Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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You do realise that German trade, for instance, with the UK is around 40 billion euros in their favour? In the unlikely event every German decided to stop buying British goods(and vice versa) who do you think the loser would be?

Plus the French want their own referendum anyway...
I'm a firm Remain voter and am personally terrified at the prospect of "Brexit"

Firstly, my job involves me travelling all over the EU, around 8-10 days a month, this will be considerably more complicated, expensive, and makes my role less secure (why would they pay me, when they could get someone within the EU to do my job without the need for visas?)

I really can't see that there won't be visa-free travel to the EU for UK passport holders post-Brexit. I don't think you need to worry about this as long as you're travelling for business and not work.
You do realise that German trade, for instance, with the UK is around 40 billion euros in their favour? In the unlikely event every German decided to stop buying British goods(and vice versa) who do you think the loser would be?
We export 13% of our goods to the EU and Germany exports just 3% of theirs to us - who do you think is going to be the loser on that?
I really can't see that there won't be visa-free travel to the EU for UK passport holders post-Brexit. I don't think you need to worry about this as long as you're travelling for business and not work.

But there is no guarantee is there? I guess it will be a mutual agreement, EU citizens get the same treatment here, but that seemed to be a cornerstone of Leave, they don't want any of those johnny foreigners coming over here!

At the moment it doesn't matter what I travel for, I just go. I am employed by the UK part of the company I work for, as such it's mainly business meetings I travel for.

It does close a lot of doors internally for transfers within EU countries for other jobs within the organisation though.
Put this into the context of Cameron though, he was prepared to campaign for leave if he didn't get what he wanted when he negotiated.

He wanted to limit immigration but now doing that would harm the economy.

A vote to leave risks peace, but he would have campaigned to leave.

Leaving will wreck the economy but he he would have campaigned to leave.

Cameron and Osborne's position is utterly ridiculous.

On one hand they want you to believe they would have campaigned to leave whilst simultaneously saying that leaving will ruin the nation.

I'm going to get my tin hat on for this one, and say that how do we not know this isn't just some clever strategy from the tories to make the cuts they have always wanted to do, but knew they would never get away with?

Just think, the resignation of IDS, Boris Johnson's last minute change of heart from pro remain to pro Brexit, the financing and suppprt for vote leave over grassroots out, all part of a clever strategy to fool the British public into giving them MORE power, but not necessarily for the reasons we as the public are led to believe and reap the benefits of...

Therefore, the best vote you could make is to remain rather than to leave...;) :p
But there is no guarantee is there? I guess it will be a mutual agreement, EU citizens get the same treatment here, but that seemed to be a cornerstone of Leave, they don't want any of those johnny foreigners coming over here!

At the moment it doesn't matter what I travel for, I just go. I am employed by the UK part of the company I work for, as such it's mainly business meetings I travel for.

It does close a lot of doors internally for transfers within EU countries for other jobs within the organisation though.

Nothing in life is guaranteed. Agree there will be some sort of reciprocal arrangement for visa-free travel to the UK for EU citizens. The Leave campaigns just want to control immigration - not stop it.
We export 13% of our goods to the EU and Germany exports just 3% of theirs to us - who do you think is going to be the loser on that?

Actually my figure was a bit out, it should have been 51 billion on 2015 figures.

If only 51 billion euros translated into actual German jobs, industries, and voters we might reach a answer - we are their second most profitable export market after the United States which is net 54 billion in their favour.

So German politicians would be as enthusiastic about a trade war with the UK as they would be with the US, both would be bad business, bad judgement, and bad for the German people - who also vote.
You do realise that German trade, for instance, with the UK is around 40 billion euros in their favour? In the unlikely event every German decided to stop buying British goods(and vice versa) who do you think the loser would be?

We export 13% of our goods to the EU and Germany exports just 3% of theirs to us - who do you think is going to be the loser on that?

