The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

I want to get back into this until Bioshock Infinite is out so I've been updating my old Mods and trying to install new ones but the last few I've tried to install (from the Top Files on Nexus) Nexus is saying the files do not exist. Are some of the 'Top Files' gone or is there another way to get them working?
I was updating Sky UI but it wouldn't work until I uninstalled an older version (form about 6 months ago). So I removed the files in the data/Interface folder, as per instruction and now Skyrim won't start. When I Verify integrity of game cache in Steam it finds an error alright:

"1 files failed to validate and will be reacquired".

Then it reacquires the file but Skyrim still won't start up, it just disappears after the Bethesda screen. I remember getting this problem when I played it before but I can't remember what's wrong. Skyrim, skse, Nexus etc. are all up to date.
There are few reasons for that to occur, Check your load order and see if an ESM is unticked.

OK thanks. Everything in the load order in Nexus is ticked, including all the esm.s Actually there's a load of stuff in there from before that aren't showing up in the MOds, just in plugins, what's the difference?

Also does the order matter?
Tried many Mods and finally settled to (Modified project ENB(COT version) + COT + 2k Textures + Enhanced lights and FX + Flora overhaul + Realistic Lighting Overhaul)
and Now I am quite Happy :)

It's a code library that intercepts instructions to the standard DirectX library and replaces the result. Or in another way, it injects code into the game to enhance the graphics in some way. Usually this is applied to lighting calculations, anti aliasing and effects.

ENB mods will generally slow you down. However, if you have GPU power to spare it can be a none issue.
There are some instances where such mods have been used to work around bugs within video drivers, and even game engines, to produce better performance.

In practical terms, you drop a .dll file into the games' executable folder and away you go. Often some form of config ini or application can be used to tweak settings.

Security measures of online games can consider this code injection a hack attempt. Just something to be aware of.
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Here are some from my game atm. Seems to be a black bar coming up when I take a screenshot sometimes though.

I get about 45-60 most of the time, but drops in areas with a lot of buildings. As I said, I am not using a great ENB, just Project ENB with the performance options.
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