The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Personally, whilst looking forward to the game and all, I don't find this thread 'official' enough and it is certainly lacking in asterisks. ;)
I noticed someone mentioned earlier on somewhere to get Skyrim for £13; would anyone mind trusting me the location of this deal as it looks too epic to turn down? Thanks if ya do!
pre-ordered on Amazon as it's slightly cheaper than Steam, and don't mind waiting a couple of days extra to play. really siked, the only that makes me wanna reconsider is that these games are ALWAYS tonnes better when modders get their hands on 'em and Bethesda are really sound dudes about that. but with the time it takes to finish a single playthrough, you could easily miss out on some of the best new modded features because the time you've finished it, you don't have the strength or fatigue to wade back in. not that i've ever been able to complete an Elder Scrolls game, though.
Well now that i know that it has native controller support i really don't know what i am going to do. Sit on the sofa and play it through my 1280x720 TV or sit at the desk and play it with kb/m on the 1920x1080 monitor.

It is a tough one as i don't think it is necessarily essential to use kb/m for it, but i probably rather would if pushed.
If anyone watched all of the E3/quakecon footage, the whole area shown is around...

Well now that i know that it has native controller support i really don't know what i am going to do. Sit on the sofa and play it through my 1280x720 TV or sit at the desk and play it with kb/m on the 1920x1080 monitor.

It is a tough one as i don't think it is necessarily essential to use kb/m for it, but i probably rather would if pushed.

Native controller support? Wheee! On the sofa with it at 720p on the Plasma for me. Minus the modding, Oblivion played better for me with a pad on the console. Best of both worlds.
Woohoo @ controller support. I'll definitely be playing from the comfort of my bed with a nice big TV and controller. Yes I could get the 360 version and have exactly the same setup, but the framerates and loading times will no doubt be better on my PC.

I did this for Dead Island and it worked a treat. It also allows for hours and hours of gaming without getting uncomfortable!
Well now that i know that it has native controller support i really don't know what i am going to do. Sit on the sofa and play it through my 1280x720 TV or sit at the desk and play it with kb/m on the 1920x1080 monitor.

It is a tough one as i don't think it is necessarily essential to use kb/m for it, but i probably rather would if pushed.

It is a tough life isn't it :p

Controller for me :D (kind of expected it though based on Fallout having similar support)
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