Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Didn't the Lords fairly recently used their power on tax credits? They still hold a position of power and aren't elected by people of this country.

The Lords make recommendations and cannot stop laws being passed. They have experts in certain fields, Tammi Grey Thompson for example.

The House of Commons can choose to completely ignore the HoL.

That is the same as the EU commission BUT the crux is the commission are not elected by the electorate!!

Tony Benn fought against it for years. Foot did too. Corbyn did also (before the Blairites got hold of him). Dennis Skinner also voting Leave. Galloway also. Thats good enough for me

And for all those wanting to remain and reform influence on TTIP, is the same as saying you will join the Tory party to fight austerity :)
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The Lords make recommendations and cannot stop laws being passed. They have experts in certain fields, Tammi Grey Thompson for example.

The House of Commons can choose to completely ignore the HoL.

That is the same as the EU commission BUT the crux is the commission are not elected by the electorate!!

Tony Benn fought against it for years. Foot did too. Corbyn did also (before the Blairites got hold of him). Dennis Skinner also voting Leave. Galloway also. Thats good enough for me.

The EU commission is chosen and appointed by the MEPs and the European Council, it's not some arbitrary bunch of people, it's like complaining that we don't directly elect civil servants.

I bet they even have experts in certain fields!
The EU commission is chosen and appointed by the MEPs and the European Council, it's not some arbitrary bunch of people, it's like complaining that we don't directly elect civil servants.

I bet they even have experts in certain fields!

Do you honestly know how it works? Let em explain it to you!

So, the European Parliament is made up of 751 seats from member states. The EPP is the largest party (European Peoples Party, no UK influence) with 251 seats and PES 2nd largest (Party of European Socialists, 20 UK MEPs) with 190 seats. They together dwarf the rest of the parties collectively.

The EPP contains parties from every Member state but NOT the UK. The PES does however contain some Labour (20). Between them they have ruled as a grand coalition for over 20 years. They have then formed an even larger coalition with the ALDE (Alliance Liberals and Democrats for Europe) to form 475 of the 751 seats. The UK has next to no influence in this coalition due to the fact we appoint a wide range of MEP's to represent us (Labour on 20 is the only influence we have)

The EU commissions has 28 seats for each member state. There job is to propose new legislation and to stay neutral. They have been elected by parliament, which has a majority coalition! Each member is effectively aligned to an EU party. The EPP (European Peoples Party) have 14 of the seats. 8 are taken by PES (Party of European Socialists) and 5 more by the ALDE (Alliance Liberals and Democrats for Europe) The AECR (Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists) holds 1.

This commission is the one that proposes laws and legislation. In turn the parliament approves them.

There is no direct way or possibility for us to affect change in Europe due to our minute standing within the 3 main parties in coalition. We would have some in the EPP (European Peoples Party) but are not allowed due to the fact we are not affiliated!

So the only way to affect change, however small, is to vote Labour in the European elections. Remembering that it still isn't the MEP's that propose law but the commission, who collectively voted for the people they want in those positions.

This is not democracy and was exactly the thing Tony Benn talked about.

Even if we voted heavily and all for the same party, we still wouldn't hold much sway due to us not being allowed within the largest party the EPP. The UK has one of the poorest turnouts in the EU elections. Maybe its because deep down we really don't care about the EU and its goals?!

The EC (European Council) is made up of the heads of state of all the nations and our PM is the representative for the UK.The EC has no legislative power, which is why the "deal" Mr Cameron has struck is not binding and not able to stand up as he has no way of enforcing this through.

The political persuasion across the continent is much different than ours and always has been. We are essentially having the authoritarian values imposed upon us.

As you can see, we need to be fully IN the EU (Euro, Member State et al or LEAVE) to actually affect some reform within in it. And that is why i am VOTING LEAVE.
So effectively you're complaining that we don't have a disproportionate level of influence in the European Parliament?

