Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Fair enough and maybe it's a biased media that has led me to believe otherwise. I almost don't think it matters... the majority of the population gets its news via "traditional" media houses. The EU as a whole has never done a good enough job to advertise itself through these and convince the outlets to cover them in sufficient depth. It is failing to give the people enough information.

These are just my opinions as someone who is still firmly on the fence in this vote.

I agree with this. I don't think it's entirely the EU's fault in not advertising itself either though. Anything you read or watch is given a bias depending on the organisation that is reporting it - no matter how much information is presented. We sorely lack information that is both accurate and accessible.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't legislation created by the EU Commission, who are all un-elected and arguably open to being lobbied, where the EU Parliament reviews said legislation but is unable to modify it?

So our Lords and Parliament in reverse?

The European Council (made up the heads of state/government of the EU members) propose a candidate for Commission President. The EU Parliament votes on that candidate. Each state nominates a commissioner (which the president cannot force them to change, although the more they agree the more likely that commissioner will get a good portfolio, like in the cabinet). The Parliament then has to vote to approve the whole Commission. The Parliament can also dissolve the Commission if it passes a vote of no confidence.

The Commission originates legislation, but the Parliament can request the Commission to produce a legislative proposal. The Parliament is fully capable and permitted to amend the legislative proposals that come from the Commission.
Well, I was offered a job in Germany this morning. Gotta use those free movement rights while we've still got them!
Got an e-mail from work today about the EU referendum. It wasn't an attempt to influence our voting but to clarify what might happen in the result of a leave result. We have offices all over Europe and people regularly move between them. Apparently people are worried that those opportunities would be curtailed. The e-mail reassured people that nothing would probably happen for the first two years even if we do leave.
Well, I was offered a job in Germany this morning. Gotta use those free movement rights while we've still got them!


I got offered a job in the US last year, didn't take it in the end but didn't need a political union to go work over there. ;)
Wonder what the cost of leaving will be on local services, community projects and local councils. Current government are certainly not going to make up the funding.
There is a wave of refugees at the moment from the conflict areas for which the UK and US are the main culprits. There is also people from countries badly hit by the Crash and people who would normally try to go to different countries to improve their lot. The greatest mass movement since the last War. A lot of focus on Europe but Lebanon and Jordon, both poorer countries, have catered for hundreds of thousands of these people years before it became an issue in Europe and Europe did little to help. Perhaps if we had done more earlier to help Jordan and Lebanon some of these people would not now be in Europe.
Originally Posted by scorza View Post
Maybe - if all the 180,000 EU immigrants can be registered at your GP's surgery every year.

I got quoted 18 days the last time I tried to get a GP appointment...

And were all those days filled up by EU immigrants? I'd guess on average they were probably ~2 a day. Most of those EU migrants are in their most productive age and don't really require that much care.

Problem with services like GP is mostly down to government not investing and improving them to suit demand of increasing and aging population.
Daniel Hannan just tweeted that Juncker is coming to Britain to campaign for Remain. :D

Excellent news. I hope he re-affirms some of his best quotes:

President Juncker said:
  • "I'm ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious ... I am for secret, dark debates"
  • "When it becomes serious, you have to lie.
  • “Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”
  • "We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."
There is a wave of refugees at the moment from the conflict areas for which the UK and US are the main culprits. There is also people from countries badly hit by the Crash and people who would normally try to go to different countries to improve their lot. The greatest mass movement since the last War. A lot of focus on Europe but Lebanon and Jordon, both poorer countries, have catered for hundreds of thousands of these people years before it became an issue in Europe and Europe did little to help. Perhaps if we had done more earlier to help Jordan and Lebanon some of these people would not now be in Europe.

The UK has sent some a significant slice of the foreign aid budget (0.7% of GNI - I believe we're the only EU country to meet that target) supporting refugee camps run by the UN in Jordan and Lebanon.
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