Why do you think suddenly us leaving means we kick out all the cheap labour already available?
Why do you think we will have mass deportation of nationals who are already here?
Why do you think they would suddenly all leave and/or we would be unable to attract others?
Why do you fear London having a shock? Yes it will take a hit but everyone was saying back when we rejected the EU it would fail but it continue on.
Further import tariffs? You understand that the standard highest rate is 4%? It could be absorbed. Further if we adopted the New Zealand approach I would think you'd find that the EU doesn't place any up anyway... Not immediately as all 27 states need to agree... I mean come on America hasn't had a deal
ever why do we need one?
People need to stop being so short sighted and look a head. Do you want to apart of an EU with:
- Further fiscal union
- Higher budget costs
- EU Army compromises
- Higher migration we do not control
- Less democrate say as more countries Join
- Eventually joining the Euro (It will happen... See point 1)
- Contributing funds to prop up less affluent states
And many more... All the benefits we potentially lose which the remain side keep throwing already I think are false. Why can't Labour come in and say
"We would campaign to bring workers rights back if conservatives removed them"? Aren't they supposed to represent workers? Why don't we have the drive for our MPs to do their jobs?!
On green policy if the country cares so much about it then we can vote it in. Isn't our 2008 legislation more progressive than the EU's anyway?
When did our MPs lose all their fire? If the conservatives balls us up that much with no paid holidays as Corby is throwing about then he said he'd bring it back in isn't that politics at work?
Further you are misunderstanding the point I was making, or not reading the article from Woodford, in that Norway's policies have structured it in a way that company profits have shrunk so lifestyle hasn't where as most EU states it is the other way round. The oil cash reserves they have isn't as dramatic an impact as you would like to believe.