Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Trying on your latest skinny jeans and talking about how you can advance the Feminist movement?
#ResistCapitalism #NoBorders Maaan!

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Chatting to my Mum this morning.

Mum - 'I was on the fence till Obama spoke about it. Now I'm voting out.
Me - 'But Mum, you are EU migrant yourself!'
Mum - 'Oh yes. Ok am voting in'.

I met a fair few polish and Romanian lads on site who have citizenship and voting out. It's no reason not to vote leave having migrated from another European country.

The political union is ***** the trade block is good the two together don't work, whys it so optimistic to want to have a Europe trading but Jo be under political union
EU Commissioners are not democratically accountable, and that a few years ago reform to make them democratically accountable was strictly ruled out should cause anyone who values modern liberal democracy a great deal of concern.

EU commissioners are nothing more or less than the representatives of our democratically electable government and the entire commission is accountable to the EU parliament which can, and has, remove the commission wholesale.

The EU could be more directly democratic, but doing so would reduce the power of the sovereign national governments. What we have is a compromise between the desire to make the EU directly democratically accountable and the desire of national governments to ensure they maintain their authority. You cannot increase the democratic power of the EU without reducing the sovereignty of member national governments.
EU commissioners are nothing more or less than the representatives of our democratically electable government and the entire commission is accountable to the EU parliament which can, and has, remove the commission wholesale.

The EU could be more directly democratic, but doing so would reduce the power of the sovereign national governments. What we have is a compromise between the desire to make the EU directly democratically accountable and the desire of national governments to ensure they maintain their authority. You cannot increase the democratic power of the EU without reducing the sovereignty of member national governments.

The European Parliament fundamentally flawed. The UK elects 1 MEP for every 839,194 UK inhabitant. Luxembourg (where Jean-Claude Juncker is from) elects 1 MEP for every 76,667 Lux inhabitants. They deliberately set out to diminish the power of the UK.

You'd think it's strange that the largest group in the European Parliament didn't have any UK political parties but the truth is it's not strange at all. The UK is irrelevant democratically in the EU, the battles for Parliamentary supremacy in Brussels take place in Luxembourg, Malta etc.
The UK elects 1 MEP for every 839,194 UK inhabitant. Luxembourg (where Jean-Claude Juncker is from) elects 1 MEP for every 76,667 Lux inhabitants. They deliberately set out to diminish the power of the UK.

Did they? Interesting.

I wonder how many MEP's a similar sized country has - perhaps France or Italy? More than us I'd imagine if they 'deliberately set out to to diminish the power of the UK'.

Oh, it appears they have basically the same number of MEP's. Fancy that.

Infact we actually have the third highest number of MEP's in the entire EU, third only to Germany and France, who are larger than we are. A look at Luxembourg reveals they have only 6 - small countries like Luxembourg and Malta will always have a disproportionate number on a per capita basis because they are so small.

Unless you'd advocate making it fair by allowing them the same number per 100,000 as us?

That'd be 0 then.
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Our current parliament in the UK is not democratically accountable or inclusive of fairness to individual constituencies. You get the same complaint about the Federal government in the US and it's relationship to the individual states.

It is because each of our counties all come under one Law... Common Law the foundation of all English Law/later British Law. Our MPs we can boot out, we cannot boot out Jose Barroso (convicted fraudster).

Which bit of the EU is undemocratic?

It's not looking that undemocratic to me.

You have clearly been living under a rock. Just to give you a scintilla: Ignores democratically elected nations rights to self govern. If it gets an answer it doesn't like it keeps making a referendum happen until it gets the "right" answer. It removes democratically elected officials and through its triumvirate stance can oppress millions of people. But don't take my word for it because I'm in the out camp! Go look it up for yourself.

Democracy is a laughable context (literally) to the EU.
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