Thanks for the explanation - like I say, I don't know much about the industry so I'm looking at this from an entirely different perspective so bear with me
All the information I can find suggests that the change to flat rate will actually benefit the majority of famers; a few will be worse off by the look of things (although the circumstances of this scenario are unclear from the brief research I've done), but the benefit remains overall. It does seem to be different per region and the rationale behind it appears to make sense on the surface of it. I can't see anything that suggests the subsidies are to be removed altogether though - can you provide a source for this?
Surely it's better to continue to receive these subsidies for as long as they are available (if they due to go, for whatever reason) and try and influence better terms within the EU? It is clear that agriculture and environmental policies rank reasonably highly in the pecking order within the EU - contrary to the UK government trends of supporting certain industries (which you'd be subject to should we leave) so that, coupled with the potential for uncompetitive exports and the support from the NFU should, on paper, be a strong case to stay.