The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Uh ohhhh! My mind wants to start a new character! I have finished the Dark Brotherhood questline and about half way through the thieves quest line.

Still never completed the story line in this game regardless of hours played on different characters on PC and 360 haha. But thinking of a heavy armor wearing mage with a cloth hood? Maybe my left hand could be a heft mace? Ooooo, sounds fun!
I've got quite a few mods running already :). Can't recall most of them but I did install an ENB one via Nexus mod manager, although i'm never sure if its actually working as I've only just got Skyrim so can't tell the difference. I suppose this is what happens when you start with lots of mods. I'm not even sure if most the mods are working because I know no difference! :P
Are you running Afterburner or Fraps by any chance? because the enb wont work with those sort of programs.

Which version are you using? I'm using enbseries_skyrimv119 and have used both the wrapper and injector with project enb and the texture combiner, preferred the injector as I'm sure the game performs a bit better.

I also use a flashed 6950, I don't know what res your are using but @1440p picking the higher res textures for the combiner and using the enb and a few other mods hammered the vram to the point where it was stuttering so I had to pick some lower res ones, just a heads up..

Edit: I recommend using this optimiser, point it at your texture folder and set what compression method you want, saves on space and vram.

ENB will work with Afterburner but you need the turn of the OSD in afterburner.

I am using v119.

I tried it with and without afterburner. The wrapper doesn't work either way and the injector works with afterburner running. Not using fraps.

I will take a look at the texture optimiser. It is running fine really, but I can tell from the movement that the fps are not high sometimes 20-30 maybe. Saying that it is not bad and does look very good. The forests in particular look amazing. Do the compressed textures look notably worse?
I tried some ENB thing once but the game ran pretty poorly and I didn't like the depth of field effect. I'm a bit confused by it all so I've stopped using it and just running with lighting mods and stuff now.
Tempted to get this in the Steam sale, but can anyone let me know how it might run on a Quad Core Q6600, 8Gb RAM and an ATI Radeon HD 5700 graphics card. Will also look to add a number of mods to the game too, if that makes any difference.
I hope to upgrade at some point this year, but not in the near future. Ta :).
I am using v119.

I tried it with and without afterburner. The wrapper doesn't work either way and the injector works with afterburner running. Not using fraps.

I will take a look at the texture optimiser. It is running fine really, but I can tell from the movement that the fps are not high sometimes 20-30 maybe. Saying that it is not bad and does look very good. The forests in particular look amazing. Do the compressed textures look notably worse?

I have my textures on medium compression and they look fine to me.
I've got quite a few mods running already :). Can't recall most of them but I did install an ENB one via Nexus mod manager, although i'm never sure if its actually working as I've only just got Skyrim so can't tell the difference. I suppose this is what happens when you start with lots of mods. I'm not even sure if most the mods are working because I know no difference! :P
You will see if ENB is working if it's loading text appears in the top left corner when you reach the main menu as it loads, and on the noticeable difference to saturation, AA etc when you load up a game. I think it's Shift+F12 to toggle ENB if that helps so you can see the difference between on and off. Best to load up mods one at a time too just in case you don't like the effect / issues arise (as it's easier to track one changed variable at a time if things go wrong).

Tempted to get this in the Steam sale, but can anyone let me know how it might run on a Quad Core Q6600, 8Gb RAM and an ATI Radeon HD 5700 graphics card. Will also look to add a number of mods to the game too, if that makes any difference.
I hope to upgrade at some point this year, but not in the near future. Ta :).
My old PC ran it on High (with some settings tweaked a bit) relatively well and that was an E6600 with an HD4850 and 4Gb of RAM, though that was default textures etc and only a few mods like SkyUI which have little or no overheads.
You might not be able to have all the extra bells and whistles but it'll def run and won't look too bad (the difference between Ultra and High isn't huge).
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Personally, and I have put hundreds of hours in to both games, I think Skyrim improves on Oblivion in absolutely every area.

Am inclined to agree. I haven't played modded Oblivion however if all games are unmodded then Skyrim takes it for me.

Perhaps some of the faction quests are a little less involving in Skyrim and the cities aren't as good... however the entire look, feel and experience of Skyrim as well as first person view and combat are all far better.

