Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Do people think Murdoch has that much power? Or is it just illusory. Sure he has a loud megaphone to shout his opinions but I would suggest rather than lead opinions he follows them. By reflecting his readerships views he ensures he isn't at odds with them rather than trying to direct their views for his own, as yet unidentified purposes.

He supported New Labour when it became clear that their time was due and dumped them when it was clear they were done I don't think this changed opinion merely reflected it. Papers that fail to reflect their readers biases suffer, the Daily telegraph has lost circulation at the time it has set it's editorial slant at odds with its readership. The Sun is just avoiding this surely?

I think that's largely true, but what the papers write can also have an influence on the way people vote e.g. that photo of Ed Milliband eating a bacon sandwich certainly increased the mockery of him. To what extent this caused him to lose the election is debatable though.

I also get a sense in this campaign that senior politicians are starting to understand that they do not lead the British people - they can only represent them.
They may be overblown, but on the other hand I reckon:
a) most people don't plan more than a few years ahead or feel they have any control
b) the margins of error are (often) smaller in short term vs long term. Though people still choose to present and interpret the facts in their own way.
Totally agree with you Bantu.

We all make the best decision we can with our individual understanding and interpretation of the information.
He supported New Labour when it became clear that their time was due and dumped them when it was clear they were done I don't think this changed opinion merely reflected it. Papers that fail to reflect their readers biases suffer, the Daily telegraph has lost circulation at the time it has set it's editorial slant at odds with its readership. The Sun is just avoiding this surely?

I'm not so sure. Tony Blair put in a lot of effort to court Rupert Murdoch and allegedly did some very dodgy things to keep his support.

Murdoch is clearly not going to come out in support of someone like Corbyn, even if Corbyn did make a concerted effort to win his affections. On a matter that's more of a coin-toss like the EU referendum, Murdoch has more room to manoeuvre.
Good timing: -

European court backs UK curbs on child benefit rights

This is what gets me about "Project Europe", is that we need to have the European Court of Justice to rule on decision made by our government.

A challenge to the UK's right to deny some EU migrants child benefit and child tax credits has been rejected by European judges.

The European Court of Justice said it was lawful for the UK to withhold family benefits to EU migrants who were not working if they did not have the right to reside in the UK.

It said it was justified on the basis of "protecting" a state's finances.

The ruling was welcomed by the government and EU remain campaigners.

But Vote Leave said it was "absurd that the UK had to run every nut and bolt of domestic policy" past a court in Luxembourg and engage in "lengthy and expensive" legal battles.

Must be a welcome relief to the Remain camp, considering its timing.
So in essence we interpret how the markets will react quite differently.

Your prime fear appears to be that many EU members will react emotively rather than pragmatically and will simply leave even if the work is still there. Interesting.

I don't see how you got any of that from my post.
If the UK leaves the EU are the the supporters of the leave nutters willing to take on the full cost of leaving the EU. Why should I have to pay for something that I did not want. Leavers should fully pay for economic cost of leaving. You are completely bonkers to think that leaving will not have a serious impact on the UK economy.
If the UK leaves the EU are the the supporters of the leave nutters willing to take on the full cost of leaving the EU. Why should I have to pay for something that I did not want. Leavers should fully pay for economic cost of leaving. You are completely bonkers to think that leaving will not have a serious impact on the UK economy.

Maybe - if all the 180,000 EU immigrants can be registered at your GP's surgery every year.
Do people think Murdoch has that much power? Or is it just illusory. Sure he has a loud megaphone to shout his opinions but I would suggest rather than lead opinions he follows them. By reflecting his readerships views he ensures he isn't at odds with them rather than trying to direct their views for his own, as yet unidentified purposes.

He supported New Labour when it became clear that their time was due and dumped them when it was clear they were done I don't think this changed opinion merely reflected it. Papers that fail to reflect their readers biases suffer, the Daily telegraph has lost circulation at the time it has set it's editorial slant at odds with its readership. The Sun is just avoiding this surely?

The hypothesis is plausible but I think the facts don't support it. Tony Blair, Rebecca Brookes, Rupert Murdoch - those three were, and I don't think I've ever used this expression quite so emotively, thick as thieves. Rupert Murdoch certainly was doing his best to sway the British public with his paper to vote in Cameron (see that image I posted above for an example) and I'm not sure your average Sun reader really benefits greatly from the Tory party ethos. If you read Private Eye or otherwise follow the media closely, you'll see Murdoch very actively supports whichever politicians are cutting the right deals with him (usually ones involved in curtailing the BBC).
If the UK leaves the EU are the the supporters of the leave nutters willing to take on the full cost of leaving the EU. Why should I have to pay for something that I did not want. Leavers should fully pay for economic cost of leaving. You are completely bonkers to think that leaving will not have a serious impact on the UK economy.


Made my afternoon, Thanks needed cheering up :)
I read articles in foreign websites like that Romanian one that says most of the 160,000 Romanians working in the UK will simply pick other European countries to work in.

I don't see how you got any of that from my post.
I meant to say EU workers so I may have confused you a little... Ha. If you understood the context and ignore the typing error:-

You seem to believe that they would leave and/or not come the UK to work due to emotive drivers as pragmatically we pay extremely well in comparison to most parts of the EU and unless we bring in draconian checks the additional paperwork will be worth the effort of those seeking work. If there were any added.

If it is not an emotive and you few it as a pragmatic I don't think you're taking into account simple supply and demand factors on markets or the size of our economy in comparison to the rest of the EU.
Do people think Murdoch has that much power? Or is it just illusory. Sure he has a loud megaphone to shout his opinions but I would suggest rather than lead opinions he follows them. By reflecting his readerships views he ensures he isn't at odds with them rather than trying to direct their views for his own, as yet unidentified purposes.

He supported New Labour when it became clear that their time was due and dumped them when it was clear they were done I don't think this changed opinion merely reflected it. Papers that fail to reflect their readers biases suffer, the Daily telegraph has lost circulation at the time it has set it's editorial slant at odds with its readership. The Sun is just avoiding this surely?

Murdoch media is certainly influential, but they also follow public opinion very closely - its the best thing to do for their circulation. The sun has backed the winning side every time since 1979, there is no way thats solely due to its influence on its readers.
If the UK leaves the EU are the the supporters of the leave nutters willing to take on the full cost of leaving the EU. Why should I have to pay for something that I did not want. Leavers should fully pay for economic cost of leaving. You are completely bonkers to think that leaving will not have a serious impact on the UK economy.

Interesting you say that. UK borrowing costs (Gilt yields) have tumbled over the past few days given a Brexit is looking far more likely, and are pretty much at record lows. So actually the UK is saving money as we speak because of the increased liklihood of Brexit. They should spend all that deporting Cameron, although I'd feel sorry for wherever he ended up.
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