The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

What is this uGrids? It does look pretty bad and annoys me :( Might remove landscape textures entirely.

It might improve once you've added all the texture mods. Many of them overlap, hence the strict instructions for installation order.

The whole world is in a grid. I'm not sure if increasing the uGrid value loads more squares in this grid, or increases the size of the squares. Either way, the result is that objects, creatures, NPCs are loaded further out into the world. The standard value is 5, anything above 9, or often even 7 can be very unstable. From initial testing however, when using this new crash fixing memory patch, people are able to run ugrid at 9 very well. Trouble, once you save your game in one uGrid value, you can't load the save on a lower value. So say you set it to 7, save then realise it's too unstable or the performance loss is too great and drop it back to 5, your save won't work without some sort of fix.

I'm going to try 7 tonight, but I'm a bit nervous about losing my 36 hour save.

More information on the Memory patch (MUST have SKSE, ENB and ENBoost):

More information on Skyrim uGrids:
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How strict? I've removed 2 of the landscape textures and I'm now on a HD one which isn't so bad but it's not great. Would it be bad if I just added the previous ones back in?
How strict? I've removed 2 of the landscape textures and I'm now on a HD one which isn't so bad but it's not great. Would it be bad if I just added the previous ones back in?

Well say install mod 1, and then mod 2 but mod 2 overlaps mod 1. If you then go and remove mod 1, it will also remove the overlapping textures of mod 2. You could then reinstall mod 2, but that may then impact mod 3... It's a very tricky. Pay attention to colour of the installer icon in Wrye Bash and look at the conflicts lists.
SKSE has got a new alpha up with the memory patch built in

- added Game.GetFormEx that works for formIds >= 0x80000000
- added UI.Open/CloseCustomMenu
- added Actor.ReplaceHeadPart, ActorBase.GetNumOverlayHeadParts, GetNthOverlayHeadPart, GetIndexOfOverlayHeadPartByType
- added Math.Log
- added Ingredient.GetIsNthEffectKnown
- fixed SetPlayerTintMaskColor alpha
- enabled previously-temporary Papyrus plugin API - it isn't what I wanted it to be, but I don't think I have the time to do it the right way
- added ActiveMagicEffect.GetMagnitude
- added Art.Get/SetModelPath
- added many MagicEffect and Tree functions
- added ModEvent and UICallback, see associated .psc for details
- added ObjectReference.Get/SetDisplayName
- added Enchantment.SetNthEffectMagnitude/Area/Duration
- added Form.SetPlayerKnows
- added Enchantment.GetBaseEnchantment
- added Perk.GetNextPerk
- added ActorValueInfo, see ActorValueInfo.psc for details
- added LeveledActor/Item/Spell, see associated .psc for details
- added Game.Get/SetPlayerExperience, GetExperienceForLevel
- added ObjectReference.GetEnableParent, Get/Set/CreateEnchantment, GetNumReferenceAliases, GetNthReferenceAlias
- fixed Get/SetGoldValue for AlchemyItems
- added DefaultObjectManager
- thanks to sheson: added configuration of some initial pool sizes
DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB= <default heap initial allocation size in megabytes, vanilla size is 512>
ScrapHeapSizeMB= <scrap heap size in megabytes, vanilla size is 256>
Got a pretty stable game going now, after having a year or more of not being able to(intro was totally beyond repair for some reason!). I was getting CTDs when opening menus for a bit, but they seem to have gone now, something to do with safety load.
So say you set it to 7, save then realise it's too unstable or the performance loss is too great and drop it back to 5, your save won't work without some sort of fix.

I'm going to try 7 tonight, but I'm a bit nervous about losing my 36 hour save.

I didn't realise this a few weeks ago and increased the value to 11 (experimenting) after a good few hours playing. Game suddenly started crashing every 5-10 minutes. I reverted and reloaded the save but the crashing continued.

There are steps you can take in a specific corder though (involving specifying the ugrid size and refreshing something from the in game console) which writes the lower value back to the ini file and fixes it again so all is not lost if you do go too far.

Of course, the safer way would be to ensure you have multiple recent saved games to experiment with!
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The equip overhaul mod is great. Much better than just doing the ini change yourself, and the realistic unequip is a nice touch, though really annoying when you forget about it!
This is still an issue. I'm at the half way point on the STEP 2.2.7, but the landscape is still pretty bad...

I've reinstalled the ones I moved, but the 'tiles' on the landscape is so annoying. The standard didn't look anywhere near as bad.


This is still an issue. I'm at the half way point on the STEP 2.2.7, but the landscape is still pretty bad...

I've reinstalled the ones I moved, but the 'tiles' on the landscape is so annoying. The standard didn't look anywhere near as bad.


That's why I don't use landscape texture mods. I've noticed patching on lots of them.

As for step.. stuff that, I don't have a full day to faff about with hundreds of mods. If I wanted to completely change the game I'd just choose a collection in the steam workshop and let it auto download and install. Something like Bills309's mod pack of Awesome would get you close to STEP in one "download the lot" button press.
That's why I don't use landscape texture mods. I've noticed patching on lots of them.

As for step.. stuff that, I don't have a full day to faff about with hundreds of mods. If I wanted to completely change the game I'd just choose a collection in the steam workshop and let it auto download and install. Something like Bills309's mod pack of Awesome would get you close to STEP in one "download the lot" button press.

I find it a fun thing to do, I'm weird like that.

But, I do think I will remove the landscape mods entirely, they just don't look right. I guess 95% of the screens on the mods pages are mega close ups.
I enjoy going through step as well, but remember that it is all optional! Tbh, about a quarter of it isn't worth it imo, but it is a great base to build from.

With regards to textures, all of Amidianborn's stuff is excellent imo, especially the dungeons and the Wolf armour.
Hi guys,

Hoping someone can help me. This weekend I've been going through STEP to mod Skyrim. After each section I ran BOSS and ran the game to make sure there were no issues. This morning I finally got to the end, ran BOSS and the game and it worked normally.

Then, I installed some of my own choices for mods:

Mods added after STEP:

Better Dynamic Snow
Better Sorting
Birds of Skyrim
Book Covers Skyrim
Cloaks of Skyrim
DFB Random Encounters
Ethereal Elven Overhual
Faster Vanilla Horses
Helmet Toggle
Player Headtracking
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
Slightly Dangerous Legendary Creatures

After installing all these I ran BOSS and ran Skyrim, the game instantly crashed to desktop. So I thought ok one of those must be conflicting with another mod. I uninstalled them 1 by 1 testing Skyrim each time, it still crashed after I uninstalled ALL of them.

So I started going backwards with STEP, uninstalling the mods from the last section "Gameplay" in reverse order, and testing Skyrim.

I have now got to the end of "Gameplay", all of the mods uninstalled, and Skyrim STILL crashes to desktop. What the hell is going on here?

One thing to note is that Nexus Mod Manager crashed while I was installing or uninstalling one of my "personal choice" mods after finishing STEP, could this have caused an issue?

Rather annoying after having spent so much time following STEP and now it's not working, should have made a backup after STEP was complete -.-

BOSS does not report any errors.

Any help please?
I assume that one of the mods you have installed has changed a setting on the skyrimpref.ini file thus uninstalling doesnt revert that back to the pre-none broken state.

Hmm that would make sense, I tried deleting the skyrimprefs.ini and let the game generate a new file but it still crashed. Is that what you meant?

I did the same with Skyrim.ini also
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