The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

MSI GeForce GTX 660 Twin Frozr III edition

+60 Core
+315 Mem

You tried this ?

An ENB that actually works with little FPS loss.

and also this in your Nvidia control panel.

AO - Performance? nope :) Will try that Cheers

To be honest I'm happy with what I got, it looks as good as a fully set up ENB without the rear blur.

Thanks for advice though fella
Bit dark for me, but there are so many different lighting effects for this game lol :D

That's the beauty of it, don't like it, use something else :)
Guys can someone help me out with a work around/fix for this double cursor issue that appears when you alt-tab out and back into the game.... its driving me MAD! to the point im not playing it any more.
I have never used these nexus mods, the install instructions on this mod didn't seem to make to much sense, I guess it needs to have some kind of mod kit installed to allow the nexus mods to work. I was hoping steam workshop would have a fix :(

basically you need to download a program called SKSE (skyrim script extender). Put it in your skyrim folder (where your skyrim.exe file is) and run it so it installs in the same directory.

Yours may be like

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim

Then download the mod (assuming you have winrar or whatever file unzipper software on your pc), drag the contents of the .rar file into the same folder as before. I've just checked the .rar file and it's split into the correct folders so it is just a case of drag and drop in the right skyrim folder.

The problem is that you'll have to launch skyrim with SKSE, which isn't really a big deal. You just have to click a different icon on your desktop to launch.
I've recently reinstalled this and a bit behind. What is the latest best looking ENB (I know it's subjective)? With all the latest DOF effects etc. I've seen there is some cracking water mods kicking about now too.

What ENBs are people using? I'm on 780Ti Tri SLI so hit me with all the super sampling :D
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I've recently reinstalled this and a bit behind. What is the latest best looking ENB (I know it's subjective)? With all the latest DOF effects etc. I've seen there is some cracking water mods kicking about now too.

What ENBs are people using? I'm on 780Ti Tri SLI so hit me with all the super sampling :D

Best ENB's recommended by others

Project ENB

Though I'll be using RCRN and Opethfeldt6, one is a shader/weather overhaul the other an ENB. Also see my op list for the BEST water mod :)

Watch this

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I've recently reinstalled this and a bit behind. What is the latest best looking ENB (I know it's subjective)? With all the latest DOF effects etc. I've seen there is some cracking water mods kicking about now too.

What ENBs are people using? I'm on 780Ti Tri SLI so hit me with all the super sampling :D

Best I've tried..

I think I like Project Matso The old version which ran off ENB .112 Kage. Very colourful and bloomy, good lense effects but it doesn't have skylighting or AO. I used to get 60fps with it running on a single gtx 670.

Others which I liked but couldn't run in a playable state on my sli set up (ie it has to hit 60fps 90% of the time)

The Wilds
Stakado Cinematic

Let us know how you get on. I'm tempted to get a couple of 780s, but the difference between a single 670 and sli 670 is about 10-15 FPS for some strange reason. Some ENBs work worse in SLI (it shows higher frame rate but it feels less) and you get better performance using a single card.

They must have been ran through photoshop. The pics look like they have some artistic pen filter on them, either that or he's made his own shader to emulate that effect and probably gets about 5fps.

[edit] Nope , it's the cartoon effect on SweetFX. I've just been playing with it.

Ghost ENB, with serpia turned off on SweetFX. Not bad.. if you like yellow

SkyRealism Fantasy preset.. Great FPS. Looks nice. incorrectly colours trees.

Seasons of Skyrim Ultra setting.... Looks amazing and sharp but lacks warm colours.

Kinematic ENB Extreme Settings..

Finally the beautiful Project Matso..

Will add more as I fiddle.. which is probably a bad idea when you're 3/4 of the way through the main quest
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Ive installed most of the mods off the OP. Thanks OP

Is there a mod that puts enchanters in the game that I can pay for decent enchants. Im level 40 and not put a single point in enchanting.
Ie. My legendary daedric bow has a burns target for 10 fire damage on it haha.

Although basically all armour and jewellery I have found do additional bow damage and I sneak one shot 'most' things.

Seasons of Skyrim ENB True HDR, I might try that one :D

You're welcome seany, I think there's an enchantment mod of some kind but I haven't looked into it
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