I decided to go ahead and install Warzones.
I hadn't done a lot with Skyrim recently - hadn't even installed an ENB, so I started from scratch and followed the guidance on the Warzones site.
After updating everything, running the edits etc, I installed the RealVision ENB with the Particle and Subsurface scattering patches. I also installed Realistic Lighting and updated Climates of Tamriel.
The result is stunning - it is a completely different game and I feel like I'm getting value out of my G751/GTX 980M. Coupled with the visual differences, I also added/updated Deadly Combat, Dragon Combat Overhaul, Random Encounters, Extra Encounters, Immersive Patrols and Deadly Dragons as well as Warzones.
Not only does it look great now but Skyrim feels alive, I've been testing on the area to the south west of Whiterun up to and around Fort Greymoor, and I pass numerous travellers on the road, witness battles between bandits and soldiers and have been attacked by up to 3 dragons at once. Dragon fighting alone takes on a whole new dimension - they are actually difficult and my character is Level 44 with high level armour and weapons.
The only issue I have is that I usually run with 12 followers - all with body and hair mods, carrying modded weapons and armour. The game freezes when all 12 are in heavy combat - at one point I had Imperial Soldiers, bandits, skeletons and 3 dragons attacking in the same zone against my followers (I sat back and watched) and I experienced a freeze. I've been experimenting with how many followers will allow the game to run OK, and I'm up to 6 at the moment with no issues.
This has completely renewed my enthusiasm for Skyrim (after 1300 hours invested) and it seems like a whole new game. I'm having issues with taking screenshots (won't work with the keyboard or F12) so once I fix that I'll post some screens.
I'll also add that I had 2 other issues - an infinite load screen that I fixed by disabling the Quality World Map - with Roads mod, and the Climates of Tamriel Weather patch caused a CTD at the load screen.