The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

I'd like to see a vid of it running on a TitanX if you get the chance. You should be able to ramp up the DSR and some good HDT mods with little or no affect on FPS.

Don't forget the SKSE.ini file, it's one of the most important things you can put on.
Wonder if anyone can shed a little light on why my ENB has been disabled or help fix it?

Basically, I just cleaned a bunch of stuff with tes5edit due to the game suddenly crashing upon opening a save game which worked fine previously.
One or two of the elfx esm's were cleaned fwiw.

Now I can open the previous save at least, but the ENB is no longer enabled and doesn't even show the text in the opening game menu. Shift+F12 does nothing...
Oh, and I'm using mod manager with Loot - which shows no errors/warnings.


ED: Ok, got ENB (realvision) showing up in the menu again after reinstalling it. Now the game just CTDs as soon as I try and load a save...
I'm starting to remember why I left this game alone for so long :o
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Modding Skyrim is addictive as it is equally frustrating when it goes wrong. As far as I am aware, you're only supposed to clean the masterfiles, and not the mods that LOOT flags up as containing ITM records. The simple reason being nobody really knows what effect it will have on your game.

Sounds like you may well have borked up your save file. You could always try going back a few saves to see if it's gains stability ten / twenty saves back. That's what I would do.
I didn't know you were only supposed to clean update/dlc and not mods... In Loot, the only one that specifically says not to is Convenient Horses IIRC.

I may have borked my save by trying to fix it lol. Bugger! It was a decent little run through...
Thing is, I only went in to clean stuff after my previously working game (and ENB) just stopped working when I tried to load it, and nothing had been altered since I last played the game.
That's what baffles me.
I've never touched TES5Edit and don't plan too! :p

Too confusing! - All the mods in the OP were never cleaned and all runs smoothly for me, tis why I put it together to get a quick fire guide to modding skyrim without any hassle.
I didn't know you were only supposed to clean update/dlc and not mods... In Loot, the only one that specifically says not to is Convenient Horses IIRC.

I may have borked my save by trying to fix it lol. Bugger! It was a decent little run through...
Thing is, I only went in to clean stuff after my previously working game (and ENB) just stopped working when I tried to load it, and nothing had been altered since I last played the game.
That's what baffles me.

Ugrids 7 or 5 ?
Can anyone help? I've installed Windows 10 on a separate partition to Skyrim and Mod Organizer. When I launch Mod Organizer and load my modlist that I created for my savegame the modlist is now blank?! Launching it within Win 8.1 and the list returns.

The only thing that I can think of is that the new partition has changed the drive letters that point to my original modlists. I've already checked this though and it's still not loading the modlist correctly.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've made backups of my list within Win8.1.
Above uGrids 5, strange things start to happen once you start chugging away at the game. You won't notice anything straight away, but once you get stuck in, quests will start to complete / end on their own. Crashes to desktop will occur for no reason whatsoever. I've seen too many Gopher vids where he's said himself that at 7, you're pushing your luck but MIGHT get away with it. Anything above 7 and you're setting yourself up for a disaster.

If you look at Skyrim tuner's optionals on his realvision page, he's got a set of ini's for 7, but that's as high as it goes. Above 7 is only used for screenshots and showing off your pics on the nexus pages.

From gameFAQ'

'The REAL, unavoidable, unfixable problem with UGrids is the fact that it completely breaks the way that your characters presence is detected by the world and the NPCs in it, since you register as being "in" areas of the map that are much further away than intended. This of course leads to all sorts of bugs such as stealth being nearly impossible, scripted events happening before you can even see them, and more. Now I don't know about you guys, but to me, having the fundamental game mechanics behave properly while playing Skyrim is a lot more important than slightly increasing my draw distance. So why ignore the issue?'
Me too. But after having several successive game CTD for no reason whatsoever (after doing everything exactly by the book) the penny dropped.

Now I just leave it at 5, it's rock solid stable, and I just use the LOD improvement mod. You might be able to get away with 7, but I would stick with 5 to be safe.

Thats over the top unless you're getting Infinite Load Screen. 512 is enough for InitialAllocMB for most users and 768 is the most I've ever needed (for DynDOLOD). Allocating extra memory if you don't need it is pointless it won't make the game run any better and may potentially make it worse - memory isn't increased, only reallocated i.e. the more you increase initial heap memory allocation then the less there is available for other processes.

Modding Skyrim is addictive as it is equally frustrating when it goes wrong. As far as I am aware, you're only supposed to clean the masterfiles, and not the mods that LOOT flags up as containing ITM records. The simple reason being nobody really knows what effect it will have on your game.

Thats not right, its fine to clean ITM's in mods too (unless LOOT states otherwise, some mods actually require dirty edits to function correctly). Unless there are thousands of them (yes I've seen them, they exist) or theres a known issue with conflicts (with other mods) though its probably not worth the effort.

and I just use the LOD improvement mod. You might be able to get away with 7, but I would stick with 5 to be safe.

The Enhanced Distance Terrain mod in the OP is worth installing (noise filter on the LOD textures and better tree LOD's is an improvement over vanilla)

The cart seems to be flying around the place too!

You're talking about the opening sequence, yes? The other problem apart from uncapped FPS is physics extentions in which case turn off your mods until you escape Helgen with Ralof/Hadvar. The whole opening sequence is heavily scripted and anything that affects the delicate balance of the physics engine will cause it go haywire. Infact carts are so buggy physics wise that they disabled them completely for the rest of the game (the opening sequence is tightly controlled so they get away with it there, until you upset the applecart with mods or too-high fps) :)
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Anyone played the new Warzones 2015? I had the old one but it became unplayable.

A long list of things to do before installing it (although nothing that shouldn't be done anyway) and I was wondering if it was worth it, or if anyone has had issues.

It looks great, if it works as advertised.

I decided to go ahead and install Warzones.

I hadn't done a lot with Skyrim recently - hadn't even installed an ENB, so I started from scratch and followed the guidance on the Warzones site.

After updating everything, running the edits etc, I installed the RealVision ENB with the Particle and Subsurface scattering patches. I also installed Realistic Lighting and updated Climates of Tamriel.

The result is stunning - it is a completely different game and I feel like I'm getting value out of my G751/GTX 980M. Coupled with the visual differences, I also added/updated Deadly Combat, Dragon Combat Overhaul, Random Encounters, Extra Encounters, Immersive Patrols and Deadly Dragons as well as Warzones.

Not only does it look great now but Skyrim feels alive, I've been testing on the area to the south west of Whiterun up to and around Fort Greymoor, and I pass numerous travellers on the road, witness battles between bandits and soldiers and have been attacked by up to 3 dragons at once. Dragon fighting alone takes on a whole new dimension - they are actually difficult and my character is Level 44 with high level armour and weapons.

The only issue I have is that I usually run with 12 followers - all with body and hair mods, carrying modded weapons and armour. The game freezes when all 12 are in heavy combat - at one point I had Imperial Soldiers, bandits, skeletons and 3 dragons attacking in the same zone against my followers (I sat back and watched) and I experienced a freeze. I've been experimenting with how many followers will allow the game to run OK, and I'm up to 6 at the moment with no issues.

This has completely renewed my enthusiasm for Skyrim (after 1300 hours invested) and it seems like a whole new game. I'm having issues with taking screenshots (won't work with the keyboard or F12) so once I fix that I'll post some screens.

I'll also add that I had 2 other issues - an infinite load screen that I fixed by disabling the Quality World Map - with Roads mod, and the Climates of Tamriel Weather patch caused a CTD at the load screen.

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