The excellent graphics add so much more to the experience as does the music/FX
Excellent graphics... vanilla... are you blind? Skyrim is one of the ugliest games out recently, sure it's one of the best with lots of community made mods, but by itself it's an absolute dog. Oblivion looked way better for it's time, Skyrim is extremely outdated. Oblivion was vibrant and beautiful and to this day looks better than Skyrim with the right mods, Skyrim is grey, grey, grey and more grey, seriously feel depressed playing it. No idea how I didn't top myself in the 120 hours I put into it, oh yeah I do; community made mods (i.e not Bethesda).

As for it being better in ever way... it feels better and has nicer combat, and the kill cams and other goodies are fun, but it's hugely dumbed down, there aren't half as many spells, armors are basically entire set pieces etc. Remember the days of having over 30 spells in each school? Remember the days of pauldrons? Remember Mysticism and A.I. that could actually hurt you?

Yeah man, games being dumbed down sucks, MGSO > Skyrim with any mod ever.
Even over mods that add it all back in, I think you underestimate the reality of said games.

I suppose it is rather sad, that Bethesda almost seems to rely on the mods themselves to graft the game for them, but i don't care, I still get a game that i haven't beaten, mostly because my OCD about trying to track every piece of gold starts getting in the way of sanity. :mad:
Excellent graphics... vanilla... are you blind? Skyrim is one of the ugliest games out recently,

A result of pressing shift+F12 I think. Vanilla looked great, it is just that ENB has made it seem awful now imo....I pressed shiftF12 for the first time in months the other day and saw the game pre-ENB and I honestly couldn't believe it was the same game, it looked horrible. I do however remember playing the game all the way through with no mods on release and thought it looked great then as well.
Skyrim is one of the ugliest games out recently, sure it's one of the best with lots of community made mods, but by itself it's an absolute dog. Oblivion looked way better for it's time.
If you are talking about without mods then both (for their time of release) looked average, not the bottom of the pile, yet not the top by any means. Mods made both look much, much better. To say Oblivion was a beautiful game when it was released is beyond nostalgia.
Oblivion was vibrant and beautiful and to this day looks better than Skyrim with the right mods, Skyrim is grey, grey, grey and more grey..
If both are modded, both can look vibrant and great. In both cases the improvements come from the community.
Remember the days of having over 30 spells in each school?
Yep, and I also remember that most were never used.
Remember the days of pauldrons?
I have to admit I did prefer having more armour options but again Oblivion had less choice than Morrowind too.
Remember Mysticism and A.I. that could actually hurt you?
Yes to Mysticism, most of which is still portrayed in game via other means. As for the AI...pardon? The AI has never been amazing in any TES game, Skyrim is no worse here, and a bit better in some regards.
I have to admit to Skyrim being my favourite TES so far in terms of immersion. To say it's been dumbed down is possibly a bit true, it has less to keep track of even if almost all the old aspects are still in game under different guises, but the same could be said of Oblivion following Morrowind.

Both are great games, and I would recommend either.
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What do you guys think would be better?

Running with this below mod and 2 AA

or just 4MSAA.

I'm not using fxaa because MSAA looks better to me.

I cant do both the mod and 4MSAA because I realised I'm running out of gpu memory and I'm pretty sure thats why I'm getting major fps slowdown on zone transitions.
A result of pressing shift+F12 I think. Vanilla looked great, it is just that ENB has made it seem awful now imo....I pressed shiftF12 for the first time in months the other day and saw the game pre-ENB and I honestly couldn't believe it was the same game, it looked horrible. I do however remember playing the game all the way through with no mods on release and thought it looked great then as well.

Skyrim looks awful mate :/ look at the grass, look at how the rocks blend into the ground (or lack of). The water looks superb, and it's a great looking game when you compare it to what is also available on consoles, but for a Quarter 4 2011 game it is hideous, go look at Far Cry 2, there is more content on screen and it looks much better, the Creation engine is hideous, I hope they just take the Unreal 4 engine with VI and use that, because they are falling further behind than Valve are in terms of visuals with their engines.

If you are talking about without mods then both (for their time of release) looked average, not the bottom of the pile, yet not the top by any means. Mods made both look much, much better. To say Oblivion was a beautiful game when it was released is beyond nostalgia.

Oblivion was released in 2005, what else was there? It was an incredibly good looking game for it's time. :confused: Nowhere near as impressive as Crysis that came out two years later, but as far as 'for its time' comparisons go, Oblivion is incredibly strong. Skyrim isn't.

If both are modded, both can look vibrant and great. In both cases the improvements come from the community.

