Starting over with a
minimal modded install and need help deciding Lighting and maybe weather mods. I'm not too fussed about weather - generally satisfied with vanilla weather, but some of these things cover a bit of both.
In the past I have used CoT + ELFX, but now I don't really care for how bleak CoT makes the game look and would prefer not to use it.
From what I can see there is the choice of the following:
Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE)
Relighting Skyrim
Enhanced Lights and FX
I'm not keen on RLO and would rather use ELFX again if it comes down to that - I think ELFX is far better.
Relighting Skyrim looks interesting although it's still kind of a work in progress. I like how it keeps to the vanilla lighting feel compared to ELFX which for me seemed overdone with the dark/light contrast.
RCRN is another interesting one, although a PITA to install and configure and not sure if it's worth it.
ELE looks to be by far the best, although still very early work in progress so unfortunately need to use something else for now.
Would rather not use ENB in any case - really trying to keep things simple this time as I want to play the game not admire a tech demo.
At the moment I'm leaning towards Relighting Skyrim because it is simple and keeps to the vanilla feel, but not sure if it is the best choice.
Edit: Regarding weather, I've stumbled across
Pure Weather which looks pretty good and simple.
Edit2: After messing around a bit I've decided to go with Pure Weathers + Pure Waters + ELFX combo. Not going to use ELFX Enhancer.