The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Shame that you feel that way, you've probably missed out on some amazing games on the console due to your ignorance.

Oh well, your loss. :)
I've just been playing Oblivion and I'm so rubbish. I remember doing the arena staight away easily when I first played the game; this time I died on the second round :(
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Shame that you feel that way, you've probably missed out on some amazing games on the console due to your ignorance.

Oh well, your loss. :)

No, i've been playing MMORPGs, being in a world filled with thousands of other players, if I wanted to play a good game with today's console graphics I would install the original Half Life
Shame the only version U can see till the 11th is the 360 one :/ still it looks like it gonna be a good game i can't wait.

Think the first thing i'll do after the first stroy bit is walk one end of the map to the other :)
No, i've been playing MMORPGs, being in a world filled with thousands of other players, if I wanted to play a good game with today's console graphics I would install the original Half Life

Ah yes, mmo's with their amazing graphics... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Really looking forward to this. I'll go with a dunmer battlemage character i think - long sword, heavy armour and destruction magic.
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Does the Skyrim preorder on Steam predownload the majority of the game? If not, I'll go out and buy it in the morning 'cause my internet will be slower.
No, i've been playing MMORPGs, being in a world filled with thousands of other players, if I wanted to play a good game with today's console graphics I would install the original Half Life

MMORPGs are boring, rubbish graphics, rubbish combat, and nothing but grindfest gameplay designed to keep you grinding over and over again over a long time during which you have to keep on paying fees.

Worlds being filled with thousands of players completely kill immersion, and ruin the genuine RPG experience that games like TES have. TES games are like 100x better than any MMO out there.
MMORPGs are boring, rubbish graphics, rubbish combat, and nothing but grindfest gameplay designed to keep you grinding over and over again over a long time during which you have to keep on paying fees.

Worlds being filled with thousands of players completely kill immersion, and ruin the genuine RPG experience that games like TES have. TES games are like 100x better than any MMO out there.

Have you ever played a good mmo?
Because, let's be honest here, what you described is a very bad mmo and not some of the better examples of mmos out there.
MMORPGs are boring, rubbish graphics, rubbish combat, and nothing but grindfest gameplay designed to keep you grinding over and over again over a long time during which you have to keep on paying fees.

Worlds being filled with thousands of players completely kill immersion, and ruin the genuine RPG experience that games like TES have. TES games are like 100x better than any MMO out there.

Well if you're a loner, yes they are boring. Most loners give up after a day or two claiming the ' grind is to hard ', you seem to fit that description. But, it is fun leading a siege with hundreds of players or taking over land and griefing your enemy and having skirmishes, basically working together, there just aren't any games on console that come close.
Well if you're a loner, yes they are boring. Most loners give up after a day or two claiming the ' grind is to hard ', you seem to fit that description. But, it is fun leading a siege with hundreds of players or taking over land and griefing your enemy and having skirmishes, basically working together, there just aren't any games on console that come close.

That is the best you can comeback with, bhav is a loner? Surely if MMOs were as good as some/you claim, you could come back with their strengths rather than attacking the poster :rolleyes:
surely someone who sits in a room playing MMO`s all day is the archetypal loner?? :confused:

for real immersion you need a single player campaign RPG with excellent story, controls and music. One that can be turned off and returned to when your fresh in the same position you were in when you left the game.
My preferred choice are shipping their collector's editions soon in time for release day due to the 'epic size' of it, I have a normal edition on backup from a different seller that also is guaranteeing release day delivery but very excited :D Trying to avoid videos now, have seen enough personally, maybe still too much.

I love TES games (well, single player RPGS) and MMOs but I wouldn't really dare compare the two, I get different kicks and experiences out of both, they are barely alike. I'd definately not say that fights in MMOs are boring though, one of the most fun ways to test yourself as a player of games are raid encounters in MMOs.
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Have you ever played a good mmo?
Because, let's be honest here, what you described is a very bad mmo and not some of the better examples of mmos out there.

Every MMO is as bad as I described, and WoW is the worst of them all.

The only good 'online RPGs' are Guild Wars and DDO as they do not force me to carry out repetitive grind to get to the end game. In GW I can reach max level and play all the games content in just a day or two, in DDO I can do the same in about 4-5 days. I get to play the content I want, when I want, without having to subscribe to a monthly fee to be able to log in and play the game.

Well if you're a loner, yes they are boring. Most loners give up after a day or two claiming the ' grind is to hard ', you seem to fit that description. But, it is fun leading a siege with hundreds of players or taking over land and griefing your enemy and having skirmishes, basically working together, there just aren't any games on console that come close.

Seriously you're a clueless bint.

I dont play games to socialize, I have real life if I want to do that. If you actually play games to feel like you are socializing, then your brain is completely confused over the definition of the word 'Loner'.

Pathetic really. MMOs are the single worst thing ever to have happened to the RPG genre.

Plenty of people who have stopped playing WoW and other grindfest MMOs have written in various places about how much they hated forming groups for raids and other such content in grindfest MMOs.

When I play a game, I want to play a game, not spend 2-3 hours LFG before I can play just a 10 minute quest, or be locked into a 2 hour raid with no option to save and resume my progress at another time.

I also refuse to pay monthly fees simply to be able to log in and play any video game. I only pay for my games once , and then play them whenever, wherever, however I want. Most MMOs arent worth my time because I cant do that.
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surely someone who sits in a room playing MMO`s all day is the archetypal loner?? :confused:

for real immersion you need a single player campaign RPG with excellent story, controls and music. One that can be turned off and returned to when your fresh in the same position you were in when you left the game.

Some may argue there is a very strong social element to mmorpgs, especially where you are in a guild and doing all the mass raids etc etc. You can even talk to each other via team-speak/vent and so on. I knew people who would sit in the same room / house as each other and play, yet communicate through the game and headsets.

To get the most out of mmorpgs, you need to invest huge amounts of time into it. Not just tens of hours but hundreds or thousands. I knew plenty of people who played WoW and Eve etc, who had their total game time at well over 100 days (2400 hours). Once you have started a raid / world event or dungeon you are committed for the hours it takes. This takes, what could be considered the casual social element to the game, and turns it into a life sapping, antisocial monolith. This doesn’t necessarily make the player a loner but it does detach them from reality.

This is where Elder Scrolls is much better imo. It has a totally immersive gaming environment which you can pick up and put down at any point, saving where and when you like. The pause button is a great feature ;) Oblivion never really ran out of content either, say you put 100 hours in to complete it and do most of the side quests and missions. You can call it a day, go for 100% completion (if there is such a thing), increase the difficulty slider, re-start with a new character and so on. If you can do 3-4 runs through, then you could spend 300+ hours playing without getting bored. On very easy (slider to the left), you can run through oblivion in hours, set at medium (middle).

How much you get from RPGs depends on player motivation though and whether or not you are up for exploring and discovering the content. Some people are happy to run through the bare essentials and core missions in ~ 20-40 hours, complete the game and call it a day. This is still a good amount for a stand-alone, single player game these days. If you are only used to heavily scripted single player content you may not even look for more. People only seem to start looking for more content and missions if they like to get in to an rpg and not everyone is up for this or gets on with this type of playstyle.

Mmorpgs tend to lead you through more of the game content and quests, rather than relying on self-discovery and with something like WoW or LOTRO there are probably a good 7-10 days (240 hours) of linked and scripted content that you will be taken through without worrying about professions, reputations etc. Skyrim looks like a good few hundred hours of content.

With mmorpgs, life fits round the game, with rpgs the game fits round your life.
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