The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

The release of STEP 2.2 is scheduled for tonight, we're still going through the guide to find any minor bugs.

The next STEP will be a much bigger change, but that won't happen any time soon, probably not until October.
The dawnguard expansion isn't really that essential. A few of the included features you can find in the form of mods (such as smithing arrows and dragonbone weapons).

The story is interesting but I feel it is a pathetic excuse for DLC. A lot of the time you are visiting places that already exist in the vanilla world with a few new added areas. In the end, regardless of the side you choose, the outcome is the same, both paths end with the same scenario. To save you some time and trouble, without revealing too much, go with the Dawnguard, you get better benefits.

Considering the time it took to develop this was basically the same time it took to develop Shivering Isles, I am very disappointed with the amount of content added. Hopefully the next DLC (hearthfire) won't be such a disappointment. I only got it because I finally had something I could use my GAME points on and got it for £8 :D.

I completely agree with this, its a fun expansion but nowhere near worth what its current price is at.
Hey guys im a total noob at this lol but id like to do some modding to Skyrim, looking at the Nexus site now...what is the best mods to do?
What EXACTLY does it do and add then? Because the blurb on the Nexus website is **** poor!

It's a guide recommending mods, Skyrim settings etc.

Hey guys im a total noob at this lol but id like to do some modding to Skyrim, looking at the Nexus site now...what is the best mods to do?

A few of the mods I'd start with are: SkyUI, Categorized Favourites Menu, and A Quality World Map. You will also need SKSE.
...This is the first time I have played it since the latest patch and I have to say I am really liking the mounted combat.

Haven't played in 6 months - just downloaded an extra 32 mods last night. Should be good for a new character on the weekend (and tweaking saves of my other 2).
Has anyone got a recommended mod to make handling alchemy ingredients more convenient? It is a pain to carry them around or load them in and out of the satchel provided in the player houses.

I have seen a couple of mods on nexus but I don't think they are being updated any more. What are people using?
Don't know if this is the right place, but I have an issue after modding skyrim (I kinda heavily modded it, and theres only one problem which I cannot pinpoint), basically my health, mana, stamina and level progress bars all show full all the time. Which is annoying since I don't know if I'm about to die or not at any point, at first I thought it was just the level bar, but it's all of them I've realised.

Weirdest thing is, when I transition into a new area (into a house/building, out of/into a town etc), the problem rights itself, and then when transitioning again, it unfixes itself and everything appears full when it isn't. I've googled the problem, but couldn't find anything and was wondering if anyone here had experienced it after modding or heard about it and might be able to point me in the right direction of fixing it?

Thanks :)
Just installed all the aMidianBorn armour retextures. So far he has done leather, elven, iron, steel, steel plate. Do look very nice I think.

No combined pack as of yet, maybe when all the armours are done there will be.

The combined pack will be out in a month or two. The author has a lot of things to release in the coming weeks.
Dawnguard IMO adds more content than Shivering Isles or Nights of the Nine, although my memory of Oblivion is somewhat Vague.

I don't think it quite has as much content per square mile as SI but it has two huge new areas, several near caves in the original areas, tons of new items and quests, and its a little over half the price SI was.

Are people just expecting more for less these days? Saying Dawnguard has no content compared to previous TES DLC is like lolwut.

Hearthfire is like £3.40 iirc, gonna be dope like a soap on a rope.
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