The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I think this one gonna be a lot more polished then most people seem to think and not crash as much as well but then I never crashed much on anything till Fallout New Vages

Watched the 20min video the other day and have to say it looks cool even if the Dev had god mode on unless eveyone has 999 health points :)

I do wonder if there gonna be any addons later I have noticed there isn't as many addons for games these days just small DLC that add a few hours of game play

I still have all the Morrowing expansions...

Yes, expansions... Not extra content, full blown expansions, oh how I miss them :(

I have just been looking at some Skyrim news. This looks interesting

The Radiant Quest system will ensure you appreciate them too. Every person and location in Skyrim has been sorted into categories, and the game will rifle through these categories when coming up with new quests, so each and every player gets brand new content.

Here's how it works: you might stroll into a town after a specified number of pre-requisite events have taken place; the Radiant Quest dynamic will grab a nearby character who fits specific mission giving criteria - say, a mother whose child has been kidnapped - and you'll be asked to journey to an unseen grotto to complete the task.

It's clever stuff, although your time in Skyrim begins as humbly as it does in Oblivion. In The Elder Scrolls IV you started off by breaking out of jail. Here, you escape execution in the opening minutes. What happens after that point is largely your call.

And here -

So far, what was detailed was how once the player attacked a group of three bandits, the last one tried to run away after you defeated his comrades, necromancers can resurrect chickens to harvest their eggs, as a necromancer you can summon a Khajiit warrior (though it’s unclear whether summoning meant that you can conjure or resurrect that said warrior), leveling up means you can distribute 10 points among stamina, health, or magicka, the horses you steal can run away and you can get away with it if the guards don’t catch you later asking for compensation, Spriggans heal themselves after being presume dead when in the fetal position, and bandits can roll boulders from a high point off a bridge without you knowing.
Er no... its just a fact. PC graphics are better than console graphics and despite this blatantly obvious fact, devs using pc graphics to showcase games inevitable leads to console gamers complaining when the console version doesn't look as good.

His statement's still true though. ;)

Really looking forward to this still. So many good games between now and November though. :o
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i love dogs.

Looks like another game ill buy, play for 12h get bored and never finish

Considering it's not too common to find a game that'll last 12 hrs these days, I'd say it's a worthwhile purchase :p

I wish people would post an excerpt from these gaming site articles they keep linking to, I can't follow any of those damn links from work :(
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