I like how you bolded the fact that the elected MEPs vote for the members of the commission, followed by "This is not democracy". ORLY? That sounds _exactly_ like the democracy we have here, where a party or coalition voted for by MPs form a government who propose laws.
So effectively you're complaining that we don't have a disproportionate level of influence in the European Parliament?

I like how you bolded the fact that the elected MEPs vote for the members of the commission, followed by "This is not democracy". ORLY? That sounds _exactly_ like the democracy we have here, where a party or coalition voted for by MPs form a government who propose laws.

Look, you obviously are going to remain. Thats fine. I wont lose any sleep.

The EU is anti-democratic. The EU is a neoliberal capitalist machine which crushes democracy (see Ireland, see Greece) and imposes severe austerity.

I dont want to support that and am happy aligning with true socialists. See you on the otherside:D
There is no direct way or possibility for us to affect change in Europe due to our minute standing within the 3 main parties in coalition. We would have some in the EPP (European Peoples Party) but are not allowed due to the fact we are not affiliated!

Maybe I'm missing something here, but the Conservatives were in the EPP until they decided to leave. I'm not sure what you mean by "not allowed"?

I dont want to support that and am happy aligning with true socialists.

bahhhaaaa a leave vote would be the total opposite of sociliasm.

how in the uk political landscape, do you come to this conclusion.
eu has done far more for the rights than any uk government in several decades.
in a leave vote there's a good chance Scotland would leave the UK. leaving tories in even a better position.

please explain this idea of yours, as it makes no sense. It's dangerous ignoring the UK political landscape that you have clearly done,
in a leave vote there's a good chance Scotland would leave the UK

They haven't got the cajones. They showed that last year. They got scared to death by Project Fear and the Establishment.

All that whining for centuries, all that bile, what did they do?

**** themselves.
really, it was extremely close and uk leaving EU change stings substantially.

do you actually think about anything?

and ignored the rest because you know it leads in the opposite direction?
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bahhhaaaa a leave vote would be the total opposite of sociliasm.

how in the uk political landscape, do you come to this conclusion.
eu has done far more for the rights than any uk government in several decades.
in a leave vote there's a good chance Scotland would leave the UK. leaving tories in even a better position.

please explain this idea of yours, as it makes no sense. It's dangerous ignoring the UK political landscape that you have clearly done,

What doesnt make sense?

Socialism and the left of politics has historically been Eurosceptic and still continues to be.

This continued worry from certain elements of society is absurd that the tories will be left to "rampage" - that exact thought is why we remain on the fringe. The Trade Unions have a very proud history of protecting workers and their rights! Please don't credit the EU with the rights we fought for generations way before we joined the COMMON MARKET!


I couldnt give a monkeys about Scotland, if during a referendum, they voted to leave the UK. However, they havent got the economy and would be sacrificial. Sturgeon is not THAT stupid

The EU clearly is against socialism. Its as plain as day.
well you should, not only does it weaken our economy further.
it reduces labours seats as well. while hardly touching tories and what party does Scotland have in large amounts, would it be a socialist party.

so no, yours and other peoples stances doesn't make sense at all.

eu has done far more for our rights in multiple areas, than uk governments have for decades, remember EU I minimum standards, any party in the uk could have gone above them, but haven't.
well you should, not only does it weaken our economy further.
it reduces labours seats as well. while hardly touching tories and what party does Scotland have in large amounts, would it be a socialist party.

so no, yours and other peoples stances doesn't make sense at all.

I dont care about Labour seats???! Why would i? They are not socialists. I am a member of the Socialist Party.

and what party does Scotland have in large amounts, would it be a socialist party.

Which party? The SNP? They are not Socialists! :o

I have made my stance quite clear to understand. You may not agree with it but its clear.

The EU project is a profoundly capitalist project. Again, i want nothing to do with it. Socialist Europe, yes. EU capitalism, No.
eu has done far more for our rights in multiple areas, than uk governments have for decades, remember EU I minimum standards, any party in the uk could have gone above them, but haven't.

Which "standards" are you talking about here? Give me specifics
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