Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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What I don't understand is that surely there will be a long transition period as we exit the EU and prepare trade deals and firm up our laws etc.

So other than the initial shock on the 24th I don't understand how the doom and gloom economy stuff can be true. If we are economically worse off outside of the EU then it will be a slow drip drip downward effect almost impossible to predict.
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Yes - to put it simply the government - or Parliament to be specific - can vote to repeal any law currently in effect. However given that 57 Tory MPs have just said that an emergency budget as threatened by Osborne, would be "untenable", it looks unlikely that he can do that. The number 57 is significant as well, as it is above the threshold that can trigger a vote of no confidence in the leader of the Conservative party.

Interesting, thanks.
Some pretty eye watering claims really.

Cuts to the police and NHS, a sure fire way to raise an eyebrow with the public.

What he isn't telling us is, that if we leave the EU, we would would save about £8.5 billion thus almost of third of the deficit he is claiming would be wiped out anyway.

Surely Osborne hasn't got his numbers wrong, again?
It's really just another way of talking about the same numbers previously discussed, the modeling from the OBR, the treasury, and many, many more reliable and independent experts all agree that Brexit would create a serious home in the budget, likely of around £30 billion. That will have a real impact on the national finances.
Some pretty eye watering claims really.

Cuts to the police and NHS, a sure fire way to raise an eyebrow with the public.

What he isn't telling us is, that if we leave the EU, we would would save about £8.5 billion thus almost of third of the deficit he is claiming would be wiped out anyway.

Surely Osborne hasn't got his numbers wrong, again?

Just the same as claiming we'd save billions by leaving and not mentioning any costs associated with that really. Just as bad as each other - doesn't make it acceptable though.
Put this into the context of Cameron though, he was prepared to campaign for leave if he didn't get what he wanted when he negotiated.

He wanted to limit immigration but now doing that would harm the economy.

A vote to leave risks peace, but he would have campaigned to leave.

Leaving will wreck the economy but he he would have campaigned to leave.

Cameron and Osborne's position is utterly ridiculous.

On one hand they want you to believe they would have campaigned to leave whilst simultaneously saying that leaving will ruin the nation.
What he isn't telling us is, that if we leave the EU, we would would save about £8.5 billion thus almost of third of the deficit he is claiming would be wiped out anyway.

No, this is incorrect, the £30 billion budget hole figure includes any saving from the money currently being sent to the EU. Which wouldn't be £8.5bn anyway because, while that is the correct net figure, it ignores the fact that the EU performs a host of regulatory functions with that money and so we'd need to spend to replace its functions if we left.
European army to help protect us, more efficient vacum cleaners..it's all very scary stuff.

We are going be to leave and our ability to control immigration won't really be any better. We will have thrown away all the benefits of the EU and there will be no going back.
Cameron and Osborne's position is utterly ridiculous.

Yup. This whole mess is down to their ineptitude. They completely undermined their own position before they even started. It's quite depressing having to "share" a side with these numpties.
Yup. This whole mess is down to their ineptitude. They completely undermined their own position before they even started. It's quite depressing having to "share" a side with these numpties.

I concur. But then, I consider the people supporting the opposite 'side' and feel a little better :p
European army to help protect us, more efficient vacum cleaners..it's all very scary stuff.

We are going be to leave and our ability to control immigration won't really be any better. We will have thrown away all the benefits of the EU and there will be no going back.

More efficient vacuum cleaners is scary?

There will be no EU Army unless all 28 member states agree to see, Article 42 addresses this.
I'm finding it difficult to believe any of the more prominent politicians in this debate. I still haven't changed my mind that the UK cannot stand alone. We have lost so much capability over the years, focusing too much on services and too little on manufacturing etc. We rely on imports and won't be helped by being isolated. We own very little of our infrastructure a lot of it run by EU based companies.
Why would any EU country buy anything from us if we leave. France would definitely stop buying our meat, Germany our beer.
The EU isn't perfect but how can you have perfect leadership with so many trying to agree anything.
I don't have an answer to which governmental system works, I could do better I am sure but who would want a dictatorship.
As for border control not being allowed in the EU, what is happening in French ports? What will happen if France decide to stop helping us at their border?
You do realise that German trade, for instance, with the UK is around 40 billion euros in their favour? In the unlikely event every German decided to stop buying British goods(and vice versa) who do you think the loser would be?
Perhaps instead of jumping straight on to the tax increase button he should think about not introducing further tax cuts for the 40% tax band (myself included). Maybe increasing the higher rate back up for the really well paid. Sorry I forgot I'm talking about the Tory's there for a second.
I'm a firm Remain voter and am personally terrified at the prospect of "Brexit"

Firstly, my job involves me travelling all over the EU, around 8-10 days a month, this will be considerably more complicated, expensive, and makes my role less secure (why would they pay me, when they could get someone within the EU to do my job without the need for visas?)

Secondly, the thought of Boris, IDS, Gove and Priti Patel having free reign once they kick out Cameron doesn't bear thinking about.

In short, enjoy the NHS and social care now, it won't exist by the time those ******** have finished with it
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