Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Dyson does have some reasonable points there - in particular:


this is party due to immigration targets which have had to be tighten even more (despite being rather futile) thanks to uncontrolled EU immigration, a more efficient points based system and allowing graduates of UK universities to stay on would be quite useful

Well one thing is certain if we Brexit the pound will plummet, the markets are becoming increasingly uncertain at the moment, as what looked like 'remain' vote, is now looking anything but. It is completely uncertainly, and frankly either side winning by 1% is an overall arsing about match, and disaster for future policy makers.
How can such a thing be so utterly split, than any response leads to half the nation in a state of discontent with the result.
I think the overall effect is actually bad for Britain, I think this entire campaign from both sides has been bad for Britain.
In the past week the pound has lost 4-5% against Asian currencies. It's lost less against the dollar, but it has still lost.

Just how good will our exports be, when our imports, half of what we buy in the shops jump 20% or more in price as the pound spirals down.

Last time it happened was the quantitative easing associated with the collapse, and the prices we pay for every item of food in Tesco's haven't remotely recovered to 2008 levels, we're paying dramatically more, no matter what inflation stats tell us.

This vote has bene bad for the country, and I worry what the drop over the next two weeks will be. Leave will then result in a crash.
Well one thing is certain if we Brexit the pound will plummet, This vote has bene bad for the country, and I worry what the drop over the next two weeks will be. Leave will then result in a crash.

Use your crystal ball to tell us all what the lotto numbers will be for tonight please ;)
Well one thing is certain if we Brexit the pound will plummet, the markets are becoming increasingly uncertain at the moment, as what looked like 'remain' vote, is now looking anything but. It is completely uncertainly, and frankly either side winning by 1% is an overall arsing about match, and disaster for future policy makers.
How can such a thing be so utterly split, than any response leads to half the nation in a state of discontent with the result.
I think the overall effect is actually bad for Britain, I think this entire campaign from both sides has been bad for Britain.
In the past week the pound has lost 4-5% against Asian currencies. It's lost less against the dollar, but it has still lost.

Just how good will our exports be, when our imports, half of what we buy in the shops jump 20% or more in price as the pound spirals down.

Last time it happened was the quantitative easing associated with the collapse, and the prices we pay for every item of food in Tesco's haven't remotely recovered to 2008 levels, we're paying dramatically more, no matter what inflation stats tell us.

This vote has bene bad for the country, and I worry what the drop over the next two weeks will be. Leave will then result in a crash.

Don't talk sense here, you gonna be told you felt for scaremongering.

I hope it won't be as bad as you say but unfortunately it's a possibility.
As for Mr Dyson
He says the much-trumpeted single market isn’t really a single market at all. “They have different languages which, for an exporter, means that everything from the box to the instruction manual has to be in a different language. The plugs are different. The laws are different. It’s not a single market. The only communality is that there’s no tariff, but the pound going up against the euro is far more damaging than any tariff. If the pound rises, £100 milion is quickly wiped off.”

If he exports after Brexit, he will use multiple languages, he will supply a euro plug, he will have the box in different safety warning, as he will still have to comply with CE and EU rules to sell there after Brexit, and better still any movement in the pound will still wipe millions out of the value.

None of this gets better under Brexit. It remains the same or potentially worse if duties are imposed. What he is really pushing is a single currency. That which we never seemed to want ;)
IN majorities:

Scientists - check
Economists - check
World leaders - check
Financial institutions - check
Businesses - check

And now, Nobel winners - check


And each one has an ulterior motive, normally financially, for doing so.

Is it possible to trust anyone in a position of authority to actually come out and do what they think is right for the UK, rather than themselves? (and I put the Leave campaigners in that group as well)

Given his current UK perception, I think Cameron would have done more for the Remain camp had he campaigned to Leave.
IN majorities:

Scientists - check
Economists - check
World leaders - check
Financial institutions - check
Businesses - check

And now, Nobel winners - check


Businesses? Which ones? Because almost all the EXPORTING ones, support the Leave. From Eminox which is doing exhausts/cats, to Dyson and JCB. Banks, insurances support to stay IN.

Don't forget the bi-lateral trade agreements with the rest of the world, signed by the United Kingdom over the last century, haven't been "burned" the moment we joined the EEC.

Even the trade agreements with EU countries, eg Greece from 1957, are standing, regardless of the EU membership.

As for scientists, they argue mainly to the funding part. Which if we as country keep at same level, ain't going to affect them.

The rest are getting hefty funding from EU, including the BBC to promote the EU idea.

This country never experienced a revolution. We need one, and now is time to throw from us the shackles of the EU.
Ok then let's talk Greece.

They voted out austerity and vote in the anti-austerity, yet the are still in the Euro and still accepting bailouts, why is that?

They seemed to enjoy a decade of free money and keeping 92% of the earns unreported, they also lied to the rest of Europe about their debts.

I don't think the austerity measures are the best way forward and clearly offering them a much longer repayment term (say 100 years) would be more beneficial to all, but their overspending prior to 2008 and abject failure to have any form of revenue taxation led them to this point. :(

LOANS. At very high interest rates compared of what the others borrow to loan to Greece, to pay back the loans that are due.

Every single country in the Eurozone who lent to Greece has made a huge profit on the difference at the back of the Greek tax payers. The Germans especially a whooping 5% annually.

Last week Greece passed another 10,000 pages memorandum. And the current deal is stuck at the German parliament (they have to pass it through their parliament not only by government decision), because they demand from Greece to pass legislation, that the Greek courts should not accept ANY case against the shoddy sell off of assets, or against the mass sacking, or anything that is covered to be actioned by the 10,000 pages legislation.

FYI. German state companies are buying Greek state profitable (monopoly) assets. eg Fraport,
And that is the democracy behind the EU or the "bail out money" you mentioned

And all these against a country, that has lost 34% of their GPD, has 27% unemployment, (FYI less than 1/3 of the population are actually financially active) and the new austerity passed, demands the country to run a surplus 3.5% annually.
How? The hospitals have no medication and performing only the very emergency operations. Schools are going on reduced term from next year (2 x 4 months not 3x3), while hours are cut also. And courses. Off going a big amount of courses like Ancient Greek, Geography etc. And the rest reduced to keep the hours less.

It has to support currently 57,000 refugees, and educate the children ofc, when the Greek children are having their classes in converted containers because no new schools have been built over the last 10 years.
FYI Mainland Greece has snow for 5 months a year. Is not Crete or South Aegean islands, you go on holidays from Sprint to Autumn. Mainland is very cold 5 months a year, and only the Highlands can be compared. (and doubt they ever saw even there -15C for 2 months and metres of snow)

And Greece has already received more than 1,500,000 migrants over the last 16 years.

Even Britain or Germany would collapse on that setting.
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Businesses? Which ones? Because almost all the EXPORTING ones, support the Leave. From Eminox which is doing exhausts/cats, to Dyson and JCB. Banks, insurances support to stay IN.

Do you have data to support this, or are you just basing it on those three examples?
Do you have data to support this, or are you just basing it on those three examples?

There is the list of 250 many of which are manufacturers (just google search to get the list). And the CoC members list who back the Leave.
Shhhhh, you can't say that to some of the remainers here, they believe a "higher power" of expert technocrats knows best and don't like to think for themselves.

No personal insults. If you can't remain civil then don't post it. Thank you.

Go back to France and carry on rioting.... Then complain about Europe
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