Every MMO is as bad as I described, and WoW is the worst of them all.
The only good 'online RPGs' are Guild Wars and DDO as they do not force me to carry out repetitive grind to get to the end game. In GW I can reach max level and play all the games content in just a day or two, in DDO I can do the same in about 4-5 days.
Seriously you're a clueless bint.
I dont play games to socialize, I have real life if I want to do that. If you actually play games to feel like you are socializing, then your brain is completely confused over the definition of the word 'Loner'.
Pathetic really. MMOs are the single worst thing ever to have happened to the RPG genre.
Plenty of people who have stopped playing WoW and other grindfest MMOs have written in various places about how much they hated forming groups for raids and other such content in grindfest MMOs.
When I play a game, I want to play a game, not spend 2-3 hours LFG before I can play just a 10 minute quest, or be locked into a 2 hour raid with no option to save and resume my progress at another time.