TonyTurbo78 like that mod
cheers DG.. I have around 150 of them
TonyTurbo78 like that mod
Downloading everything ready to go through the STEP guide. There are a fair few :|
Anyone playing skyrim on a 780, 280 or 290? Any good ?
Let me know if you run into bother with Skyrim Nexus. I have most of the STEP mods (All the Core + most of the enhanced) saved to my google drive.
The nexus servers are very hit&miss whether they work at all, and if they do the servers only download at 30kb/s at times.
Finally getting some time to mod, going through STEP 2.2.7, I'm up to the landscape section, having finished conflicting graphics and stuff last night.
My main problem is landscape textures at the moment, all of them look TOO high def, you can clearly see patterns on the land. I guess this will be resolved once I get a decent vegetation mod put on. Other than that, I've not had ANY issues and it's making the game look better already!
Yeah I've noticed the tile repetition just outside the grass distance. Since downloading the new memory fix that has stopped all my crashes and ILSs, I'm going to increase my uGrids to 7.
which one did you use?
I currently have the modified SKSE dll file and the INI installed but noticed on nexus that a new mod called SMME? has just come out which does the same thing.. but it say you have to revert back to the original SKSE dll file for it to work.