The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

You've probably done this but...
Did you delete the ini files from my docs? Total longshot.

Yeah, I really have tried everything!...Thanks for the help though:)

Some people say that the opening intro is very unstable, and once it goes, it never comes back....It isn't something I have ever come across, and believe me, I have worked through pretty much every problem you can have with TES/Fallout games!

Once my new SSD comes, I might reinstall Windows, so maybe a pretty much completely new system might do the trick. Tbh, I haven't exactly been giving my total attention to it, as there has always been another game I wanted to turn to when it didn't work over the last few motnhs.
Not that many mods really:


The ENB is here: Opethfeldt6's ENB

Links on that pages to the mods it requires.

There are some bugs though, but it is still a beta. So far I found that torches on walls, and some forges have bugs. Fixes for both can be found in the comments pages. I uploaded the 2 fixes here. However it seems that doesn't fix all forges.

Also I have found that when entering an exterior area, after a loading screen, low-res textures may show for a second or 2.

Is a quite demanding ENB, I turned off SSAO, DoF, Reflections, Sky Lighting, Subsurface Scattering. Really dark too, so I increased the brightness a bit at night and in interiors.

It looks nice, how is the performance hit?
Hmmm, my post seems to have been buried.

But anyone know why crossfire HD7950 is causing some tearing with the game?
Removed some ini tweak settings especially ones that control GRIDS as it can make Skyrim unstable.

I'm also trying to fix a big stutter problem, which may be down to the ENB :(

EDIT : Big stuttering gone and also VRAM is only about 1522, so it was down to the grids setting, thankfully I removed it :)
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Not as sharp in game, that's irfanview sharpen effect when downsizing, however in game it looks incredible!

Check out my frames too, same as in the world :)
Deleted ( deactivated ) - Warzones as it was causing memory leaks, stuttering and some people had CTD's. Has not been updated for awhile now either!

Shame :(


Have now added random encounters and random encounters MCM update, which works much better and stable :)
Have now added random encounters and random encounters MCM update, which works much better and stable :)

Immersive Patrols is much better imo, and is fully modular. If you are just messing around, and not actually playing the game, it might be worth a go....actually, I tihnk you can install/uninstall it as you wish, as it doesn't use scripts

Off topic, does anyone else get really annoyed by mod authors putting the term 'immersive' in their titles?:p

edit- Also, I have seen some that claim to be 'more lore-friendly than vanilla':o
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Typical. I deleted all of my mods yesterday, installed Skyrim on to my new SSD, and just sat down ready to download everything I need......Nexus is down for maintenance:rolleyes:

The first time I have tried to dl something from there for months!
Got the ledgendary edition as i felt like playing this again due to all the stories of how amazing it looks modded as i never bothered modding it the first time i finished it.
I think iv pretty much got all the mods i need to make it look awsome..Any more recommendations?

Im using the realistic ENB with the COT mod and the official HD texture pack aswell as a bunch of others for like snow and trees ect...Any others that i should definatly get before i get too far into the game?

Also is it safe to combine the 2k HD textures when your already using the official HD pack?
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