The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

SkyRe is absolutely fantastic, can not play this game vanilla now, no chance. It's a 10x harder experience especially with Alternate Beginnings mod with nothing really holding your hand, I started with 60 gold, a shotsword and some tatty miners clothes and it costs over a grand to get a set of Iron Armor! Found a Steel Broadsword + Crossbow and a full set though so it's cool, nightmare getting through the bandits though, I'm only level 2. :D

Get this mod people, it completely changes the game, adds about 100 new perks!
Is the texture pack combiner good then? Am using Skyrim HD at the mo and have been tempted to give it a go...

It's not been updated yet to include compatibility with some recent updates to the mods it uses, but that should be added in the future by either the author or someone from the STEP team.
Yep, i just saw this on the nexus page for it...

Bad news everyone. Further development on this project has been postponed indefinitely. It looks as though the work I've been doing has put too much strain on my computer, and I just broke my second graphics card in 3 weeks time. Due to RL complications, I am unable to take advantage of their warranties or afford to pick up a new one. I apologize for this, especially to anyone involved with STEP, because I know many people have come to like the TPC and I had every intention of working on this until it would feel complete. I will be back when this is sorted out, but until then, I want to say thank you for all the support and your endorsements.
I have a big problem with my game .....I can't walk 5 yards without taking a screenshot!:p My Skyrim folder must be the biggest on my HDD now. I just walked from Whiterun to Riften and it took me ages, as I kept stopping to take shots.

This is the first time I have played it since the latest patch and I have to say I am really liking the mounted combat.
I need an upgrade!!

I have started using this- Convenient Horses. It is a very well made mod, which really overhauls horses including the way followers use them, being able to call them, changing how they follow you etc. Plus it adds load of horse armour, all configurable. And a very useful feature- auto-loot whilst on a horse.

Essential for my game now. Highly recommended.
Is it possible for me run two copies of my Steam Skyrim?
I want to try SkyRe but don't want to mess up my saves and current mods?
I could just make a copy of my skyrim folder in steam and switch between the two?
Any ideas guys?
Is it possible for me run two copies of my Steam Skyrim?
I want to try SkyRe but don't want to mess up my saves and current mods?
I could just make a copy of my skyrim folder in steam and switch between the two?
Any ideas guys?

Yes, there's a little program for that. Use google, I can't remember the name, but it's on Nexus. Or you could use Mod Organizer.

How essential is the dawnguard expansion?

Not at all.

How many hours does it add, is the story interesting?

Just a heads up to everyone, STEP 2.2 will be released some time on Monday, early Tuesday at the latest, and it uses Texture Pack Combiner as the base (this will be updated to 1.7 tomorrow).

As of now, my guide in the OP is totally obsolete. If you want an easy way to enhance your Skyrim experience, use TPC + Climates of Tamriel + some ENB config with that. Anything else is optional.
How essential is the dawnguard expansion?

How many hours does it add, is the story interesting?
It's not essential at all. As for the story, I've only done the Vamp side so far and I found it very interesting.

For what it is (essentially just another guild but larger with additional addons) I was pleased with what I got. However it is a bit expensive when you consider it.
I played approx 180 hours of this game before putting it down to give it a rest. All this mod talk is making me itch to install it again and rack up more hours :)
How essential is the dawnguard expansion?

How many hours does it add, is the story interesting?

The dawnguard expansion isn't really that essential. A few of the included features you can find in the form of mods (such as smithing arrows and dragonbone weapons).

The story is interesting but I feel it is a pathetic excuse for DLC. A lot of the time you are visiting places that already exist in the vanilla world with a few new added areas. In the end, regardless of the side you choose, the outcome is the same, both paths end with the same scenario. To save you some time and trouble, without revealing too much, go with the Dawnguard, you get better benefits.

Considering the time it took to develop this was basically the same time it took to develop Shivering Isles, I am very disappointed with the amount of content added. Hopefully the next DLC (hearthfire) won't be such a disappointment. I only got it because I finally had something I could use my GAME points on and got it for £8 :D.

Trying to get SkyRe to run with my Steam Skyrim ( and it keeps crashing :( Any ideas :( I've tried launching through Mod Organiser and Nexus MM but nothing :(
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