The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

ENB question: I saw someone talk earlier in the thread about ENB Series 0.119 as it has more tweaking options, but STEP advises against using this for now and recommends 0.113 instead.

I just wondered if they were being overly cautious in STEP; does anyone have any feedback on performance with 0.119?

edit@ Nvm, gonna give 0.119 a go along with CoT and Phinix ENB. Thought about Skyrealism ENB but that DOF effect looks too overdone for my taste

Most of the STEP testers are using SkyRealism ENB (Climates of Tamriel) or Seasons of Skyrim (Dawnguard) now.

Project ENB will be soon updated to 119 and CoT 2.0, Climates of Tamriel's author has apparently informed its users that the mod will have Dawnguard compatibility added in the future.

I disabled DoF + SSAO with my ENB config.
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ENB question: I saw someone talk earlier in the thread about ENB Series 0.119 as it has more tweaking options, but STEP advises against using this for now and recommends 0.113 instead.

I just wondered if they were being overly cautious in STEP; does anyone have any feedback on performance with 0.119?

edit@ Nvm, gonna give 0.119 a go along with CoT and Phinix ENB. Thought about Skyrealism ENB but that DOF effect looks too overdone for my taste

Agreed about the DoF. Seasons of Skyrim ENB along with CoT is awesome :)
Yeah I used Expanded Towns and Villages last time I played, but there were problems with it. Good to know they are sorted though, I will stick i back on. Thanks for the heads up....and for the Places mod, I never check Steam Workshop, so I would miss it!

PS. After many hours of tedium trying to get it to work in Oblivion, I am not going near Open Cities.....I don't care how much better it is:p
Getting Open Cities to work is as easy as installing it through any mod manager (or even Steam Workshop). :p

The files have just been cleaned with TES5Edit Alpha and Arthmoor is a top modder, who makes sure to get his files done as well as it's humanly possible.

The only issue may be performance hit and potential incompatibility with mods affecting towns. I don't really know why I use Open Cities, I guess some cities like Riften really need this to make them more immersive.
Can anyone list a few essential mods for a first time playthrough please :)?

This is boring already, just go through the top files on Nexus or look up the STEP guide. Or even the outdated list in the OP (although I wouldn't fully recommend it, since Neil haven't updated it with my suggestions, but it's still mostly all right).

If you did a little search, this question

Essentially, I would install these mods with the highest priority in mind:

Texture Pack Combiner (gonna take you a while, since it's a combination of MANY mods),
Climates of Tamriel (assuming you're not using Dawnguard),
Categorised Favourites Menu,
A suitable ENB config.

I don't recommend using the INI tweaks from the OP (besides maybe disabling the mouse acceleration and enabling Land and Tree Shadows).
Boss has stopped working for me now....when I run it it just says Critical Error: No game detected!

Anyone had this before? I can't find much info on it. Also bizarrely, some of my esps seem to have been turned on/off on their own. For example, with Cloaks in Skyrim there are 3 esps and I chose one and left the others, but when I loaded up Wrye Bash just now they were all activated.

edit- verifying cache(which I did a few days ago as well) downloaded 6 missing files!
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Well I am going through my entire install looking for what is not right ....getting constant CTDs atm. I am almost certain that my load order is fine, and it is not a corrupted save issue, just gonna have to narrow it down.

It is very frustrating though, I had a game about 10 hours in that suddenly started ctd in the same area every time, I started a new game and it is crashing all over the place.

Unfortunately it is almost certainly my fault, as I was a bit lazy with this install:o
With TES5Edit out, it's much easier now to figure out what mods could potentially cause conflicts.

Some of the most notorious examples are Dawnguard and Hearthfire. :p
I am almost certain it is a specific mod that is the problem in my game and not a conflict between mods. I think something is behaving very badly.....and Dawnguard is my main suspect atm.
Spent most of the morning messing about with TES5edit(something I hoped never to do again after spending far too much time using it for fallout 3!). Hopefully that has sorted my game
Wen though all the mods I have been using cleaning them, from what I can tell with mu limited knowledge, every single error I encountered was with Dawnguard or a mod which has Dawnguard as a dependency.....I can't not use it though, too many mods require it.

It can't be broken though can it? ....other people use it with no problems
Wen though all the mods I have been using cleaning them, from what I can tell with mu limited knowledge, every single error I encountered was with Dawnguard or a mod which has Dawnguard as a dependency.....I can't not use it though, too many mods require it.

It can't be broken though can it? ....other people use it with no problems

What do you mean it can't be broken?

Skyrim DLC is riddled with UDRs and ITMs. And those are not the only issues.
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