Oblivion was still much more impressive back in '05 than Skyrim is for a modern game.

Yep, and I also remember that most were never used.

Back in Morrowind you had to use every spell, if not for combat purposes, then for exploration, some places just were not possible to get to without certain spells and that added a great feel to the game, it felt like you were picking up yet another tool whenever you bought a spell, Mark/Recall/Intervention/Levitate were all extremely useful and were removed for no good reason. They should have never added fast travel, it should have stayed how it was, Skyrim without fast travel is very enjoyable because it has a very Morrowind-esque travel system, sadly Oblivion only had fast travel other than walking. :(

I have to admit I did prefer having more armour options but again Oblivion had less choice than Morrowind too.

I know, my point was that the entire series has been dumbed down since Morrowind, when it was at it's peak for mechanics and content. Skyrim dumbed itself down from Oblivion as equally as Oblivion dumbed down from Morrowind.

Yes to Mysticism, most of which is still portrayed in game via other means. As for the AI...pardon? The AI has never been amazing in any TES game, Skyrim is no worse here, and a bit better in some regards.
I have to admit to Skyrim being my favourite TES so far in terms of immersion. To say it's been dumbed down is possibly a bit true, it has less to keep track of even if almost all the old aspects are still in game under different guises, but the same could be said of Oblivion following Morrowind.

The A.I has always been stupid, but back in Morrowind whenever you saw an enemy on the road (I remember distinctly one battlemage who stood on the bridge leading to the Dwemer ruins near Balmora for the main quest) you'd brick it and you know this fight could kill you, but in Oblivion and Skyrim it's all scaled rubbish, every enemy is equally challenging (well they're not challenging) with some generic boss at the end. 'Master Vampire' 'Ascendant Necromancer'. Great. Oh I'm on Master difficulty but my big stabby stick of stabbiness just killed it in one shot? Shame that.

Granted things like SkyRE change that a little, but you can't really praise a developer for what their game's fanbase did.

Both are great games, and I would recommend either.

Same, Skyrim is a decent game, but it's far from perfect in every single way, it's just decent all around, nothing at all shines out about it other than mods, but even then the game's engine is bloody awful and can't support all that much. I'm just a little worried about what TES VI is going to be like, if it's dumbed down in proportion to what the last two have been, we'll be running around Iraq with M16's.
I've just realised 2MSAA looks fine. I wont install all the mods above as you say I dont need more detailed feet or nails.
The A.I has always been stupid, but back in Morrowind whenever you saw an enemy on the road (I remember distinctly one battlemage who stood on the bridge leading to the Dwemer ruins near Balmora for the main quest) you'd brick it and you know this fight could kill you, but in Oblivion and Skyrim it's all scaled rubbish, every enemy is equally challenging (well they're not challenging) with some generic boss at the end. 'Master Vampire' 'Ascendant Necromancer'. Great. Oh I'm on Master difficulty but my big stabby stick of stabbiness just killed it in one shot? Shame that.
To be fair though a few hours into the game in Morrowind and nothing really scared you either, in all the modern TES games you outpace the content in terms of power without ever trying to, and I agree it's a shame. Sadly none have been difficult unless you yourself imposed the challenge (or had someone else do so via mods).

Back in Morrowind you had to use every spell, if not for combat purposes, then for exploration, some places just were not possible to get to without certain spells and that added a great feel to the game, it felt like you were picking up yet another tool whenever you bought a spell, Mark/Recall/Intervention/Levitate were all extremely useful and were removed for no good reason. They should have never added fast travel, it should have stayed how it was, Skyrim without fast travel is very enjoyable because it has a very Morrowind-esque travel system, sadly Oblivion only had fast travel other than walking.
Completely agree on the fast travel but again disagree massively on the spells all being useful, you could find uses for them all but you could get along without missing many - pretty much as is the case now. Mark / Recall etc effectively became fast travel.

As for the graphics we'll have to agree to disagree :) I honestly thought even without mods Skyrim looked nice (and amazing with), as I thought of Oblivion when it was released (I found the character models appalling in Oblivion).
One point to keep in mind thought TES VI will probably be around shortly after the new gen of consoles are released so graphics will again be pushed to entice people into playing, whereas it was obviously a limiting factor with Skyrim (as it was towards the latter portion of the current gen consoles rather than the start as Oblivion - though by high end PC standards it will be wanting when compared to the graphical elite).
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