Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Been known for a while now :/

Apparently EU wide pensions and VAT are in there. Most places pay more VAT than us so you can guess which way that one will go.

National governments set the VAT rate within their own countries, within the upper and lower limits set by the EU.
Well the Brexit campaign has been focused on sending money to the EU and not getting representation in return, and doesn't like freedom of movement. So voting to leave and having to keep those in place to secure a trade deal would seem like a hollow victory.

Of course there's also the possibility that a free trade agreement is rejected by the post-Brexit government, having been put there on an anti-immigration / "ARE SOVEREIGNTY" platform, at which point we spend years in negotiations and trade is subjected to tariffs.

The idea that we'd want to actively stop free trade with our closest neighbours in favour of trying to open up further ties with countries half way around the world that have other options for trade is a perverse one. Do you have any more information on how we are restricted with trading outside the EU currently? This seems to suggest that the 'we can do better outside' argument isn't a valid one.

With regarsds to the bogeyman of tariffs as we import more than we export with the eu wouldn't Britain gain money from tariffs (at least more than it loses)?

So it would be in the EUs interest to get tariffs as low as possible as fast as possible
Eg. if many areas we buy from now are at risk of being utterly screwed by climate change... which they are.

A lot of nations are... Fortunately for the most prominent ones, they can enact massive infrastructure projects to reduce the impact within a timeframe the west can only have wet dreams about.
Well the Brexit campaign has been focused on sending money to the EU and not getting representation in return, and doesn't like freedom of movement. So voting to leave and having to keep those in place to secure a trade deal would seem like a hollow victory.

Of course there's also the possibility that a free trade agreement is rejected by the post-Brexit government, having been put there on an anti-immigration / "ARE SOVEREIGNTY" platform, at which point we spend years in negotiations and trade is subjected to tariffs.

Seems like people who want to stay are making just as many unreliable projections as those who want to leave.

I've yet to actually see a legitimate unbiased representation in monetary terms of what we stand to lose if we leave the EU... I guess no one really knows.

But we can say for a fact it costs £250 million a week to remain in the EU and we most certainly don't get all that back. It's a mathemetical impossibility
Eg. if many areas we buy from now are at risk of being utterly screwed by climate change... which they are.

Or war, or getting arsey with trade, disease, famine, revolution, all sorts of reasons.

Being able to make s minimum amount kf food at homw is a safe bet and worth some wasted money
Seems like people who want to stay are making just as many unreliable projections as those who want to leave.

I've yet to actually see a legitimate unbiased representation in monetary terms of what we stand to lose if we leave the EU... I guess no one really knows.

But we can say for a fact it costs £250 million a week to remain in the EU and we most certainly don't get all that back. It's a mathemetical impossibility

How is it an unreliable projection to say that as no non-EU country has free trade with the EU without freedom of movement, it's not likely that the UK would be treated any differently? At least it's grounded in reality and based on the way things work currently.

Do you have anything that supports the idea of the UK retaining free trade with the EU without having to accept freedom of movement, other than politicians making promises on the campaign trail?
A lot of nations are... Fortunately for the most prominent ones, they can enact massive infrastructure projects to reduce the impact within a timeframe the west can only have wet dreams about.

I wonder if the old operation plough share plan to make a channel (maybe not eith nukes though) from the med to the Sahara and flood it asnits below sea level could be a stop gap measure for rising sea levels.

I mean making a new inland ocean in africa has goota buy us a few feet right?
Because their deals include the free movement of people. One of the big negatives of the EU for many people supportting Brexit... so they should know a Brexit followed by a deal like those countries currently have would mean a continuation of the thing they're support Brexit to end. So we'd be economically worse off and still have that 'uncontrolled migration'. To not have the free movement of people, I'd argue we'd need a worse deal than those two countries currently have (from a trading perspective).

Do you think Norway and Switzerland have the same bargaining power as we do?
Based on what? When was the last time one of the biggest contributers left?
Not having a precedent for leaving doesn't mean that any fantasy predictions are instantly deserving of the same sort of reverence as an example of how the exact thing we would be asking for is implemented already for other nations.

Giving us free trade without free movement would destroy the EU, it's not going to happen.
Do you think Norway and Switzerland have the same bargaining power as we do?

Well according to the Leavers, our '5th largest economy' and 'strong position' didn't get us anywhere when we negotiated that 'thin gruel' of a deal recently. So why do you think we'll do any better in the future?
I can't see the EU saying, 'oh cool, you're leaving. You don't want to pay in, or sign up to the less desirable stuff, but you want to cherry pick the best stuff from your perspective? Okay, here you go.' If they do that, other countries would look at their deal, then look at us, then be like, 'lol wtf m8? We just got rekt.' Then another major economy might choose to follow us out if they can just do that and get a better deal. Then the EU collapses. It's not about the EU spiting us just to spite us... it's that they can't give us a great deal without putting the whole shebang at risk. Obviously that's just my personal opinion, but feel free to explain why eg. Germany and France would be cool with us cherry picking the stuff we want and discarding the stuff we don't.

France? Well...
Do you think Norway and Switzerland have the same bargaining power as we do?

The Switzerland deal took nearly 25 years to make.

The EU has never made another deal like that again.

Both those countries have free movement of people as part of their deals.

The brexiteers don't want that deal.

They want what Peru and S. Korea have, single market access, completely forgetting that those countries are on another continent.

Any European country WILL have to join free movement of people if it want access to the single market.
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