The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

It was the enb that most attracted me. However whilst I thought it was great for taking screenshots or making something to put on a postcard, the amount of dof blur was just not for me whilst playing.

What looks best to me in those screenshots is not so much the enb, but the textures. Would they be Vivid by any chance?

Nice shots regardless :)
Guys I decided to do a complete fresh install, wiped all mods etc and start again with the guide...

I'm up to stage six and already have the water load sound and flicker every time I move and items bouncing and rattling when in doors etc..... I've followed the guide to the letter and this was the reason I did the complete fresh install Grrrrrrr
When you say you did a complete fresh install, did that include deleting all folders in both Steam apps and in My Documents/My Game/Skyrim? If not then it wasn't really a fresh install.... Unfortunately I'm confused myself tbh if you did.

EDIT: to save you redownloading everything again, you may want to follow this guide to ensure you are vanilla as a starting point.
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I was just scanning point 6 on the OP. Just out of interest are you guys still recommending Safety Load and GPUBoost? Its just I thought the skse memory patch stopped the need for Safety Load, with Safety Load now actually maybe problematic with that fix applied? Also is GPUBoost compatible with current enb and does it really improve things, even with high end SLi?

Not trying to pick holes, just genuinely wondering on the rationale and what your thoughts are?

So, i just got Skyrim legendary edition with the DLC, its been a while, last time i played it was on console years ago, as im a pc gamer now!
I dont really understand how the tweaks or mods work, like Id love to have better graphics like the screenshots displayed. Any help or video tutorials on how to implement them?really appreciate it
So, i just got Skyrim legendary edition with the DLC, its been a while, last time i played it was on console years ago, as im a pc gamer now!
I dont really understand how the tweaks or mods work, like Id love to have better graphics like the screenshots displayed. Any help or video tutorials on how to implement them?really appreciate it

It's mentioned in the first post but here you go. And yes, I am partial towards Mod Organizer since that is what I am using, you also have Nexus Mod Manager which others are using. Sure there is a tutorial about that as well. :)

Mod Organizer explained by Gopher.

And if you wondering who Gopher is, he is a respected member of the Skyrim modding community and a couple of the best mods are made by him as well. At least, although might seem long, those tutorials will give you an inisght in how to mod Skyrim for you. :)
So, i just got Skyrim legendary edition with the DLC, its been a while, last time i played it was on console years ago, as im a pc gamer now!
I dont really understand how the tweaks or mods work, like Id love to have better graphics like the screenshots displayed. Any help or video tutorials on how to implement them?really appreciate it

I have just come back to Skyrim, and I use Nexus Mod Manager (see the instructions on the first page of this thread and advised list of 'mods'). Use the Download (NMM) button on the Nexus site so NMM manages the download and installation.
NMM copies the new mods to the correct places in the skyrim data folders and keeps track of what you have installed, ie if you've installed HD mod pack 1, then install HD mod pack 2, it will prompt you to say do you want to keep file x from HD mod pack 1 if they clash. This means you can mix and match different 'mods' to get it looking how you want it to look, dont like the look of a new addition, highlight the 'mod' and click the red cross to unistall it.

I installed SKSE yesterday (as per instructions page 1), except I installed One Tweak which replaces dbl cursor fix and borderless window fix, ran skse from NMM (play skyrim drop down list). Exited the game then created the skse.ini.

I've not gone into the advanced stuff yet (ENB, new misions etc) as I just a level 3 and finding my feet :rolleyes:
OneTweak at the time wasn't working for me so I scrapped it, seems to be working OK now.

Well I did some more digging on One Tweak to see if its worth considering and this is what I've been led to believe:

Borderless Window can be applied in enb/ENBoost settings.
Racemenu precache killer should no longer be an issue with the Sheson memory patch.
Double Cursor Fix is no longer required with enb/ENBoost.
TESV process priority should be done by adding -priority <level> argument to SKSE, if required.

In short, I think that some of these stability/gpu enhancements have simply been superseded/negated now. Which is great if it means less stuff to install and always good to be aware of. :)
Anyone playing as a Mage ? Thinking maybe do such a play through, but wondering if I should just ignore main guests and go to Mage School directly and learn magic and mostly do quests concerning mage stuff so to speak ??

Also, if anyone that playing as a mage, if you have any recommendations as to what mod's to use, that would be helpfully towards such a playing style, I be greatful to hear those. :)

skyui doesn't seem to fit on my screen very well (4096x2160), it gets cut off slightly at the top, any idea how I fix it?

Try Flawless Widescreen, it might help. Does for me on my Widescreen monitor, 3440 x 1440. :)
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