The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Just finished Skyrim again as a sneaky/sniping Breton character, still finding new places that I've not been to before - I never really explored around Morthal in previous play throughs.

I still can't help but think that the Thalmor storyline hasn't been played out at all - you only come across them once or twice over the main storyline. Possible DLC in the future to boot them out of Skyrim? (or help them place a new puppet leader perhaps?)
I still can't help but think that the Thalmor storyline hasn't been played out at all - you only come across them once or twice over the main storyline. Possible DLC in the future to boot them out of Skyrim? (or help them place a new puppet leader perhaps?)

Yes please. :D
Looking to install some mods to make my skyrim more beautiful but a bit confused by the shear number of mods out there.

Can anyone recommend what I should be grabbing to improve looks and gameplay?

Skyre looks pretty interesting, anyone given it a go?

Sorry for all the questions and being too lazy to read all 90 pages :D
Looking to install some mods to make my skyrim more beautiful but a bit confused by the shear number of mods out there.

Can anyone recommend what I should be grabbing to improve looks and gameplay?

Skyre looks pretty interesting, anyone given it a go?

Sorry for all the questions and being too lazy to read all 90 pages :D This is a good place to start.

Last time I used SkyRe it was excellent. Many improvements over vanilla. I would not play without it now. And it is modular, so it plays well with others.
I had a look at STEP and was a little confused at it just downloaded a PDF. Is it all in one or do I need to DL all the mods it talks about separately?

You have to download them all separately and install them in as per the guide. It took me a while to but was worth it in the end.

Use Nexus Mod Manager, it makes everything much quicker and easier.
You have to download them all separately and install them in as per the guide. It took me a while to but was worth it in the end.

Use Nexus Mod Manager, it makes everything much quicker and easier.

Thought that might be the case, was just hoping someone else had compiled them into an easy to install package...
After playing more, I'm a bit more used to it. With CoT and this ENB it looks amazing in forests, but around whiterun, it looks pretty bland IMO. I'll get some screens tonight.
My personal lighting + ENB combo is CoT with Countervibe ENB. Lighting effects are superb and I'm really warming to the fantasy look, cannot complain about glowing object effects aswell, like the glowing mushrooms and Nironroots you find, they have a very realistic 'buzzing' look to them.
My personal lighting + ENB combo is CoT with Countervibe ENB. Lighting effects are superb and I'm really warming to the fantasy look, cannot complain about glowing object effects aswell, like the glowing mushrooms and Nironroots you find, they have a very realistic 'buzzing' look to them.

Thanks. I'm going to try seasons of skyrim when I get home, and then I'll try that next.
Right I played a bit of Skyrim when it came out but I'm gonna give it a proper go now. Looking to get it all modded up in preparation, obviously, so having read some posts on here and the info in STEP, how does this sound?

ENB Series 0.119

Project ENB
Lush Grass
Lush Trees
Flora Overhaul
Climates of Tamriel
Texture Pack Combiner
Static Mesh Improvement
Enhanced Distant Terrain
Player Headtracking

Apachii Sky Hair
Better Females
Towns & Villages Enhanced
Enhanced Night Skyrim

Categorized Favourites Menu
A Quality World Map With Roads
Convenient Horses
Faster Horses
J Swords
Immersive Armours
Cloaks of Skyrim
Craftable Arrows (no Dawnguard atm)

Moonpath to Elsweyr
Right I played a bit of Skyrim when it came out but I'm gonna give it a proper go now. Looking to get it all modded up in preparation, obviously, so having read some posts on here and the info in STEP, how does this sound?

ENB Series 0.119

Project ENB
Lush Grass
Lush Trees
Flora Overhaul
Climates of Tamriel
Texture Pack Combiner
Static Mesh Improvement
Enhanced Distant Terrain
Player Headtracking

Apachii Sky Hair
Better Females
Towns & Villages Enhanced
Enhanced Night Skyrim

Categorized Favourites Menu
A Quality World Map With Roads
Convenient Horses
Faster Horses
J Swords
Immersive Armours
Cloaks of Skyrim
Craftable Arrows (no Dawnguard atm)

Moonpath to Elsweyr

I'd add SkyUI to that unless there's a replacement/alternative for it in your list above?
Aside from all the usual stuff like ENBs and texture packs one thing that makes skyrim look amazing is BIGGER TREES. There are a couple of mods for bigger trees on Nexus and in conjunction with mods like trees in whiterun it makes the game look amazing! Its a good way to make you feel smaller in the game.

can't mind the other one
ENB question: I saw someone talk earlier in the thread about ENB Series 0.119 as it has more tweaking options, but STEP advises against using this for now and recommends 0.113 instead.

I just wondered if they were being overly cautious in STEP; does anyone have any feedback on performance with 0.119?

edit@ Nvm, gonna give 0.119 a go along with CoT and Phinix ENB. Thought about Skyrealism ENB but that DOF effect looks too overdone for my taste
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