Yup. In my opinion the most accurate polls would be the earliest one. For example I don't think I bothered to vote here since the very first thread back in Jan or Feb.
I have decided, leave![]()
Welcome to the sane gang.I have decided, leave![]()
Sir James Dyson has, apparently, quite passionately in favour of leaving the EU.
Quite the boon for the leave campaign, but to be expected. The stories I have read about European vacuum manufacturers trying to cripple Dyson would sour anyone's opinion of the EU.
Again. The EU is a Neoliberal capitalist ideology. It absolutely destroys democracy and imposes austerity never before seen.
It will continue regardless of whether we remain or not. We have no chance of reformation and the true left MPs (who i have named) all know this to be the case.
We therefore have to look after our own people in a truly socialist society. You think the austerity is bad from the Tories???? Just look at Greece, all due to this political ideology you seem to hail.
Ok then let's talk Greece.
They voted out austerity and vote in the anti-austerity, yet the are still in the Euro and still accepting bailouts, why is that?
They seemed to enjoy a decade of free money and keeping 92% of the earns unreported, they also lied to the rest of Europe about their debts.
I don't think the austerity measures are the best way forward and clearly offering them a much longer repayment term (say 100 years) would be more beneficial to all, but their overspending prior to 2008 and abject failure to have any form of revenue taxation led them to this point.![]()
He jabs at a graph. “If, as David Cameron suggested, they imposed a tariff of 10 per cent on us, we will do the same in return. We buy more from Europe than they buy from us, so we would be the net beneficiary and based on these numbers it would bring £10bn into the UK annually. Added to our net EU contribution, it would make us around £18.5bn better off each year if we left the EU,” he concludes with quiet triumph.
Oh dear. What poor understanding of tariffs.
Tariffs are a tax on your own people. A 10% import tariff will be passed on to the people importing the product.
For example, fuel duty is effectively an import tariff on petrol/diesel. Who do you think pays for that? So given that the UK imports a lot from the EU, that would be expensive for UK consumers and businesses.
The EU have the same issue for UK exports, but they import less (as mentioned) and have the rest of the EU to seek for tariff free alternatives.
The idea is that people would stop buying the goods as prices increase and look at alternatives in the market form which we have lower tariffs. Trade tariffs are ******* stupid and should be scrapped world wide to be honest.
He says the much-trumpeted single market isn’t really a single market at all. “They have different languages which, for an exporter, means that everything from the box to the instruction manual has to be in a different language. The plugs are different. The laws are different. It’s not a single market. The only communality is that there’s no tariff, but the pound going up against the euro is far more damaging than any tariff. If the pound rises, £100 milion is quickly wiped off.”
The problem with the EU’s free movement of people is that it doesn’t bring Dyson the brilliant boffins he needs. “We’re not allowed to employ them, unless they’re from the EU. At the moment, if we want to hire a foreign engineer, it takes four and a half months to go through the Home Office procedure. It’s crazy.”
He produces another staggering fact. “Sixty per cent of engineering undergraduates at British universities are from outside the EU, and 90 per cent of people doing research in science and engineering at British universities are from outside the EU. And we chuck them out!” He gives a trodden-puppy yelp.
Except we don't have tariff free deals with the US and other developed nations. Nor are we guaranteed a tariff free deal in the years it will take to negotiate.
The UK could potentially end up being the only European country without a tariff free agreement with both the US and the EU.
Except he undermines his own credibility by peddling guff such as,
Ne-naw ne-naw, straw man alert.
Which of those groups is able to predict the future accurately?
IN majorities:
Scientists - check
Economists - check
World leaders - check
Financial institutions - check
Businesses - check
And now, Nobel winners - check