Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Is it fair not to give people a chance to vote? That's really the only question here and you seem to be against people having that chance.
So far I've only seen Leavers complain about this extension. As someone said before, if the system can still process the registrations then there's really no reason for it not to be extended.
I've had only 1 leaflet from remain camp and about 4 from leave, to me that seems like Leave have more money to spread their lies, sorry I mean cherry picked "facts".

Yes, and they've had 6 months. What have they been doing exactly? following the campaign?

Of course remainers aren't complaining, high turnout + youth vote suits them.

LOL! The inners have outspent the outers by miles. Including their own govt funded propaganda sheet delivered at tax payers expense to every household...
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Of course remainers aren't complaining, high turnout + youth vote suits them.

That says it all really. You just don't want people to vote cos they might vote the other way. Guess what, this is a referendum and as many people as possible should have their votes.

I'll love remainers just like the scots, so easily scared out of their freedom by the rich.

You seem to be the scared one here

Anyway I'm done talking to you.
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I dont see the extension as a problem tbh.

It will take time to inform people the site is back up/they havnt missed the deadline so its unreasonable to set it too short 2 days for everyone to find out and register and to also spread the load seems reasonable
I dont see the extension as a problem tbh.

It will take time to inform people the site is back up/they havnt missed the deadline so its unreasonable to set it too short 2 days for everyone to find out and register and to also spread the load seems reasonable

Indeed. Similar situation to when polling stations are kept open past the official hours when they're overloaded so that everyone who is in the queue gets to vote.
Unless the only people permitted to still register to vote are those planning to vote remain then I can't see how this benefits one side over the other to the point where people genuinely believe that excluding people from voting is somehow a more fair option.
That says it all really. You just don't want people to vote cos they might vote the other way. Guess what, this is a referendum and as many people as possible should have their votes.

You seem to be the scared one here

Anyway I'm done talking to you.

You have to ignore these people.

When the vote goes against them, it will always be a "fix".

People like them think the entire world is against them and only they can see the light. It's fanaticism really.
I'm amazed by the number of people who are angry that people are getting longer to register to vote. A deadline is there for a reason. If people are within the deadline and can't register due to reasons beyond their control, of course the deadline should be extended. What would be the point of a deadline otherwise?

I get the impression that a lot of people don't care about democracy, only that they get their own way.
Well, it's not, and your post below does nothing to address what I was saying

Saying that trade is ultimately determined by consumers may be true, but misses the bigger picture. The companies that are selling need to be making a profit. If British exports become more expensive they'll face more competition from other suppliers. The sales with the lowest overheads currently are to the massive market that is geographically on our doorstep, but it does not follow that a reduction in exports of widgets, agricultural produce, medical equipment, etc to that market will automatically be picked up by exporting those same things to another market.
The cost of shipping to those other markets, the inflexibility due to shipping times, perishing of goods to reach other markets, no market for our goods, different standards and regulations for those markets.
As I said it is laughable to suggest that our current exports to the EU could be perfectly replaced with exports to other markets.
Well, if it's so laughable, can you please look in your crystal ball and let me have next weeks lottery jackpot numbers, because you obvioysly know what the future holds.

We don't know what exit negotiations will entail, we don't know what currency markets will, do and we don't know the magnitude of any changes in trade levels. We have economic models projecting a range of impacts, all based on assumptions which may or may not be correct, and many of the same models, and visionaries, have a history of being badly wrong for events out of the ordinary, and not a few of whom were firm advocates of joining the euro with predictions of economic armageddon if we didn't, though miraculously, they seem to be very shy about that opinion now. Wonder why?

What's truly laughable is that you think you know the future well enough to be certain that we cannot possibly expand trade with the 6.5bn people not in EU sufficiently to cover any changes in costs at the margins of trade with the 0.5m (well, less if we leave) that are. Bear in mind that those not in the EU include the growth economies while the EU is stagnating, it includes the US, India, China, all of South America, the entire Pacific region and even those sections of Africa that are growing or showing signs of doing so, not least due to enormous levels of Chinese spending.

But of course, it's "laughable" that we could do perfectly well by trading with the EU from the outside, and that increased costs of trading to the EU are mitigated by decreased costs of trading with everybody else once we, too, are outside the EU customs barriers.
I'm amazed by the number of people who are angry that people are getting longer to register to vote. A deadline is there for a reason. If people are within the deadline and can't register due to reasons beyond their control, of course the deadline should be extended. What would be the point of a deadline otherwise?

I get the impression that a lot of people don't care about democracy, only that they get their own way.
If people can't vote because they missed a deadline they've known of, of should have known of, for months, then I've no sympathy. But those trying at 10pm for a midnight deadline were within, and the system failed.

It's a bit like showing up to vote at 8pm when doors close at 10pm only to be told you can't because they've run out of ballot papers.

My main concern is that either extending the deadline, or not extending it, opens the door to one side or the other raising a judicial review if the result is tight.
When Boris switched sides that was all over the news.

Boris never switched sides - he was in Vote Leave from the start.

As for Wollaston, seems like an odd reason to switch sides. Osborne's £4300 is just as dodgy if not more. I could understand if she'd just left Vote Leave because she disagreed with the leadership, but to actually start campaigning to Remain because she didn't agree with a figure they'd used. Hmm. Wonder which ministerial brief she's been promised...
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"Restore democratic accountability to the UK" .... by denying people a vote?



Its a bit rich the remain camp now saying people have a right to democracy when the EUs ethos actually ignores, disallows and then disregards democracy on multiple occasions. But the Remainers of course ignore this to suit their own needs and twist it to suit.

For what its worth my ambivalence is zero. Regardless of missing the deadline these people should be allowed to vote. Lets just hope the will of the electorate is allowed to prevail and the EU doesn't trample our democratic right to leave much as it has done repeatedly with some countries
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