Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Unfortunately I expect Remain to win by at least 10-15 points simply because the undecided are afraid of change.

Who else are you lining up to blame?

Afraid of change? Who says change is good?

If I'm living a decent life, good job and financially stable. Happy with how laws are impacting me. Happy with the freedoms given to me by EU statutes and ECHR.

Why on earth would I want to change things?
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EU Referendum: Massive swing to Brexit – with just 13 days to go

Exclusive: polling carried out for ‘The Independent’ shows that 55 per cent of UK voters intend to vote for Britain to leave the EU in the 23 June referendum

The campaign to take Britain out of the EU has opened up a remarkable 10-point lead over the Remain camp, according to an exclusive poll for The Independent.


Can't wait to find out how this doesn't count.


So the EU parliament should be run as some kind of feudal aristocracy? Only the rich get a vote? Much democracy, such progress, wow.
So my vote should count much more than an unemployed person because I pay more taxes?
Yeah, because they're totally the same thing.

Jesus H Derp your arguments are getting desperate.
EU referendum: British public wrong about nearly everything, survey shows

Not really surprising with the amount of misleading facts being bandied about...350m per week...

Unfortunately it is always the way when propaganda is used to exaggerate things.

The same is also true of very many domestic matters. Crime, welfare, health, drugs, education etc. Especially when it comes to the young and the poor, there is a very condescending view of them. For balance the same can be said about the opinions on the very rich, but at least they are still very rich no matter what gets said.
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EU referendum: British public wrong about nearly everything, survey shows

Not really surprising with the amount of misleading facts being bandied about...350m per week...

It's hardly surprising when you see how most people get their information, I hate Facebook at the best of times, but jesus I can barely look at it at all now, I've seen enough British Bulldogs, St George crosses and ****** Winston Churchill scroll past to last me a lifetime.. urgh..

I go to the shops and the person in front is stood holding a copy of the daily whatever, and it's just got **** plastered across the front of it..
That Independent poll is an internet one and they aren't accurate unfortunately.
It's simply a rogue poll that will not be repeated.

While I don't disagree that these types of poll are unreliable, I don't think either side would find the result of this particular poll in any way surprising or unbelievable?

edit: and my comment applies equally to both Independent links posted
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Yup. In my opinion the most accurate polls would be the earliest one. For example I don't think I bothered to vote here since the very first thread back in Jan or Feb.
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