The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Hey Neil glad your enjoying the dynamic loot mod, its realy change the game a lot for me its now on my must use list :). I also come across another gem that should be up there in the hot files but it only got 42 votes :confused:.

Its called vanilla at its best is just skyrim ini and skyrim pref ini tweaks. Will post some screenshots in a bit with just vanilla weather and a few other mods running like Water and Ameridianborn armour. Here is the link

You might also want to try out the guys patches he does as well SMPC
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Well i took some screenshots, they are actually darker ingame so not sure what printscreen is upto :confused:. These are done with no lighting mods or weather mods and you can see how nice and crisp everything looks (only 1024k textures SRO ) and ameridainborn dungeons and roads :)


The nights are quite dark as well for just a ini tweak





Dungeons are dark and moody but you can still see what your doing


I just took what i needed from his ini settings and adjusted a few other bits to suite my 1gig memory graphics card. But its made a big difference and dont need a lighting or weather mod running now :)
Here's some good'uns

Shiny armours... Gives metal armours a reflective shine. Impressive!
Interesting, will take a look later

More baddies... Gives you bandit factions or mages, archers etc.
Will need to test this, can be overwhelming when using more of a certain enemy, especially with levels and trying to get to quests. Can also cause stuttering if new characters are spawning in

Locational Damage... Hitting people over the head now kills 'em, just like it should be.

Immersive Interiors... See outside of windows n stuff,
Not recommended if using the RCRN AE total lighting overhaul which affects interiors as well

Well i took some screenshots, they are actually darker ingame so not sure what printscreen is upto :confused:.

I just took what i needed from his ini settings and adjusted a few other bits to suite my 1gig memory graphics card. But its made a big difference and dont need a lighting or weather mod running now :)

Good for low-mid range systems that don't want to fuss with lighting overhauls, but comparing those to RCRN AE it's a big difference. It's not just shadows but how lighting bounces off interiors and exteriors. Also extra shaders used, new weather elements and fxaa, sharpen e.t.c If you compare my shots to yours in the lighting aspect, there's a big difference and we both used the same prtscreen so the same gamma. There's only so much ini tweaking can do.
Not recommended if using the RCRN AE total lighting overhaul which affects interiors as well

Can't stand anything that uses sweetfx. You might as well just adjust your contrast on the TV and turn the sharpness up.
Hold back there buddy, you know rcrn comes with a config tool? :) Try it! The problem is the people that config sweetfx, they screw with way too much

Rcrn does a number of other things aswell
I installed RCRN AE and I'm yet to see any notable change, just seems to make everything darker. :/

EDIT: Nvm, just noticed I didn't have the .esp files enabled for it LOL!
Odd something isn’t working... Any overlays running? It wouldn’t be the top most endorsed mods if it just made it darker
EDIT: Nvm, just noticed I didn't have the .esp files enabled for it LOL!

Herp Derp :D:D

p.s You can install the enbseries through the tool, but I found using enbseries messes up everything :( Don't know why! That hialgo or what ever it's called is pretty nifty though
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