Think? It's quite clear that the BBC have been backing the remain campaign from the start with clever choice and editing of their stories.
They are establishment and one of the most biased media outlets in the world
Think? It's quite clear that the BBC have been backing the remain campaign from the start with clever choice and editing of their stories.
They are establishment and one of the most biased media outlets in the world
They are establishment and one of the most biased media outlets in the world
What a load of rubbish, they are left leaning for sure but one of the most biased in the world? Are you for real?
You should do some travelling and see what state media is like in the rest of the world, I think you might be a little less harsh on the BBC.
I have this really important, once in a lifetime meeting tomorrow at 12. Well whaddya know, there's a train that arrives exactly at 12 - perfect!
I'm voting in. I think some in the uk haven't realized how far we've fallen from grace in the last 50 years.
They are establishment and one of the most biased media outlets in the world
They wouldn't even make the list of top 10 most biased media outlets in the UK.
Conspiracy theory I know but it wouldn't be impossible that the registration website never crashed but was simply turned off, nothing would be beyond this Govt. or any other for that matter.
They wouldn't even make the list of top 10 most biased media outlets in the UK.
Good piece below for anyone who still thinks the EU represents some sort of benevolent humanitarian peace get together:
Reality check; it's an unelected elite representing the interests of itself and big business, and it's gathering steam and getting more and more power over our lives.
The ITV Referendum Debate
Today on ITV from 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Two-hour live debate ahead of the most significant UK referendum in recent history. Three senior political figures from each side of the argument answer questions from members of the studio audience, before the floor is opened up to free-flowing discussion moderated by Julie Etchingham. Senior politicians backing remaining in the European Union are Angela Eagle and Amber Rudd, representing Britain Stronger In Europe alongside SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon. Representing the arguments for leaving the European Union are Boris Johnson, Andrea Leadsom and Gisela Stuart from Vote Leave
Sarah Wollaston says she's been assured by Cameron we won't be joining the forthcoming EU army.