The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Man what a ballache, just got around to reinstalling the game to try out Dawnguard and Hearthfire, and went looking for some mods to add in too since I've not played since near release and there's bound to be some good ones.

Downloaded SkyUI, installed, totally screwed up my map. Uninstalled the mod and it was still screwed, ended up having to get the full game again and finally got it working.

But anyway, I've picked up SkyUI, "A Quality World Map" and the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, and I'm busy downloading Immersive Armors. Is there any other mods that are "essential"? thinking along the lines of general gameplay enhancers and tweaks, stuff like No Psychic Guards from Oblivion... was such a minor change but made a massive difference.
Realistic Crime Radius is what you are after. Don't know where to dl it though, set tot hidden on Nexus atm.

I would say Convenient Horses and UFO are essential to my game. Also try out the cloaks mods, they are great(Winter Is Coming- Cloaks, and Cloaks of Skyrim) and go well with Immersive armors. If you want an overhaul, skyRe is excellent and is modular, so you can pick and choose what it changes(I don't use all of the modules myself). What it does with Perks in particular is excellent

If you want it looking all shiny, you should check out STEP.
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tbh I just said Realistic Crime Radius because it is what is recommended in STEP really, I don't see it as a particularly important one for me.

Luckily this newest patch hasn't broken anything for me.
Now steam have the workshop pon this are people using those mods or still getting them from nexus?

Stayed away from it for a month or so after sticking nearly 100 hours into it in a month, and hardly even touching the main quest line.

Looking for some mods to increase the crafting side of things, i prefer to have loooooooads of things to chose form and craft, the normal stuff is pretty bland...also looking for something to make a pure mage a bit more fun to play...

Any suggestions? Im sure through the 35 pages these have been suggested, dont fancy trawling through them all though :p
Just re-installed Skyrim to give it ago again after a long time of not playing it. What is the Heartfire add-on like? Is it worth getting? Can you build anywhere or just at designated spots around the world?
Just re-installed Skyrim to give it ago again after a long time of not playing it. What is the Heartfire add-on like? Is it worth getting? Can you build anywhere or just at designated spots around the world?

It is not bad actually, I would say it is worth a go. There are 3 possible spots to build.

G18241- Check out SkyRe and see if you like the changes, it certainly adds lots more to craft, and improves mages a if you use Immersive Armours(who doesn't?:p) that also adds lots of armours to craft, oh and Lore-friendly Armours is still good as well.
Apocalypse Spell Package adds some good spells as well.
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Lore-friendly Armours has been a part of the Immersive Armours pack since like forever.

Of course, maybe I am thinking of a different one

Edit- yeah I was thinking of Omegared's Armour compilation.

After getting excited with the trailer for Dragonborn(looks brilliant) I am continuing with my character and will use him for it when it comes out. I am 50 hours in, though I still have tons to do(mages, Companion, Civil War, Dawnguard, whole of main quest). The only thing is that I will not be able to play straight away, as I will have to wait for mods to be updated.....not worth trying to play it without and messing up the game.

Anyone tried Enhanced Skyrim Factions- Companions? is really good, it basically changes the amount of quests you have to do for the Companions, so it doesn't progress as quickly, and adds a few more options like becoming able to refuse becoming the leader
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Lore-friendly Armours has been a part of the Immersive Armours pack since like forever.

And I recommend checking out Requirem - The Oldschool Roleplaying Overhaul mods in place of SkyRe.

Just read through all that, that is one hell of a mod...may have to install this and see how i go with it...i generally play a sneaky archer which once you have all the top weapons and enchants you can 1 hit most stuff (apart from dragons etc) does seem to add a hell of a lot to the game :)
Any MOD that increases the population of NPC's because like the other games in the series Skyrim suffers from lack of civilization, mainly on the routes between towns.

Travellers of Skyrim
Immersive Patrols
Populated Cities
Interesting NPCs
Unique Taverns
Lively Inns and Taverns

Thank me later.
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Just noticed that the Vilja companion mod is now on the nexus for Skyrim, if anyone is interested

This was one of the more immersive companion mods for Oblivion imo, so I'll be giving it a go
At the end of the day, no. People will link to guides, tell you to modify ini files and so on but every single change has a down side. By all means try some of these changes for yourself but in the end outdoor shadows will always look poor unless Bethesda makes some changes to their engine.
I had a first go at modding Skyrim the other day.

Downloaded the essential bits of the combined textures pack, installed and loaded the game and was faced with block white/snow type texture on all the mountains and rocks.

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