The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Ah, D3doverider was running. Totally forgot I had that installed :)

Used it for smoothing out Borderlands 2.

Anyway, nope, I don't like the bluriness. And the performance impact :(

Any other suggestions? I just want darker nights and general better lighting.

Edit, anyone know of a mod that keeps buffs like the light buff on perm? I hate having to play a mage character and constantly rebuff every 30 seconds.

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Try CoT weathers with RLO or RCRN on its own.

Will do tonight :) Cheers

I have a new found love!!! So, last night through testing on different mods, I'm up at a staggering amount of mods and I'm loving it :D Looks amazing now. I also spent a good hour or so tweaking the ini files. Although I dropped a setting down from 8000.000 to 2500.000. Stupidly following a guide without realising it's the shadow draw distance for sharper shadows. Now I see the line infront of me cut in and smooth out the shadows. Doh! Need to revert that back.

Anyway, the reason I didn't instantly revert it, is I created a conjurer, which I have never played before. Now I have a mod to keep up ironflesh and such. And with SkyRe coming in and sorting out the tree. I thought I would give it a try.

So I'm loving it! Bound dagger, my summoned wolf at my side and my left hand spewing out flames when ever I don't want to get involved. Wolf die? Just summing it and fear everyone haha.

It's very good fun indeed :) If anyone knows of any decent conjurer mods? Remember I have SkyRe so don't want anything that will conflict with that.
Thinking about going back to this game, and using the STEP manager and using lots of mods. Do you think installing everything on a SSD is necessary to run everything at maxed settings on 2560x1440 or could I get away with it being on a decent mechanical hard drive?

Whats the size of the game with all the DLC's on vanilla?
Thinking about going back to this game, and using the STEP manager and using lots of mods. Do you think installing everything on a SSD is necessary to run everything at maxed settings on 2560x1440 or could I get away with it being on a decent mechanical hard drive?

Whats the size of the game with all the DLC's on vanilla?

I would recommend using a ssd just because of the faster loading times.
My folder is way over 20GB at the moment, with DLC and mods, my poor SSD, had to remove Grid and a few other 'new' games from it to clear space. Don't know why but I don't like filling a HDD up. I always like a nice chunk of space spare lol.
My folder is way over 20GB at the moment, with DLC and mods, my poor SSD, had to remove Grid and a few other 'new' games from it to clear space. Don't know why but I don't like filling a HDD up. I always like a nice chunk of space spare lol.

Me too, I get nervous when my SSD starts to fill, especially since a massive steam update of shogun 2 filled by SSD even though I actually have the game on a different drive through a steamtool junction. Definitely safer to keep some free space at all times.
It's good practice to leave about 10% free space on the drive for temporary files, recycle bin, restore points, moving files around, page file, TRIM, defragging, etc.
Hi just got my new HD, and I'm ready to get back to SKYRIM. I have deleted every mod etc that I had, and want to start afresh after encountering problems trying to go back to what I had a while ago.

I want it looking great, and would like to use an ENB or another at some point.

Can someone give me a textures etc install list and maybe a piece of software to manage it, I have lost confidence in Nexus Mod Manager despite uninstalling etc several times, I still keep getting the same stupid error, something to do with a log list in documents or something. I've deleted several times, makes no difference.

The STEP guide looks like a nightmare but I'm prepared to give it a go, if no-one can suggest a more simple process. I intend to get it looking how I want and then go for gameplay type mods.

Can anyone please advise me?

All of a sudden Skyrim has started crashing - but this is a horrible crash because it completely and utterly and totally disables Windows and the only way out is a hard-reset & Windows reboot.


It happes about 5 mins into a game. The game just freezes. The image stays onscreen accompanied by a buzzing noise.

Thanks for any ideas.
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