To be fair though a few hours into the game in Morrowind and nothing really scared you either, in all the modern TES games you outpace the content in terms of power without ever trying to, and I agree it's a shame. Sadly none have been difficult unless you yourself imposed the challenge (or had someone else do so via mods).
It depends really, Morrowind had one of those beautiful systems where enemies always stayed the same from level one all the way to level 100 which really worked, as there were tons of places you simply could not stand a chance in at a low level, modern RPG's though it's all scaling and go anywhere anytime bull.
Completely agree on the fast travel but again disagree massively on the spells all being useful, you could find uses for them all but you could get along without missing many - pretty much as is the case now. Mark / Recall etc effectively became fast travel.
'Massively' is abit of an overshoot if you use a mage character, you can easily make use of every single aspect of ever spell, I did.
Mark/Recall required effort though, sure it wasn't massively hard but you'd always have to get there first, and when you marked somewhere else the last place went. Also, being able to teleport during battle was great, it felt great and was an amazing way to survive some situations and who doesnt like teleporting!?
Also saying Levitate isn't useful is very obtuse.
As for the graphics we'll have to agree to disagree I honestly thought even without mods Skyrim looked nice (and amazing with), as I thought of Oblivion when it was released (I found the character models appalling in Oblivion).
Thing is, yeah Skyrim looks alright when you just look at it as a thing (my explanation skills are amazing I know. ) but just compare it to anything else out between 2007-2011, they all make it look atrocious, you can't count .ini tweaks either as 'vanilla' as it isn't, so there would be barely any grass and the pop ins are disgusting. Compare it to:
- Dark Souls
- Arkham City
- Battlefield 3
- Assassin's Creed Revelations
- Dead Island
- Uncharted 3 (PS3 exclusive and looks better than Skyrim on Ultra @ 1080p!)
- L.A. Noire
- Saints Row The Third
- Anno 2070
those are the games that came out at the same time and all of a sudden it doesn't look so appealing anymore, looks even worse when you compare it to games that came way before it, even all the way back to it's predecessor.
One point to keep in mind thought TES VI will probably be around shortly after the new gen of consoles are released so graphics will again be pushed to entice people into playing, whereas it was obviously a limiting factor with Skyrim (as it was towards the latter portion of the current gen consoles rather than the start as Oblivion - though by high end PC standards it will be wanting when compared to the graphical elite).
Yeah, the biggest problem with Skyrim is the fact it's been held back by the consoles, but it was ported fairly well (graphical features anyway), with some nice options and high resolution shadows/textures and all the tweaks. Thing is though, no idea why they bothered with the HD texture pack, they make almost no difference and a lot of the textures in the base game are horrific regardless of whether they were 5,000,000x5,000,000 as they are badly designed. The 2K texture pack combined with the bitmap mod looks superb, add in some nice lighting and a strong ENB and you do genuinly have the best looking game there is. Vanilla though. Nah. I do understand Skyrim came out at the end of the hardware curve and looks bad compared to companies like Crytek and Ubisoft who invest quite heavily into porting upwards for PC rather than straight across, whereas Oblivion came out when the 360 wasn't that far behind PC's.
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