Poll: The EU Referendum: How Will You Vote? (June Poll)

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

  • Remain a member of the European Union

    Votes: 794 45.1%
  • Leave the European Union

    Votes: 965 54.9%

  • Total voters
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I see Geldof's on QT tomorrow. Hopefully that's another few thousand leave votes in the bag.

Cameron has a tough act to follow on Sunday. Thought Gove did very well indeed. Always kept his cool against some obnoxious questioners, answered questions succinctly and with reasoned arguments, shut DD up when questioned about his father and delivered an excellent closing salvo. I can see why vote leave have put him up for all these. Easily the most polished performer by far.
I see Geldof's on QT tomorrow. Hopefully that's another few thousand leave votes in the bag.

Cameron has a tough act to follow on Sunday. Thought Gove did very well indeed. Always kept his cool against some obnoxious questioners, answered questions succinctly and with reasoned arguments, shut DD up when questioned about his father and delivered an excellent closing salvo. I can see why vote leave have put him up for all these. Easily the most polished performer by far.

Do you have a link for goves showing?
On BBC R4 yesterday, one of the politicians supporting the Leave campaign, said the obvious to reply to the scaremonger for the Remain, who said it will take a decade to make a free trade agreement with EU, like Canada.

She pointed out that, that we have already implemented EU regulation to everything is this country. From sausages to cars. We ain't going to change all these on Friday 24th, to start the negotiations from zero the day after as Canada, South Korea or US have done. Because the negotiations with them took, take, time because they had to agree on regulation to implement to their goods standards.

And all that madness should stop, because they take the populace of this country for stupid.

I'm not sure it's as clear cut as that. Can we claim adherence to EU standards whilst not being part of or having an active trade deal with the governing body?

It's a formality and I suppose a legality for many companies to ensure compliance in various markets. It would be misleading to say "well technically we are adhering to these EU standards and regulations but we can't officially say that because we aren't part of the EU"

Any trade negotiations with the EU post exit would reinstate that privilege I'd imagine but until then could we claim continued compliance? I don't know. I do know that standards and regulations are a significant concern to quite a few companies in different industries though - particular US based companies that use the UK as a gateway into the EU.
Every time the leave campaign has suggested a deal could be negotiated with the EU on free movement, remainers have generally dismissed it as laughable.

Yet over the last week both the Tories and Labour are saying 'reform' of free movement is needed if we stay in....double standards anyone?

'But IN we have a voice' I hear remainers saying. Cameron tried to get reform on the basis of us potentially quitting, he failed and is now threatening us with armageddon. The EU won't change unless the people speak up.
Fuel will go up if we leave, might settle after a bit might not.

My scepticism says that if we do leave out of spite Osborne will hike many tax's etc purely because he can and then blame it on the fact we have left the EU even if in reality those hikes didn't need to take place.

Basically we're screwed whichever way we vote and have to except we'll always have a bunch of nutters with their own agendas running the country. At least that is how it feels to me.
My scepticism says that if we do leave out of spite Osborne will hike many tax's etc purely because he can and then blame it on the fact we have left the EU even if in reality those hikes didn't need to take place.

Basically we're screwed whichever way we vote and have to except we'll always have a bunch of nutters with their own agendas running the country. At least that is how it feels to me.

He can't. he has to get any budget through parliament. At the last count I think it was 65 tory MP's said they wouldn't vote any post brexit emergency budget through and neither would labour.
It's about not having double standards. Everyone playing by the same rules. Everyone accepting the same thing.

Remainers keep biggging up one of the reason we don't need to leave is because we have our current opt opts like Schengen and the WTD or how we aren't part of the Euro. We also have an opt out on the 'Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union' as do Poland who were granted it on the grounds implementing it might make the poor Polish government treat gay people the same as heterosexuals (oh the humanity).

Yet when it comes to free movement, suddenly everyone has to play by the same rules. Opt outs or special arrangements no longer exist in the EU?
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My scepticism says that if we do leave out of spite Osborne will hike many tax's etc purely because he can and then blame it on the fact we have left the EU even if in reality those hikes didn't need to take place.

It won't ever happen. 65 MPs have said they would vote against it. And that's last thing Cameron wants.
Just another scare tactic.
Can someone please confirm my understanding of european legislation implementation.

Legislation is brought before rhe european parliament where elected officials from their respective countries vote on its passing.

If passed, legislation is passed to national governments where further elected officials vote it into force or not?

If so, whats all this 'laws made by unelected european beaurocrats' campaigning by leave? Not to mention ukip have the lowest voting at european level hence self fulfilling their claim?

Would love to see Gove and Hannan taking on whoever from leave in a debate in the next week or so.

Hannan needs to be deployed as much as possible in the following week - he's by far the most eloquent, rational voice that Leave has.

Like I said before, sod BoJo, I'd rather see Hannan in charge although sadly, I doubt he'd want the job.
Thank God Gove did the Question time special last night and not Boris. Boris was one of the worst things to happened to the leave campaign IMO.

Still undecided but leaning towards leave a bit more again. For remain the main argument seems to be economic and then just fluff about working together and not turning our back on "Europe". I feel leave just have not tackled the political union issue properly and they have not done a good job of explaining the non economic benefits of the EU very well.
Can someone please confirm my understanding of european legislation implementation.

Legislation is brought before rhe european parliament where elected officials from their respective countries vote on its passing.

If passed, legislation is passed to national governments where further elected officials vote it into force or not?

If so, whats all this 'laws made by unelected european beaurocrats' campaigning by leave? Not to mention ukip have the lowest voting at european level hence self fulfilling their claim?

You're talking about regulations, that have to be implemented at the local level.

Directives come into force straight away - definition from Google is "an official or authoritative instruction."Nice.
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