Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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4. More bail-outs - the last Greek bail out forced the UK to cough up £600m. How much will it be next time?

Er, £600 million? we spent over £100 BILLION bailing out UK banks since 2007.

No UK governments have shown any willingness to reign the city in. We're better off in the EU on that front:

[EU Financial Markets Commissioner Michel Barnier] said the package of banking reforms "enshrines in binding rules the principle of bail-in, so that shareholders and creditors pay for banks' mistakes, not taxpayers".

One thing that has consistently disappointed me is the short-termism of both camps. I want to know about the farther future.
They might not have said they were personally (because they are already voting Leave) but they are saying it will give a big boost to the Leave campaign, so they are saying plenty of people will be doing
Don't you think it will? For all Osbournes talk about brexit only affecting the poor downtrodden masses that he cares so much about, I think a lot of them quite possibly do read the rag and will do what they are told...
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You know, I have a counter-argument to that:


Murdoch reports what is good for Murdoch. Nobody else.
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And that is one of the biggest crimes. We should have let them go under because at some point they would have realised that their survival would have meant sticking their own hands into their own pockets, yet now we're in a situation where they know they can act with the same recklessness and they'll be bailed out.

Er, £600 million? we spent over £100 BILLION bailing out UK banks since 2007.

No UK governments have shown any willingness to reign the city in. We're better off in the EU on that front:
I just found it interesting when a lot of people have bashed Norway's model but in real terms they are better off than most EU states when it comes to lifestyle spending due to their different approach.

Uh, no. Due to their being a small population that discovered large oil deposits easily shipped to Eastern Europe.
Don't you think it will? For all Osbournes talk about brexit only affecting the poor downtrodden masses that he cares so much about, I think a lot of them quite possibly do read the rag and will do what they are told...

Yea, I'm agreeing with screech and arguing against boredjord
Why do you think suddenly us leaving means we kick out all the cheap labour already available?

Why do you think we will have mass deportation of nationals who are already here?

Why do you think they would suddenly all leave and/or we would be unable to attract others?

Why do you fear London having a shock? Yes it will take a hit but everyone was saying back when we rejected the EU it would fail but it continue on.

Further import tariffs? You understand that the standard highest rate is 4%? It could be absorbed. Further if we adopted the New Zealand approach I would think you'd find that the EU doesn't place any up anyway... Not immediately as all 27 states need to agree... I mean come on America hasn't had a deal ever why do we need one?

People need to stop being so short sighted and look a head. Do you want to apart of an EU with:
  1. Further fiscal union
  2. Higher budget costs
  3. EU Army compromises
  4. Higher migration we do not control
  5. Less democrate say as more countries Join
  6. Eventually joining the Euro (It will happen... See point 1)
  7. Contributing funds to prop up less affluent states
And many more... All the benefits we potentially lose which the remain side keep throwing already I think are false. Why can't Labour come in and say "We would campaign to bring workers rights back if conservatives removed them"? Aren't they supposed to represent workers? Why don't we have the drive for our MPs to do their jobs?!

On green policy if the country cares so much about it then we can vote it in. Isn't our 2008 legislation more progressive than the EU's anyway?

When did our MPs lose all their fire? If the conservatives balls us up that much with no paid holidays as Corby is throwing about then he said he'd bring it back in isn't that politics at work?

Further you are misunderstanding the point I was making, or not reading the article from Woodford, in that Norway's policies have structured it in a way that company profits have shrunk so lifestyle hasn't where as most EU states it is the other way round. The oil cash reserves they have isn't as dramatic an impact as you would like to believe.
i REALLY dislike the Sun and don't read it however them throwing their weight behind Leave is a massive boost - They haven't got an election wrong before.

They have got elections wrong before but not since the 70s. It's kind of ironic that an unelected foreigner has so much power in this referendum.
Why do you think suddenly us leaving means we kick out all the cheap labour already available?

Because most of our cheap foreign labour prefers countries where they can easily come to work without too much paperwork and easily transfer money home as needed - either to support families back there or to take with them when they go. I read articles in foreign websites like that Romanian one that says most of the 160,000 Romanians working in the UK will simply pick other European countries to work in.

Why do you think we will have mass deportation of nationals who are already here?

Never said such a thing. If we leave the EU then we become a lot less appealing to them.

Why do you think they would suddenly all leave and/or we would be unable to attract others?

Oh, I can't imagine why free travel and confidence in my right to work in a country would make it more preferable to another that doesn't have these things and has just voiced internationally that it doesn't want to be part of the European community that I belong to.

Why do you fear London having a shock? Yes it will take a hit but everyone was saying back when we rejected the EU it would fail but it continue on.

There are plenty of places that like to snap at London's financial heels. Dubai, Berlin and others. London brings in a lot of money as a financial centre which is why the UK government always bends over backwards to please The City. Leaving the EU is obviously going to be a shock. You don't even deny that.

Further import tariffs? You understand that the standard highest rate is 4%? It could be absorbed. Further if we adopted the New Zealand approach I would think you'd find that the EU doesn't place any up anyway... Not immediately as all 27 states need to agree... I mean come on America hasn't had a deal ever why do we need one?

We are not America. Nor are we New Zealand. The gross differences between us and either of these countries do not need spelling out.

As to the list you posted, most has been debated here ad nauseum so I'm just going to pick out the one I care to reply to:

Contributing funds to prop up less affluent states

Yes, I am okay with the rich helping out the poor to a reasonable extent. It's sometimes the right thing to do and it's usually good long term sense as they become trade partners. I know good people in Greece, for example - smart, educated hard-working, who have lost jobs as teachers or are expected to work on salaries that wont even cover a cheap rent because the government can't afford to pay them. Last time I took a taxi in Athens, the driver couldn't even afford to repair their car and we barely made it to the air port because the hand-brake kept slipping and sticking. So yes, I'm okay with a rich country helping out a poor country.
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So now the top two most widely read newspapers in the UK are backing the Leave campaign. That's a *LOT* of potential press coverage for the remainder of the run up to the referendum.

Eh, these have been backing Brexit for a lot longer than we've known when the date of the referendum will be. I don't think their formal statement of a well known fact is fogged to make much difference.

Also, it rather puts the lie to Brexiters claim to be against the establishment doesn't it?
So in essence we interpret how the markets will react quite differently.

Your prime fear appears to be that many EU members will react emotively rather than pragmatically and will simply leave even if the work is still there. Interesting.
Eh, these have been backing Brexit for a lot longer than we've known when the date of the referendum will be. I don't think their formal statement of a well known fact is fogged to make much difference.

Also, it rather puts the lie to Brexiters claim to be against the establishment doesn't it?

Not sure what you mean about those wanting to leave the EU being "anti establishment"? It's not something I had considered, and upon doing so I can't see the link. I am very anti the EU, but consider myself very pro the establishment, in general.
Germany have just gone negative re interest rates, this pretty much means the market don't think the ecb's attempt at quantitative easing is going to work, trouble and strife ahead in the eu.
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