The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Remastered - MODS & TWEAKS

What does the verdant grass mod offer over the full flora overhaul mod? Is it worth trying?

Edit: Wow, it makes a big difference. The game is looking awesome now. I followed this guide, but missed off a lot of the Oldrim mods as I'll wait and see how many are ported over before messing about.

Also strangely my fps is not dropping below 60 at all now and all I have done from my previous post is add more mods :confused::D. I guess the load order must have been messed up or something.

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BethINI (pronounced "Bethany") is an attempt to restore decency to the INI configuration files for games created by Bethesda, while optimizing your game settings for optimal graphical fidelity and performance. It currently supports Oblivion, Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4

I used this to fix my FOV and it seems to work nicely.

Skyrim.ini add under [Display]


SkyrimPrefs.ini add under [General]

Playing Falskaar SE for the first time. Impressive 'unofficial DLC' as I see it. Some of the voice acting is a bit off, but very impressive for a free mod I reckon I could quite easily spend 20+ hours in Falskaar alone.

Barkrot is a very nice bow to find :D
Ive got Skyrim but im too lazy to go through all themods again. Its a full time job.

Is Remastered/Special Edition worthwhile?
No, but you could put one of the big texture packs on that covers a lot of the main textures if you just want to improve the look with minimal effort. This is the one I use, but there are a few others to choose from.


Vivid Landscapes - All in One - Special Edition

- Mountains
- Cliffs
- Creeks
- Dungeons
- Ruins
- Imperial Forts
- Birthsigns
- Orc and Farmhouses
- The Volcanic and The Tundra region.
Anyone else got an issue with menus in SSE? When I navigate around and select something using the keyboard, the confirmation menu (eg "are you sure you want to.... Yes No") does not have focus. It's annoying because I can not just hit E to confirm; I have to first move the mouse then the little icons appear around Yes. Any ideas on how to fix this?
He steals it eventually. Can be much later that message and sound appears about him taking it.

Another bug I've encountered is sometimes dragon priests not attacking me. Fought 2 of the Dragonborn DLC Priests. Zahkriisos (shock magic priest) worked fine and was a nice battle (I used potion of waterwalking to follow him about :)). However Dukaan (ice magic) did nothing, just floated about.
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