The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

if you press shift+enter you can bring up the ENB menu. With that, go to the environment lighting tab. direct lighting, ambient lighting and play with the settings for night, day, internal and external to suit.

I'll do that cheers. I've uploaded a few videos. 2 of them show this night/day glitch thing. It changes instantly from evening (at about 7pm) to near complete black.... I'm not really convinced by the extremely dark night mainly because it doesn't seem cant even see starlight.

^^ All videos should be 1080p but the artifacts in the videos (from youtube compression i guess) are annoying :(

Though i'm quite pleased at how it looks during the daytime anyway with the ENB and SFO, grass and whatnot...though i will still be tweaking them. (videos to be added to this post later) Might add SMIMB (the static mesh mod thing that makes things less angular) depends on the fps hit.

Had to upload a compressed mp4 versions as my avi versions are like over 1 gig in size and even when i upload the avi (and it takes ages!) youtube compression makes it look cant really win unfortunately.
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Question regarding two combat mods: Deadly Combat or Ultimate Combat - if you use either, which do you prefer and why?

After scouring every piece of information I can find, I'm still not able to decide, and while I have used Deadly Combat in the past, now I'm not sure it is the best option.

Deadly Combat - pro's:
- reduced melee weapon reach (none of that nonsense where you get hit by the air one metre away from a two handed weapon swing)
- normal attacks stagger (makes sense)
- locational damage and effects
- timed warding

Deadly Combat - con's:
- dead, final state, unlikely to be developed further
- no new unique effects or animations

Ultimate Combat - pro's:
- unique npc attack animations based on killcams
- infighting shield effect for magic
- recently updated and very likely to receive future updates

Ultimate Combat con's:
- doesn't seem to be reduced melee weapon reach
- no locational damage (headshots only)
- normal attacks don't stagger
- no timed warding

Now I don't really care much about locational damage and effects because in my opinion the combat system is too limited and you can't control direction of weapon swings for example, so it's kind of pointless in this game. Timed warsing is likewise a nice feature but ultimately one I can live without.

There seems to be little difference otherwise between both these mods, so the only feature differences I really care about are:
- melee weapon reach
- normal attacks staggering

Melee weapon reach is the most annoying thing, and one which Deadly Combat fixes. But it also is possible to just tweak these values myself through tes5edit or the CK?
Normal attacks staggering is a nice feature of Deadly Combat, but think I can love without it for the time being.

In the end the crucial thing for me is that Ultimate Combat should receive future updates, which would expand its features, whereas Deadly Combat is in a final state as the author has pretty much abandoned it. I should say I am also using TK Combat and TK dodge in addition, by the same author as Ultimate Combat.

So at the moment I'm leaning towards Ultimate Combat and tweaking the weapon reach values in it, but still undecided because Deadly Combat has a few better features in its current state.

I'm not interested in Duke's (too complicated), Duel (not good enough), Combat Remastered (too basic and focuses on perks too much) or anything else that I've seen.
Hi all, just decided to replay Skyrim again with a new character.
Installed around 25 mods and few minutes into the game I get CTD with error message, running low on memory?
Any help please
Hi all, just decided to replay Skyrim again with a new character.
Installed around 25 mods and few minutes into the game I get CTD with error message, running low on memory?
Any help please

What did you install? I'm guessing a lot of mesh/texture replacers? Would be helpful if you listed them, as well as plugin load order.
What did you install? I'm guessing a lot of mesh/texture replacers? Would be helpful if you listed them, as well as plugin load order.

just the usual from reddit's list of must have mods :)

Ultimate Combat is much, much better than Deadly Combat. It is no contest. The timed blocking in particular is very good, and greatly improves the game.

Thanks, after much deliberation and testing I had decided to use it anyway.

Although Deadly Combat also has good timed blocking and many other great features.

