The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Right guys i'm going to update the OP

I need the best mods to install with perhaps an easy guide for a new user! So for example if I was to install Skyrim today with all the DLC's what would be the best mods.

And go.......

You can probably look a few posts above. Seems like a pretty good list to me :)
Removed the ENB, bored of the problems you get with them. Looks pretty good without still, I think.

Although with CoT I am getting brighter grass in some weathers, thought it was fixed. Perhaps it is Skyrim Flora Overhaul Summer Edition, shall have to test.

AOF Detailed Mountains is a really nice rock texture mod.

11 big images in spoiler.











Right guys i'm going to update the OP

I need the best mods to install with perhaps an easy guide for a new user! So for example if I was to install Skyrim today with all the DLC's what would be the best mods.

And go.......

I have a combined file of 60 mods hosted that you can use would be the easiest way to get it running amazing. Feel free to check my screenshots too.

Start off with this.

I have then made a combined file with 60 texture mods all in one package which i have hosted below.

The file is split into 7 rar files and will need to be extracted and then put back into a single rar file and then added to nexus mod manager.!242&authkey=!AAKHPauk5lZZpeE

Feel free to check out my screen shots too.

Here is a list of all the mods in my combined file.

Separate to the combined file but highly recommended:

Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized by Vano89 (Seperate Download)


Skyrim HD - 2K Textures by NebuLa
Serious HD Retexture Skyrim by Z4G4
Skyrim Realistic Overhaul by Starac


AOF Detailed Mountains by AnOldFriend
AOF Farmhouses by AnOldFriend
Better Dynamic Snow by OpticShooter and Brumbek
Better Rocks and Mountains by Four Leaf Clover
Detailed Chests by Clintmich
Detailed Rugs by Raiserfx
Enhanced Distant Terrain by OpticShooter
HD Linens by Rivybeast
HD Misc by Calav3ra
HD Ore And Ingots by BioProd
HD Sacks Retexture by Mazarin
HD Soul Gems by Flicke
Hectrol Caves Deluxe HighRes Retex by Hectrol
Hectrol Spider Webs Deluxe HighRes Retex by Hectrol
High Quality Food and Ingredients by Iraito
High Quality LODs by Ethatron
High Quality Workbench by Zappoo
High Realistic Tundra Moss for AOF Detailed Mountains by Aron
HQ Milky Way Galaxy by Manesse
HQ Paper by Anarin
HQ Skyrim Map V2 by Grace Darkling and Paddyy
HQ Towns and Villages by Anarin
Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture by Gabriel "Mystikhybrid" Gullbergh
Langleys Wood Metal and Stone Textures Workshop by Langley
Lush Grass by OpticShooter
Lush Trees by OpticShooter
No stretching by Langley
Pilgrims Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine Retextures by Kotep
Quality ********** V2 by Yuril
Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD by XRC
Real Ice ALL-IN-ONE by Yuril
Real Ice and Snow by grVulture
Realistic Instruments by InwardScreams
Realistic Mushrooms by Mystery Modder
Re-Defined Dungeons WIP by Gizmo
Riften HQ Textures by Erik
Ruins Clutter Improved by Raiserfx
Septim HD by Crypton
Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons by Narmix
Skyrim Flora Overhaul by Vurt
Skyrim Flora Overhaul by Vurt (Punish my machine optional)
Skyrim HD Environments by Raiserfx
Skyrim Sunglare V4 by Laast
Snow and Rocks Textures HD by Darevix
Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) by Brumbek
The Beauty of Skyrim - Caves and Mines by Raiserfx
Tobes Highres Textures by Mr Bravo aka Tobe
TreesHD Skyrim Variation by Namotep
Visible Windows by Isoku
W.A.T.E.R. by SparrowPrince
Weathered Road Signs by Nimbli Bimbli
Whiterun Trellis Redesigned and HQ by Toby S
Riverside Lodge is a nice one:

I'm currently using Tanners Ridge Treehouse:

Though has bugged bookshelves, I fixed them in CK myself, no update yet from the author to fix them. Read some people had bugs in the quest also.

Deus Mons is a nice one too. Loads here:

Also a mod that fixes the waterfalls when far away:
Last edited:
Heads up for the lads who have a female character,

I've just started using the SG body / face textures for CBBE on my character as opposed to the straight caliente textures and better females by Bella

The difference is immense, the definition on the body is outstanding, and the facial textures are the first ones I have ever used instead of Bella's that don't make your character look old and decrepid.

Definitely recommened
I've just reinstalled Skyrim after a long break and tried to carry on with my character but couldn't as I'm missing some critical mods. I can't remember what they are as I had a load installed. Is there any way of finding out?
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