The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

This must be the most modded game to get it to look beautiful. Wish there was an all in one mod pack you can install. I've tried twice now to get mods installed first time game wouldnt load second time as soon as I got into the game in the cart one touch of the mouse and the picture just kept revolving 360 degrees non stop. Also for some reason my game always starts in window mode whether its ticked or not.

Could do with Matson reposting his mod list image.

I can't find the screen shots of your mod list I saw yesterday, could you repost please? also do you have an install order too?


This must be the most modded game to get it to look beautiful. Wish there was an all in one mod pack you can install. I've tried twice now to get mods installed first time game wouldnt load second time as soon as I got into the game in the cart one touch of the mouse and the picture just kept revolving 360 degrees non stop. Also for some reason my game always starts in window mode whether its ticked or not.

Could do with Matson reposting his mod list image.

I'll be putting a master list & install order together later of all the enhancement mods to install first, as I haven't added any other mods in yet. Unless Matson has something prepared already. :)
Heres a repost of my mod list..
Remember to run BOSS once you've installed them all to check for any issues and run Skyrim using SKSE.

My skyrim.ini settings. Change iMinGrassSize to a different value depending on how it runs. Lower = more dense. Higher = less dense more fps.

And here is the guide I used. I didn't follow the exact list of mods but it gives you an idea on things.

Also if your going to use the ENB on there make sure you follow the install instructions on the Nexus site for it as you have to change some settings and things.





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This must be the most modded game to get it to look beautiful. Wish there was an all in one mod pack you can install. I've tried twice now to get mods installed first time game wouldnt load second time as soon as I got into the game in the cart one touch of the mouse and the picture just kept revolving 360 degrees non stop. Also for some reason my game always starts in window mode whether its ticked or not.

Could do with Matson reposting his mod list image.

The revolving 360 degrees thing is to do with your monitor. The game doesn't like anything above 60hz so you have to use a fix to correct it and make sure the game is capped.
My monitor is 60hz?

beepy beep you installed ALL those mods ? (Thanks for doing the list)

will give it a try when I've got a week spare.
My monitor is 60hz?

beepy beep you installed ALL those mods ? (Thanks for doing the list)

will give it a try when I've got a week spare.

It definitely a project or later on, need a new GPU first and I can't justfiy £300 for one game right now.

Also, summer doesn't really seem like SKYRIM season to me, i like the dark nights and the wind and rain battering the window for this game!
Matson, do you have a texture pack for the steps leading to High Hrothgar? My textures for the steps and mountain are still ugly?


Also do your fell tree looks like this?

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Not sure. ill have to check the area out and see. I would have thought the 2k texture packs would fix things like those. I installed the Vivid Landscapes all in one back just now aswell and it didn't overwrite anything so I guess that was safe to install.
Thought I would post a couple more of what this game can look like with my mod list showing some different areas and locations! Its glorious :D














I think that's to do with the gamma setting that the ENB recommends.
I could get more fps if I changed the grass density settings but i prefere it being around 30fps and being very dense compared to higher fps and less density.
Are you using the Real Vision ENB with the suggested settings in the installation guide? It kinda looks like your not using an ENB there.

I posted a ton more screenshots in the screenshot thread on here. it should give you a good idea how mine looks in different areas and things to compare it.

can you post up a couple more comparing it to the same location in mine...

Whats your grass settings set to in the skyrim.ini file too?

It kinda looks like your missing a lot of the colour in the different variations of plants. but hard to see without you posting more comparisons from the exact locations of mine.
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Are you using the Real Vision ENB with the suggested settings in the installation guide? It kinda looks like your not using an ENB there.

I posted a ton more screenshots in the screenshot thread on here. it should give you a good idea how mine looks in different areas and things to compare it.

can you post up a couple more comparing it to the same location in mine...

Whats your grass settings set to in the skyrim.ini file too?

It kinda looks like your missing a lot of the colour in the different variations of plants. but hard to see without you posting more comparisons from the exact locations of mine.

I'm using the settings which Real Vision ENB put at the end of the installation:


Which I've edition in E:\Computer Directories\My Documents\my games\skyrim which are all OK. Which version did you choose? I went Option A FULL, Realistic Sun Warmer.

Grass settings also = yours, I think my ENB has messed up somewhere so doing a re-install now.

Will post up some more shots shortly.
I think im using the Same ENB settings as you.
Im a little confused why you have so many more trees...while it looks great that's its more dense.. it kinda covers and hides too many other things. Im not really sure what mod or setting changes the amount of trees you have like that.
The background blur in your third pic that your on about is probably due to my armour set.

It seems some of the big a bulky sets cause the background blur when in third person mode lol unless you move the camera to the right position.
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