Here's my little list so far in reverse priority order, still a WIP as I'm finding a few more little gameplay elements like animated potion drinking - always finding new must have features! :D :
+Better Stealth AI for Followers - No Torch while Sneaking
+Extensible Follower Framework (4.0 beta)
+Dragon Combat Overhaul
+Less Aggressive Animals - Pacifist mini-Mods
+When Vampires Attack
+Run For Your Lives
+Fight Or Fly
+Brawl Bugs Patch - BSA only
+NPC Knockout Overhaul
+Immersive NPC in the dark
+Combat Evolved - No Magic or Spell Changes
+Ultimate Combat
+TK Combat
+TK Dodge
+Dual Wield Parrying
+Stealth Skills Rebalanced - Basic
+Empowered Magic
+D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly
+VioLens - A Killmove Mod
+Civil War Overhaul
+Thieves Guild Requirements
+Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild
+Cutting Room Floor
+The Choice is Yours - Dragonborn BETA
+The Choice is Yours - Dawnguard
+The Choice is Yours
+Even Better Quest Objectives
+Alternate Start - Live Another Life
+Immersive Patrols - Aggressive - No Battles
+Guard Dialogue Overhaul
+Inconsequential NPCs
+Interesting NPCs
+Touring Carriages
+Expanded Towns and Cities - Patches
+Expanded Towns and Cities
+Pure Waters
+Pure Weather
+Enhanced Lights and FX - Dragonborn
+Enhanced Lights and FX - Dawnguard
+Enhanced Lights and FX - Complete
+AOS - Empowered Magic Patch
+Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2
+Warburgs 3D Paper World Map - Dawnguard Addon
+Warburgs 3D Paper World Map - Dragonborn Addon
+Warburgs 3D Paper World Map
+Immersive HUD
+Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
+Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
+Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
+Unofficial High Resolution Patch
+Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Absolutely love NPC knockout overhaul and Fight or Fly - can't play without these anymore.
just the usual from reddit's list of must have mods :)

SMIM (Mesh Improvement), SFO (Flora Overhaul), HD2K Textures in FULL, ENB - all these things are pretty intensive. SMIM has options for lightweight options - check what you installed, I wouldn't use the FULL textures - try the LITE versions instead, Flora Overhaul causes a pretty big hit to any system.

I can't comment on ENB because I prefer not to use any, so someone else can chip in on this.

In addition I would also recommend Audio Overhaul for Skyrim instead of any Sounds of Skyrim stuff.
SMIM (Mesh Improvement), SFO (Flora Overhaul), HD2K Textures in FULL, ENB - all these things are pretty intensive. SMIM has options for lightweight options - check what you installed, I wouldn't use the FULL textures - try the LITE versions instead, Flora Overhaul causes a pretty big hit to any system.

I can't comment on ENB because I prefer not to use any, so someone else can chip in on this.

In addition I would also recommend Audio Overhaul for Skyrim instead of any Sounds of Skyrim stuff.

oh what? :(
I thought my system was enough to run this with ultra mods :(
the thing is, fps still maxes out, but it's just memory shortage (apparently)...
I just left mine set to system managed size.
The other option if you want to keep it disabled is to go for 16GB ram. That worked for me too.

You could also experiment with a custom size.
Thanks, Ive set my SSD (where Skyrim is installed) to system managed size.
Left my other 2 drives to no page file (mods are installed in one of them instead of ssd).
Ill see if it makes a difference :)
Oops, I'm sorry - I did not look at your sig system at all! :o

Hmm - I'd still recommend the HD2K lite textures, just because I personally don't see enough difference to justify the performance hit. Unless you find everything works with the full version.
Doesn't seem to be any performance hit as fps stayed the same throughout.
Im just guessing it's the pagefile thing thats making it craash.
Could anyone suggest any mods for someone who hasn't yet played Skyrim (or any Elder Scrolls game for that matter)?

I've followed this guide for modding the graphics and was wondering if there were other things I should install that wont distract from the main story/theme of the game too much?

To the above . . . I'd play it mod-less first! It's not a bad looking game with the graphics options turned up.

Hi all. What's the best method for diagnosing missing textures? I went on a mod binge yesterday and I've noticed that certain things in the game are purple where there are missing textures. I've gone back into Mod Organiser and found which mod is responsible for the texture and removed the offending mod in question, but when I go back into the game the textures are still missing. Why doesn't the game revert to "vanilla" textures if the textures are missing?

Also, is there any way of quickly diagnosing / fixing missing textures, or is it a case of deactivating mods until I find the offending one? Thanks.
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