The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Anyone know of a mod that will help with the following issue. I had up until 5 minutes ago, dual handed daggers, both the same, one fav item.

However, now I am starting to train up my enchanting (assassin play style, so pretty handy), the previous 2 identical daggers are now different and treated differently.

Does anyone know of a mod that I can then attach these 2 daggers together under the same listing?
Anyone know of a mod that will help with the following issue. I had up until 5 minutes ago, dual handed daggers, both the same, one fav item.

However, now I am starting to train up my enchanting (assassin play style, so pretty handy), the previous 2 identical daggers are now different and treated differently.

Does anyone know of a mod that I can then attach these 2 daggers together under the same listing?

This mod should solve your problems buddy:-

It needs SKSE installed (which is a doddle if you haven't already got it installed), but it's a very powerful tool that makes the whole 'favourite' process better in every way. You can just save your daggers as an equipment set and equip it all with one button!

I would recommend getting SkyUI too if you haven't, as they work really well together (and SkyUI just makes the game so much nicer on PC).

Best of luck!
After playing around with a few enb mods im not sure i like any of them so far, they all seem to over saturate and make lighting and shadow worse, dark areas are too dark, highlights too bright, also the fps hit was a lot more than i expected even after disabling dof etc, whats worse though is for some reason when i sprint fps drops to near zero!

Can anyone help with this?

Id like to use enb or something else that fixes the dull flat look, perhaps a lighting mod or graphics settings, im really not too bothered about high res textures now i think about it, though i might get that climate and water one, id just like a few of the best?

Also how do i force the game to be stereo, it's simply too quiet and after searching there's no helpful fix, i don't have realtek and i don't have a loudness enhancement, it's the games fault not my hardware, we should have the option to set stereo instead of 5.1 surround, there must be a command somewhere but i can't find it?
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Thanks i will check them out, i did try project enb first which dropped my fps from 60+ to 40, it was a bit heavy on saturation as well.

Any idea how to fix the sound? I can't beleive there hasn't been one in all this time, the game is running surround when many will be playing with stereo...
Considering this in the sale.. I loved Oblivion, never finished the story though.. I assume Skyrim is better, more immersive?

What mods would be good to improve it? Not really change. I want to play it how it was meant to be but stuff that improves the visuals or immersion would be great.. Like with Oblivion I had mods that improved the look of the various areas, making them more distinctive and unique.
Any recommendations?
Oblivion is great if youve never played. I need to re-install and put a fwe texture packs on, i never did the main storyline just some of the guilds and still put about 60hours in!

Just read properly that you have played it. Id say oblivion is better obviously graphics are better in skyrim, i prefer the leveling system of oblivion aswell
I've heard a few people prefer Oblivion.. I'd have thought Skyrim would have been better.. Is there less/more to do in Skyrim? Less/more immersive?
Personally, and I have put hundreds of hours in to both games, I think Skyrim improves on Oblivion in absolutely every area. Yes, there is much more to do in Skyrim, mainly due to the radiant quest system. Though the guild questlines are shorter(though tbf, they are structured differently)
SkyUI is a must, as the default UI is terrible.

I think Skyrim improves on everything except story. I just can't get immersed in any quest line like I could in oblivion and morrowind.

Oh, and I miss attributes and more varied magic
Has anyone come from a console version to the pc version of Skyrim and tried to recreate parts of their old save game?

Are there any mods that anyone could recommend that help with this instead of inputting various console lines in?

It would be frustrating to have to re-do elements of Skyrim that I have spent so much time on in order to enjoy the DLC content and PC mods.
I liked Oblivion a great deal, as I did Morrowind before it.
The only aspect I didn't think Skyrim bested Oblivion in was the faction systems and quests associated with them. However opinions vary a great deal :)
I like that you can now level up naturally just by playing and not worry about gaming the system or losing out.

Essential mods?
Many people recommend SkyUI as a must have (requires SKSE).
Other than that it's all personal preference. The game itself unmodded doesn't look too bad. Texture packs and such can really change the games visual quality (obviously at the cost of performance).
ENB needs some work as well to get it to your personal taste as default looks ungodly awful and the presets people put up on nexus etc. are usually tailored to their tastes.
Enjoy the juggling act if you get involved with mods because 1 is never enough, just remember to not kill your framerate too much :)

I am running at ~20mods and ENB+SweetFX (mostly graphical mods - better textures etc), and find the game stunning even compared to some recent releases.

Are there any mods that anyone could recommend that help with this instead of inputting various console lines in?
Sadly I think you will be largely stuck with a new start or lots of console commands :(
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Got a bit of a problem when installing project enb - game closes when it gets to the menu screen.

The only other mod I have is the texture pack combiner (this does contain a lot of stuff, not using Project Parallax).

graphics card is 6950 flashed to 6970, win 7 lasts drivers I think.

Any one got any ideas about what is wrong?


Edit: the injector version works for some reason....would still like to change to the wrapper if anyone knows how to fix this.
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Is ENB installed correctly (wrapper or injector version whichever you went with)? Try the other ENB version (use wrapper instead of injector or vice versa). Ensure you have made the SkyrimPrefs.ini change for ENB to run (bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim).

Haven't used the mod you mentioned so no idea on conflicts or bugs possible from it sorry.

Edit - Beaten to the punch :) No idea how to alter the ENB files or what could be conflicting with the wrapper :(
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Is ENB installed correctly (wrapper or injector version whichever you went with)? Try the other ENB version (use wrapper instead of injector or vice versa). Ensure you have made the SkyrimPrefs.ini change for ENB to run (bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim).

Haven't used the mod you mentioned so no idea on conflicts or bugs possible from it sorry.

Edit - Beaten to the punch :) No idea how to alter the ENB files or what could be conflicting with the wrapper :(

np, cheers for the help anyway.
Got a bit of a problem when installing project enb - game closes when it gets to the menu screen.

The only other mod I have is the texture pack combiner (this does contain a lot of stuff, not using Project Parallax).

graphics card is 6950 flashed to 6970, win 7 lasts drivers I think.

Any one got any ideas about what is wrong?


Edit: the injector version works for some reason....would still like to change to the wrapper if anyone knows how to fix this.

Are you running Afterburner or Fraps by any chance? because the enb wont work with those sort of programs.

Which version are you using? I'm using enbseries_skyrimv119 and have used both the wrapper and injector with project enb and the texture combiner, preferred the injector as I'm sure the game performs a bit better.

I also use a flashed 6950, I don't know what res your are using but @1440p picking the higher res textures for the combiner and using the enb and a few other mods hammered the vram to the point where it was stuttering so I had to pick some lower res ones, just a heads up..

Edit: I recommend using this optimiser, point it at your texture folder and set what compression method you want, saves on space and vram.
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