.)
Skyrims biggest flaw was the combat. They reckon they have improved it with ESO though.

That's why i prefer exotic mage. You can level two handed and archery with bound weapons and not loose the paralysis / invisibility / thunderbolt spells which add a lot of fun to combat.
I have never used ENB personally, just not for me!

Even the PERFORMANCE CTD fixing release still mucks thing up

Same here, can't get on with the look of it

I'll have to return my Skyrim install to my SSD. It's intolerably slow when loading from a mechanical drive.

I just bought an SSD to run Skyrim off

Just got it up and running with STEP on my mechanical drive, so I can sympathise on the loading times.
Mines on a mechanical drive but I can't say I've found it slow to load, in fact the vanilla game loads so fast I never had time to read any of the messages on the loading screens, but the more mods you add the slower it loads, I usually have time to read them now. Its not like the PS3 where you can almost make a cup of coffee between loading screens, the content being copied over from the disc rather than being cached locally on the drive for the most part, presumably because they were worried about limited hard drive space.

Never could get my head around mage-ing, all the spells and schools makes my head spin. I went to the mage's college hoping I could get trained but nope, I get taught one spell and then I'm sent off on a quest down a dungeon swarming with mages and left to get on with it. Talk about being thrown in at the deep end. I ended up taking out my trusty warhammer of magicka absorption and sneak+bow and finishing them off that way.
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Eventually though I'll run into a small room with me and an NPC or three and then its a case of getting the sword(s) out and hacking and slashing until one of us is dead, often me, its simply a lot of button/key mashing, definately a case of No Brain Required.

Use the "throw voice" shout to lure them out of the room (one-by-one / shoot in the back if they are a little harder).
Never could get my head around mage-ing, all the spells and schools makes my head spin. I went to the mage's college hoping I could get trained but nope, I get taught one spell and then I'm sent off on a quest down a dungeon swarming with mages and left to get on with it. Talk about being thrown in at the deep end. I ended up taking out my trusty warhammer of magicka absorption and sneak+bow and finishing them off that way.

Mage is my favourite class to play as in this game.

Adds a bit more to the combat other than bashing, which gets old for me after about 50 hours:D
Use the "throw voice" shout to lure them out of the room (one-by-one / shoot in the back if they are a little harder).

I don't have that one unfortunately. :( The dragon fire breath one looks pretty awesome too if youtube playthroughs are anything to go by.

I did have a tough bandit dungeon to deal with recently, an arrow fired into the room had nearly the same effect, I left my companion waiting in full view for the tough bandit leader NPC to come and investigate the noise and when he was whaling on her picked him off with my bow. :D

The other bandit dude, a two hander berserker orc in the other room went down with a 15x backstab whilst lying on the bed. Died instantly. Very nice.

Mage is my favourite class to play as in this game.

Adds a bit more to the combat other than bashing, which gets old for me after about 50 hours:D

I'm of the opinion that mageing is probably designed for exactly that, the more experienced players of ES games who are bored of regular combat and are looking for a change. :)
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