My point exactly, which numbers from which people can you trust. There is too much being focused on one issue at a time there will always be a reverse argument available for every situation. How can we expect to do well globally if we are not prepared to help locally. We shouldn't run away we should fight harder for our position in the world.
Put this into the context of Cameron though, he was prepared to campaign for leave if he didn't get what he wanted when he negotiated.

He wanted to limit immigration but now doing that would harm the economy.

A vote to leave risks peace, but he would have campaigned to leave.

Leaving will wreck the economy but he he would have campaigned to leave.

Cameron and Osborne's position is utterly ridiculous.

On one hand they want you to believe they would have campaigned to leave whilst simultaneously saying that leaving will ruin the nation.

Or he was bluffing? He got what most considered worthless and still campaigned for remain and claiming it was a good deal.

I'm going to get my tin hat on for this one, and say that how do we not know this isn't just some clever strategy from the tories to make the cuts they have always wanted to do, but knew they would never get away with?

Just think, the resignation of IDS, Boris Johnson's last minute change of heart from pro remain to pro Brexit, the financing and suppprt for vote leave over grassroots out, all part of a clever strategy to fool the British public into giving them MORE power, but not necessarily for the reasons we as the public are led to believe and reap the benefits of...

Therefore, the best vote you could make is to remain rather than to leave...;) :p

Unless labour decides to support massive cuts and tax increases then the conservatives will not have the majority to approve the budget. It is also likely their political career would be seriously dented if they push for it so soon after the referendum. The focus would be better served in making any exit as smooth and in the UK's best interest then punishing the electorate.
We export 13% of our goods to the EU and Germany exports just 3% of theirs to us - who do you think is going to be the loser on that?

Nice apples and oranges comparison there ;) To answer your question though, they would lose and we would lose. Which is why it won't happen.
It beggars belief that so many people on this poll are apparently voting to be ruled by a largely unelected group of people in Brussels over whom we have virtually no control.

We need to take back our Sovereignty. Do you think The USA would vote to be governerned by a small group of people in Bolivia (or somewhere)? No. They fought the War of Independence to gain their freedom.

Sadly the people voting 'Remain' seem to hold freedom/sovereignty cheap. Some might call them traitors.

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Unless labour decides to support massive cuts and tax increases then the conservatives will not have the majority to approve the budget. It is also likely their political career would be seriously dented if they push for it so soon after the referendum. The focus would be better served in making any exit as smooth and in the UK's best interest then punishing the electorate.

You would think, but then when you have the like of Lord Alistair Darling supporting Osborne in saying that there would be economic shock and post-brexit cuts, it does make you wonder what Labour's stance would be post-Brexit.
It beggars belief that so many people on this poll are apparently voting to be ruled by a largely unelected group of people in Brussels over whom we have virtually no control.


You do realise that the House of Lords is unelected, right?

With more than 800 members, the House of Lords is only second to China’s National People’s Congress in size and is about as undemocratic: unique in Europe, its members can revise and amend the laws of the land without anyone actually being elected. It is, in short, an affront to the basic democratic principle that those who make the laws of the land should be elected by those who obey the laws of the land.

Yet this obvious inconsistency appears to have escaped Lord Lawson et al when they berate the EU as “profoundly undemocratic”. I find what they do every day in the House of Lords profoundly undemocratic too.

You do realise that the House of Lords is unelected, right?


How is that relevant? We elect the lower house and most of the Lords are appointed by those we have elected. We will be a Sovereign country if we leave the EU system.

Are you really saying you prefer to be ruled by people in Brussels? Because that's what a vote to remain means. That is the question. You don't vote to remain because we have a House of Lords. You are voting to remain because you have deliberately chosen to vote to be ruled by foreign people outside this country. The only real issue of the referendum is sovereignty.

As I said, some might call people who vote remain Traitors. They are deliberately taking action to permit their country to be ruled by Foreign people who reside in another country (and who most on this forum could not even name).

Permitting unrestrained immigration, as Blair/Camoron have done might also be called traitorous activity.
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