Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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Please do come to the UK Juncker. I'm desperate to hear about how I can't vote you and your cronies out in the completely undemocratic system. He is only going to seal the inevitable leave vote.
Yes. Priti Patel (Minister of State for Employment and member of the Leave campaign) said the following during a speech to the Institute of Directors:

"If we could just halve the burdens of the EU social and employment legislation we could deliver a £4.3 billion boost to our economy and 60,000 new jobs."

If we could just halve the burden of the minimum wage then we could double the amount of people working in minimum wage positions and really boost shareholder value.
Please do come to the UK Juncker. I'm desperate to hear about how I can't vote you and your cronies out in the completely undemocratic system. He is only going to seal the inevitable leave vote.
Funny thing is the remain side seem to envision and paint the picture of some tragic injustice that the EU is going to be voted away by people they consider uninformed and 'poor' people who simply want to be anti-establishment and whatnot and then you remember the truth. The truth that this is the ironic conclusion of the EU hiding it's politics out of view, by shifting the political spectrum away from local politics to behind the scenes and cultural shifts that we were very rarely aware of happening. They have put themselves into the position of distrust and it's not anti establishment votes but rather a complete failure of the EU to be visible, understood and trusted by the local people. It's there failure and lack of respect for public and local country laws that has eroded the trust in them and led junckers words to be poison to the people.

Juncker is going to come and people like Hariett harman won't remember who he is :p It's hilarious that even the politicans don't all know who the EU leaders / darkness lurkers are. The EU has failed to be accountable, transparent and visible democratically so if the public turns against them then they only have themselves to blame because very few can trust that kind of organisation or fully understands what they are doing for us or doing against us. Even myself ignoring the conspiracy theories of evil intent still acknowledge there forced and politically motivated ideologies that are pressed too heavily against publics that simply want to manage things realistically. Control immigration? Nope. Control your own laws? Nope. Control your trade agreemants with other countries until we set our own? Nope. Control your citizens rights and working policies? Nope. So the only ones who like that system are the ones who trust it but how many people honestly trust a bunch of beurocrats that hide in other countries, refuse to stop the encroaching controls and now give us ever bleaker outlooks on our ability to get out as time progresses? The words of Juncker don't matter, few trust or care about the man because he is not visible half the time. He's no leader in the publics eye, he's just a gibbering beurocrat that wants the world his way from top to bottom.

Oh well, maybe they can roll out a few more things like the citizen's initiative to look like they care what the people think (yet never act on it) while they try and politically tighten there grip. It really gets me, I'm no political genius but even I can think of things like allowing trade agreemants to be done locally until the EU negotiates one wholesale for the entire union. If they wasn't busy trying to force agenda's they could have been benefitting us with these smarter political decisions much sooner and made themselves more impressive, less controlling and worth keeping.
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Indeed, Juncker is the personification of the fundamental issues of the EU.

Should be worth another couple % towards the leave campaign him turning up and lecturing us.
I actually think if the other 27 member states hadn't humiliated Cameron in 2014 when he was desperately trying to stop Juncker become EC President then a lot of Leavers probably would be voting to stay in.
If true then that's it. Leave will win.

I just saw the Leave campaign's NHS propaganda broadcast on BBC1. It reminded me of the propaganda in Children of Men. The ones with "Britain stands alone".

Frightening to me anyway.
I actually think if the other 27 member states hadn't humiliated Cameron in 2014 when he was desperately trying to stop Juncker become EC President then a lot of Leavers probably would be voting to stay in.

DC's abject failure to win any political battle with Brussels is responsible for a good chunk of the swing voters I agree.
The four fundamental freedoms of the EU are the free movement of goods, capital, services and people. It's going to be a very hard sell to get the kind of deal we need with one of those excluded.

The USA has access to the single market. Sells goods and services there. Something tells me that the UK could too.
People can go back and forth about the economy - truth is no-one really knows.

But, on immigration, federalisation, and democracy, there's no argument.

1. Can't control EU immigration.

2. We're part of a federalist project, and I can't think of anyone who wants to be part of a single EU state.

3. Our democracy is disappearing.

I agree.

The late Tony Benn highlighted the EU's lack of democratic accountability. He said the following:

"When I saw how the European Union was developing, it was very obvious that what they had in mind was not democratic. I mean, in Britain you vote for the government and therefore the government has to listen to you, and if you don’t like it you can change it. But in Europe all the key positions are appointed, not elected – the Commission, for example. All appointed, not one of them elected.

[..] And my view about the European Union has always been not that I am hostile to foreigners, but that I am in favour of democracy. And I think out of this story we have to find an answer, because I certainly don’t want to live in hostility to the European Union but I think they are building an empire there and they want us to be a part of that empire, and I don’t want that."


It does not matter if you are to the Left or Right, vote Leave if you value democratic accountability and democracy itself.
Tony Benn was spot on.

I'm disappointed that Lexit the movie (the left wing case for Brexit) is still not out. I donated to it too!!
I agree.

The late Tony Benn highlighted the EU's lack of democratic accountability. He said the following:

"When I saw how the European Union was developing, it was very obvious that what they had in mind was not democratic. I mean, in Britain you vote for the government and therefore the government has to listen to you, and if you don’t like it you can change it. But in Europe all the key positions are appointed, not elected – the Commission, for example. All appointed, not one of them elected.

That's not true though, the EU Parliament has to elect the commission, and they've refused in the past, in 2004 the Parliament objected to Barroso's commission and he had to change it. In 1999 Parliament forced the whole commission to resign after a fraud scandal.
The EU Parliament, as a wholly elected body, has a lot more power than people think, maybe if we sent fewer UKIP candidates who refuse to engage we'd see that.
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